Chapter 2. He Seems Dying

In a library

The lesson given by the ruler of the sun had ended, so there was only a silver-haired girl in the room full of books. The memory of her mother's words forbidding her to marry a mortal flashed back in her mind, causing a thousand questions to arise in the owner's mind of the pair of violet eyes.

Why do I say that about humans, huh? Are mortals really that bad? As a daughter and a young goddess, of course, I have had no experience related to them. To be honest, judging without knowing it is unwise. But where do I go to find one of them? Ah, I do not know. I feel so pessimistic when I think about it, thought the only daughter of the couple, God Helion and Goddess Avtexia.

Her right hand closes a bottle containing black ink with a lid, as a sign that it has been used. She plugged the quill that had been used earlier back into its original place. She did not forget that she neatly rolled the parchments that already contained the writing up. After finishing with such actions, the owner of a pale face looked around. There was only herself. The virgin took a deep breath, then stood up from where she had been. Before taking a step, she looked at the table, then realized that there was still one thing missing, so she could not help but have to clear things up first.

“O perchamento tev tionth!” [1] she said firmly. The bright young woman said so while looking at the many parchments

Before long, all the parchments that had contained writings disappeared from view. The pale expression felt relieved in her heart, even though she did not show it directly. "Okay, now better go back to the room to rest, though I do not know what I am going to do there yet," Atvertha muttered.

The Moon Goddess immediately stepped from there, feeling empty. The atmosphere in the palace looked deserted because there was no conversation there. The guards stood in every corner as if ensuring the safety of the owner of the residence. Meanwhile, sturdy pillars are easy to find there, giving the impression that the building is strong and safe from various disturbances.

When she was halfway through, the silver-haired girl accidentally turned her face in the opposite direction so that she could accidentally see the scene far away below. Goddess Atvertha accidentally looked down at the earth. In a forest, there was a man lying on the ground with a wounded body, and something tore his clothes as if an attack had hit him.

The sight shocked the silver hair owner's heart. She could see all events clearly as if such events were within a very close radius. The slender girl became stunned, not because the situation amazed her, but because a sense of compassion arose in her heart so that it disturbed the attention of the existing girl, which could make the girl silent for a while.

“What happened to the mortal? Is he ok? He seems dying,” Atvertha muttered.

Her tone of voice was low because she did not want anyone to know, but she was filled with anxiety as if she was afraid that something might happen to the man.

What happened to the mortal? Has anyone tried to kill him? Who will help him if no other humans come there? I have to get there before it is too late! Atvertha's determination.

“Agmentho!” [2]

After saying so, the slender body disappeared from view so that no one could see, especially the guards. The girl immediately flew down towards the earth, where the strange man lay helpless. Inside the mind, thoughts of anxiety, panic, and fear have been mixed into one. She wanted nothing bad to happen to the mortal male, even though while studying, she had received a warning from Goddess Avtexia.

I hope the man does not die. Why did he get hurt? Could it be that the man was about to be robbed, or maybe the incident had already happened? It could be that that person had already been the target of the assassination, so he fought back, and it became a fierce fight. Mom said if mortals like to kill others, so most likely, that was what happened to that mortal male. Ah, I hope nothing happens so that I can save his life soon, Atvertha hoped.

The owner of a pair of violet eyes continued to fly towards the earth. There, it was nighttime, in stark contrast to the atmosphere in the brightly lit palace. The silver-haired young woman kept her eyes on the forest, where she had seen an injured man lying there.

Apparently, the pulse of the mortal male was still there, although he felt weak. However, this made Atvertha happy because the person had not died at all.

“I have to scan all over his body. So, I will know what this man has been through. I hope I am not too late. Agrentho magdonathz!” [3]

Now, the eyes of the Moon Goddess shone brightly. She could see what had happened to the mortal male and the cause of the man being seriously injured, even dying, caused by a wild animal attack. Atvertha started chanting the spell, “O mortale et vradionzat natgehrto!” [4]

A white light escaped from Atvertha's lips, grew bigger and bigger, and entered the stranger's body. The girl stared at the poor guy without saying a word. The blood that had flowed slowly dried up in less than a minute. However, the mortal male's condition was still a concerned, so the only daughter of the couple, God Helion and Goddess Avtexia looked around as if looking for something.

The slim woman immediately headed there when she found what she was looking for. After arriving at her destination, Atvertha, as soon as possible, took some of the plants that were there. Anxiety arose in the goddess's heart because she wanted nothing to happen to a mortal male. A few moments later, the silver-haired girl returned to where the man was lying. When she got there, the wretched man was still unconscious.

Atvertha started rubbing her hands where there were a lot of medicinal herbs. In fact, the goddess’ eyes turned red, and she did not utter a spell at all. After finishing, a two-hundred-and-seventy-year-old woman applied the crushed medicinal herbs to the areas where there were wounds, such as the head, stomach, hands, and feet.

In less than two minutes, the herbal medicine has been applied. Atvertha looked turned around. "Done. I can go back to the palace. I have to go this quickly before any other gods or goddesses see me here,” the girl muttered quietly.

However, this desire was suddenly cancelled because she turned her body back towards the mortal male. The condition of the brown-skinned man with sturdy jaws remained the same. He did not move at all, although his chest was still heaving, a sign that the person was still alive.

“Should I leave him alone here? Or should I—"


[1] O perchamento tev tionth! = O parchment, disappear!

[2] Agmentho! = Disappear!

[3] Agrentho magdonathz! = Find the disease!

[4] O mortale et vradionzat natgehrto! = O mortal, heal completely!

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