Chapter 4

Genie is so excited with the huge amount of money she's received, 350000frs for just one performance. The manager seems to have developed a liking for Genie. Genie's star is shining so bright, and this attracts both negative and positive energy. She has countless admirers among coworkers and fans, as well as jealous-minded haters.

“Did you see the way the crowd went wild? You enlivened the whole show” Pam recaps in exhilaration. “Of course, I saw it, was I that good?” Genie asks “Giiiirl you killed it, those men went home to their mamas starving” Pam replies and chuckles.

It's one month to Noah's birthday, and he needs someone to keep him company, entertain him and visit places with him before his birthday. He can't think of anyone better than the stunning stripper girl he saw at Truce the previous night.

Pam receives a call from Sly, informing her that Noah would like to invite Genie over to his house for one month. Pam asks Sly to let her speak with Genie first. Genie doesn't do private shows, but she believes that the money they're offering to pay is huge enough to change her rules.

Pam calls and informs Genie about the invite to Noah's house, Genie as expected doesn't like the idea. “You know I don't do private shows, the man could be anything Pam, an occultic man, or even a snake from the river, I'm scared” Genie utters. “Look, there's nothing to be scared about, everyone knows Noah is a business tycoon, who doesn't know Noah in this town? He can't be an occultic man” Pam replies, trying to convince Genie.

“And besides, you're not doing anything much, just stay in his house, dance for him when he wants, and accompany him to wherever he wants to take you to” Pam continues to convince Genie.

“They are willing to pay five million France CFA for this” Pam utters, “What? Are you sure about this?” Genie asks anxiously “Of course five million, and he said you'll be well taken care of” Pam replies. Genie is so excited about this and can't turn down this offer. She can finally do her master's program and even start up a small business with this money.

“But what about Linda, do you think she'll be ok with this? And what does she get from all this, I work for her”. Genie sputters. “We won't tell her about this, just look for an excuse to leave, she doesn't know about this and doesn't have to know. This is a life-changing opportunity for you Genie, but I'll get twenty percent of this deal oh, I brought it oh” Pam sputters pointing at Genie with a smile.

Genie smiles and accepts the deal. She goes down and asks for permission from Linda, lying that her aunt is Ill, and she'd need permission to go take care of her. She claims she's the only one that can take care of the said aunt in Bamenda. Linda grants her permission to leave but pleads with her not to stay long because she's essential for her business. Genie promises to return as soon as she can, hugs Linda and leaves.

Genie had arranged with Pamela where they'll meet with Sly. They meet, and Pam cautions Sly to please keep an eye on Genie to make sure she's safe. “ABA Pam trust me Nah, I can't let anything bad happen to her” Sly promises and takes off with Genie. Pamela goes back to Truce to continue with her work.

Upon arrival at Noah's mansion, The gate man comes to welcome them. Sly Opens the boot for him to carry Genie's valise to the guest's room. “Welcome to Noah's residence” Sly utters with a friendly expression. Genie pauses for a while, admiring Noah's mansion, “what an astonishing place, people have money out here”, Genie sputters looking all around the house. Sly smiles and offers to take her to her room.

As they go, Sly shows her around, shows her the L-shaped pool, the fountain, and Noah's aquarium beside the fountain. Noah has numerous servants who come out to welcome Genie. The servants seem very excited seeing Genie around, one offers to take Genie to her room but Sly turns down that offer “Go and water the flowers” he utters.

“Oga has good eyes, the girl is fine” The gateman mutters to himself, seeming very excited. The servants gather somewhere behind the house to tattle about Genie's beauty. “Among all the girls oga has been bringing to this house, this one is, so far, the most beautiful” mutters one of the servants. Their cheap chat is interrupted by the gate man who scolds them to get back to their duty posts.

“You, are you at your duty post? What are you doing here?” replies one of the maids. The gateman picks up a stick to whoop their asses, but they all escape back to their duties.

Genie gets a knock at the door, it's one of the maids who wasn't there when she arrived. “Good afternoon ma, I decided to come and greet you, I heard from my colleagues that you're gorgeous, so I Came to see the wonder woman, I'm the chief housekeeper” The maid utters cheerfully.

“Oh really? I think that was a little exaggerated, but nice to meet you” Genie replies with a sheepish smile. “Nice to meet you too maa, my name is Carol, hope you like the room?” The maid asks politely “Yes I do” Genie responds. “Just in case you need anything, do not hesitate to call me, we're all here to serve you” the maid sputters thrillingly. “Thank you very much, I do appreciate” Genie answers.

Carol goes back to the kitchen, while Gene goes back to her room to rest. Genie suddenly wakes up screaming. She's just had a nightmare of her dad raping her over and over and trying to strangle her.

Jane has been having these nightmares since her stepfather started raping her. She feels traumatized each time it comes to her mind. She's breathing profusely, thanking God it's a nightmare, she's finally out of that house.

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