Chapter 2

Wherever you saw Elizabeth, you would see Victoria. They were two peas in a pod from the first day they became friends.

Their relationship started from kindergarten to primary school all the way to middle and high school until university. Although they were opposite, they complimented each other well.

Victoria is the extrovert between these two. She could get the attention of everyone without doing much and was extremely friendly.

She was the complete opposite of Elizabeth which made their friendship interesting as they were able to understand one another and were always there for one another. People often wonder how they got along so well when their personalities differ but these girls have been able to fill each other's shortcomings and blend well with one another.

They proved to everyone that friendship wasn't about liking the same things alone or being the same kind of people but the beauty of friendship was more about the different personalities and how they fit well in each other's world.

While Victoria would spend her weekend partying or going around to see places, Elizabeth would rather be indoor reading or keeping herself away from the crowd.

Elizabeth wasn't an extrovert but rather an introverted extrovert. It took her time to get comfortable with people which made people see her as proud but reality was, she wasn't.

She wasn't really loved by many as they saw her as a perfectionist who was privileged to come from a well off family.

She had the beauty and the brain and a supportive and wealthy family while Victoria on the other hand had just her mother alone to support her. Victoria's mother was good to go as she was able to provide the needs of Victoria and send her off to the very best school.

Elizabeth and Victoria have never had an argument that got so bad they didn't want to speak to each other again. It never happened and they made their parents get close.

Elizabeth had an older sister and older brother and they treated Victoria just the same way they treated Elizabeth. They had come to like Victoria the same way they loved their little sister.

Elizabeth had no issue with it as she loved Victoria and wanted her friend to be happy. There was a time when Victoria's mother was short of money and couldn't find the completion of Victoria's school fees. It was Elizabeth who had asked her mother to help, which was how Victoria got a scholarship until graduation in high school.

After high school, they moved forward to New York university to further more. Elizabeth has always wanted to be a nurse and she was given a four years degree program to study nursing and nursing science while Victoria was given a four years degree program to study Computer science.

Before they graduated, they both planned to move to New York city to begin afresh and live independently and they did after graduating with honors.

Now they stay together in the same apartment and work in one of the most prestigious hospitals and companies in New York following their dreams.

Elizabeth has been running around in the hospital for the past one hour. An accident happened and there were over thirty people in the bus and they were all rushed into the hospital.

After using the restroom, she washed and rinsed her hands before leaving the restroom. Just as she made her way up the stairs to the locker room, she was stopped by one of the head doctors.

"Miss Carson, could you please check on the patient in room 204 and give me the reports?" Doctor Dan requested.

Elizabeth smiled, "Sure sir," She said.

Pulling the door knob slowly, Elizabeth opened the door and walked in. In front of her was a man dressed in suit pants and white T-shirt. The T-shirt was folded to his elbow while he placed his phone on his ear and spoke aggressively.

Elizabeth ignored him and went towards the patient to check on her. The man on the phone voice was starting to get loud which Elizabeth thought was unsuitable for the patient's condition.

"Sir...It would be good if you..." She was cut short when the man turned to look at her. Her heartbeat raced faster than normal as her eyes met his.

It was as if everything was put in slow motion as she stared at the man. Her eyes on his forgetting what she was meant to do as her heart beat rapidly.

She could bet on her life that she had never seen anyone as attractive as he was. Although he looked like he had been deprived of sleep and his hair was tousled, he looked so effortlessly handsome that he forgot how to breathe.

"Let me call you back." Those were the words she heard from the man that snapped her back to reality. She shivered slightly from his deep voice, sending an electric current down her spine.

She blinked her eyes trying to recollect herself before she gulped the invisible lump in her throat.

"You were saying?" The man asked, raising his brows slightly at her.

"Oh...that..." Elizabeth stuttered.

Elizabeth has always been a well collected person. Never had she been nervous or ever in a situation where she had to stutter. It wasn't her thing, she was a very comfortable person.

"Excuse you Nurse, how is her temperature?" The man asked.

Elizabeth was confused. She wasn't sure she was hearing him well when she was as she couldn't help but love the way his voice sounded.

After some seconds of collecting herself, she spoke. "It's better than before. I would advise her not to do anything stressful for the main time and allow the wound to heal."

"Luckily it wasn't a deep cut or there might have been complications."

"Thanks so much. I'm definitely going to sue that bitch!" He seethed.

Elizabeth wasn't one to get curious about people but for a reason, her mouth moved before her head could think. "If you do not mind me asking, how did she obtain this injury?"

"Some girl I'm my school stabbed her," he said, clearly pissed.

"She should have told me she has been bullied but she didn't and I feel so bad for not noticing!" He groaned.

His fist clenched. Elizabeth could tell he was angry about the whole situation.

"I mean I should have noticed the changes but I failed as an older brother and I feel so bad."

Elizabeth inhaled and exhaled before walking closer to him.

"Humans are unpredictable sometimes. I mean why would they go that far to stab her knowing she could die?" Elizabeth asked rhetorically.

"Do not blame yourself. What would have happened would have and..." The man cuts her off.

"No!" He exclaimed, making her flinch a little.

"I'm sorry." He quickly apologized.

"My little sister does not deserve all of this. She is so kind and innocent. She wanted to speak to me a week ago but I was too busy to listen to her."

"Just maybe if I had decided to listen to her, maybe if I had, this wouldn't have happened." His stomach churned as he remembered her pleading to speak to him but he had to go to the office because of the emergency meeting he called.

"She's fine now and I'm sure she wouldn't want you feeling this way."

"I'm definitely going to ruin that school. As for those girls, I will make sure they face the law."

"You just have to be there for your sister. I have to go now but be strong," she said to him.

"Wait..." He stopped her just as she reached the door.

"Thanks." He said.

She smiled, "You are welcome."

"When can she be discharged?" He asked.

"Later today, I will arrange for the discharge papers."

As Elizabeth waited for the bus, a Red Chevrolet Silverado parked in front of her. She scrutinized the car before the tinted windows wound down revealing the man that had stolen her breath away in the hospital.

She hiccuped.

"Get in, I will drop you," he offered.

She looked into the car, her eyes searching for his sister as he had come to get her before she left.

"You didn't go home straight?" She asked.

"Yes, I had to get something first, come on, hop in," he said.

She moved closer to the car and opened it, getting in. She looked at the back of the car to see his sister sleeping peacefully with his suit jacked covering her upper body.

"Thanks for today," he said to her.

"I didn't do much, you know. Thanks for driving me," she replied.

They drove in silence until they reached her apartment. Just as she got down, she decided to take the bold move and ask his name.

"What's your name?"

"Mathew. Mathew Smith and yours?" He asked.

"Elizabeth Carson."

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