Chapter 2

Theophilus's father-in-law, Anselm Miller, from the previous generation of the Miller family, struggled to the point of poverty. Before he was ousted from the Miller Corporation by his siblings, he was only given a small jewelry manufacturing factory, nearly bankrupt, barely surviving for a year.

Given the family's financial situation, they couldn't afford to buy another car for Dulcie.

"Dulcie, tell me, initially I told you to divorce this useless guy and introduced you to Young Master Charlie. If you had listened to me, would you have ended up in this situation?" The man with sunglasses spoke more cheerfully, a smug look on his face, ignoring Theophilus's presence: "It's not too late now, if you want a luxurious life, just ask me. I can introduce you to another suitable match."

Speaking these words in front of her husband showed complete disregard for her honor!

"Orborne, have you said enough?" Dulcie coldly spoke, her face pale.

"Oh, as your brother, I'm just sympathetic to you, following such a useless man. I kindly advise you, show you a way, but you don’t listen, then you deserve this impoverished life!" Orborne replied casually.

After speaking, Orborne seemed not yet done, his face teasingly looking towards Theophilus.

"Theophilus, someone useless like you even dares to attend Jena's wedding? Orborne mocked: "Oh well, it's expected. I heard your father-in-law's factory finances have been cut off, can't even pay salaries, about to go bankrupt. You two must be here to flatter the Oldest uncle for a loan to get through this crisis?"

Theophilus just looked at Orborne, saying nothing.

Dulcie's father - Anselm was initially ousted from the Miller Corporation by Orborne's father -Eugene Miller, Miller's third uncle. Even the severe difficulties faced by the factory this time were due to Eugene's underhanded tactics.

Dulcie took a deep breath, holding back her anger, and said to Theophilus: "Bear with it, don't mind him. I came here today to deal with some matters."

Theophilus nodded, and the two turned to enter the grand hall of the mansion.

"Ah, let's see how long a useless guy like you can hold back." Orborne said, watching Theophilus's retreating figure, cracking his neck, his mouth curling into a mocking smile.

In the grand hall, which occupied an immense area, decorated in an elegant, ancient Eastern architectural style, a red carpet was laid out.

The esteemed guests of the Miller family gradually took their seats.

Dulcie, carrying an exquisite gift box, approached the bride, smiling said: "Jena, congratulations on your wedding, wishing you a lifetime of harmony."

Jena's face was delicate, with fair skin and a beautiful appearance, her demeanor arrogant, but overall, compared to Dulcie, she still fell a bit short.

She looked at Dulcie indifferently and said: "Put the gift over there."

"Jena, I'll go with you for a while." Dulcie said with a smile.

"No need. You don't have to fuss over me, I know what you're up to, and as for your father's matter, my family won't help." Jena replied coldly, without any consideration.

The smile on Dulcie's face froze, replaced by an unmistakable look of dejection. She clenched her fists, her delicate body trembling slightly.

Before marrying Theophilus, she was the cherished daughter of the Miller family, their bright jewel. Back then, Jena was also very close to her, but now, why had she become so cold...

Jena married the eldest young master of the Charlie family, the leading family of Elysian Echo City. Their wedding was grand, and everyone in the Miller family celebrated this glorious event.

But for her...

Dulcie remained silent for a moment, thinking about her father's current plight. She forced a smile on her face and hurriedly followed Jena's departing figure. Theophilus, sitting there, saw everything, his feelings unclear...

The table where Theophilus sat was surrounded by the Miller family's sons-in-law.

However, these sons-in-law were influential and wealthy men, and compared to them, Theophilus's status in the Miller family was insignificant.

Therefore, no one greeted him, no conversations or wine invitations, no exchange of business cards, no regard for Theophilus's presence.

"Is everyone here? Let's have a drink then."

"Orborne, that won't do, we should toast to you instead."

Orborne, relaxed, held a glass of fine wine. The sons-in-law present were flattered by his attention and quickly stood up, fawning and raising their glasses.

Orborne was the son of Miller Eugene, who held significant power in the Miller family. His position in the Miller Jewelry Corporation was comparable to Victor, the eldest brother.

In terms of wealth, power, connections, and status, Orborne surpassed these external sons-in-law.

"What's the matter? Theophilus, are you looking down on me? Won't you drink even one glass?" Orborne asked coldly, staring at Theophilus.

Only Theophilus had not stood up to toast, hesitating for a second.


In that second, Orborne flung his glass of white wine in Theophilus's face.

"What's this? You don't need the honor I'm giving you? Huh? I'm offering you a drink as a courtesy, and you dare not drink?" Orborne said disdainfully, arrogantly.

The wine splashed on Theophilus's face, the strong smell stinging his nose, his clothes drenched, his face burning.

No one there spoke up for Theophilus, their faces showing mockery.

Theophilus's eyes sharpened, but thinking of Dulcie struggling for her father, he decided not to cause more trouble for her, he endured.

"Alright, I'll drink to you." Theophilus said, wiping the wine off his face and slowly standing up.

Orborne, surprised that Theophilus still endured, had a cold smile on his lips, secretly thinking that enduring would prevent further trouble.

The moment Theophilus stood up, Orborne suddenly stepped back, pretending to fall, casually flipping over the expensive red wine on the banquet table and the gift table for distinguished guests.


The table collapsed, scattering a dozen bottles of precious red wine, fine Jasper ornaments, and a shattered Lapis Lazuli bracelet, causing a stir in the banquet hall, drawing everyone's eyes to the scene.

"Theophilus, how dare someone useless like you hit me!" Orborne shouted, wanting to escalate the situation.

"What's going on?"

Jena arrived, accompanied by Dulcie, with even the groom approaching seriously.

The guests gathered around.

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