Chapter 2

Anna’s POV

I squeezed myself through the busy hallways and headed to my class. Ian also offers chemistry so we are always sitting together and doing chemistry assignments and projects together. Ian is a real nerd in chemistry, maybe because his father is a doctor and passed down the knowledge to him because he is really good.

“Hey Ian,” I called before sitting next to him but his attention seems to be carried away.

“Ian, is anyone in your soul?” I questioned waving my hands in front of his eyes. He still didn’t acknowledge me, neither did he blink. I traced what must have taken his breath away and found him staring at his crush. Ian has been crushing on Amelia for a very long time now. Since middle school.

The girl in question is dark-skinned, an African American I suppose.

“Boo!” I screamed into his ears which sent him crashing on the floor in fright while I laughed at his dirty ass.

“You will pay for this evil fellow,” he threatened fixing his two fingers on his face and finally on mine but it still didn’t stop me from laughing.

He finally stood up, dusted his jean and sat awkwardly looking anywhere but my direction. An action he does regularly to feign anger.

“Why don’t you just tell her how you feel, it that simple.” I started and he gradually faced me and sighed.

“What if she turns me down? What if she mocks me? What if she embarrasses me? Just what if?….”

“Just stop it, Ian, Stop the what if’s. You will never know the outcome of anything if you don’t try. Give it a shot at least you will know you made an attempt and if she refuses, that her loss. She gets to loss an amazing person like you,” I offered encouragingly, rubbing his shoulder to motivate him while he looked like he was ingesting all advice I gave.

“Since she doesn’t have a boyfriend, another person might shoot his shot right in front of your eyes and boom! They start dating.” I added while his eyes widened in realization as he stared at me and I gave him a nod.

“Alright, enough about me. Thanks, by the way, have you found a crush too?” He perused hungrily, ready to digest any information.

“You know me pretty well, so what the point of this question?” I chided narrowing my eyes into slots.

“I know one day you will change your mentality and fall pretty hard for someone worth it,” he retorted ruffling my already messy hair.

“I will punch you in the stomach if you do it again!” I warned.

“Hey class, welcome to a new session,” The voice of Mr. Francis stopped our little chitchats as we both focused our attention on him.

“Did you students know protons have mass?” Old Mr. Francis asked as he threw the marker from one hand to the other.

No one answered everyone looked on like they didn’t hear the question.

“Did anybody hear a thing I asked?” He asked again and rested his butt on the board.

“I didn’t even know protons were catholic.” Ian offered shrugging his shoulders while everyone laughed.

Mr. Francis though old but very matured and playful with his students. Where other teachers would have flipped, he will simply shrug it off and turn it to a joke.

He soon turned to the whiteboard and popped open the marker to write.

“Making a bad chemistry joke because all the good ones Argon.” He wrote boldly on the board and only the chemistry freaks understood it as they started laughing.

The bell finally rang for lunch break. Everyone’s favorite moment is the lunch break period.

Mr. Francis was still explaining something when everyone stood up to leave. The chairs made screeching noise and everyone heels collided with the floor and tap we left.

The cafeteria is a huge room on the downstairs floor. It is painted black and red with matching red and black furniture. At the front of the cafe, the food vendors display different foods in transparent glass for students to order or buy. The cafe always smelt nice of food and drinks and it is one of the most comfortable places in the school.

Meanwhile, there is an unwritten rule in royal academy. The seats in the cafeteria are arranged in terms of the hierarchy of popularity, level of wealth and Finally the poor ordinary students.

The fantastic-4, jocks, cheerleaders, wealthy kids, and gangster sit at the center of the cafe and they always occupy about five round tables.

While the nerds, juniors, and poor kids sit at the extreme corner that leads in and out of the cafe. Everything is highly discriminated. And let me not get started on the racism and bullying that happens too.

We walked to our regular seats with our tray of hamburgers, fries, and sprite. A few minutes later, Jess, Eric, and Mike joined us bringing a tray of their lunch with them.

“Guys, there will be a big party on Friday. Popular rich kid, Nicole is the one hosting the party and that what everyone in the school has been talking about. It the first party of the session and we can’t afford to miss it,” Mike started excitedly and shoot me a wink in the process.

“Ass,” I thought to myself. He knows I don’t attend school parties yet he is bringing this up.

“Count me out it, I will be having a nice time at the basketball court instead,” I admitted taking a huge bite from my burger.

“Anna, don’t be the party Popper we are all gonna be there,” Jess disclosed with one perfectly arched eyebrow lifted daring me to oppose her.”

“Based on logistics, majority carries the vote so we are all going to the party and it going to rock,” Mike reported ending the topic.

“Whatever, it is not like I was given a choice,” I blurted out and faced my burgers as my life depended on it. Maybe my life truly depends on it because I’m hungry.

I watched as Raphael and his friends walked to the table at the middle of the cafeteria where popular students sit, eat, gossip, plan parties, fornicate, bully the juniors and do whatsoever they please without anyone questioning their actions.

He strolled in freely like he owned the place. Girls wolf-whistled, boys slapped their hands together.

The fact that everyone is a fan of him other than me pissed me off the more.

As other girls threw him winks openly and flirted with him shamelessly.

A blonde girl with a huge figure, the most popular girl, drama queen, and the leader of the cheerleaders appeared right beside him, she clung to him like her life depended on him and kissed him possessively before finally settling on the chair beside him.

The break was finally over as students dispersed to their various remaining classes for the day.

School rushed by in a blur. I attended calculus and P.E class as the day dwindled by.

After like forever, the cherished moment came. closing period.

I headed to Jess’ car since we decided to come in her car today. We bid the guys goodbye and walked to the school garage.

“Anna banana, are you ready?” Jess perused as she unlocked her car with the key remote.

“Nah woman still got a whole lot of classes to attend,” I bit back sarcastically and opened the passenger door.

“There isn’t any need to be sarcastic all the time,” Jess remarked rolling her eyes as she started her Mercedes Benz.

“If you keep rolling your eyes continuously, they might just fall off from their socket someday,” I pointed out to her while she shrugged her shoulders and rolled the eyes again.

“Whatever your ass,” she reiterated. The traffic light signified green, so she stepped on the accelerator and everything went in a flash. Jess enjoys fast and furious racing with cars and she doesn’t hesitate to do it all the time anytime she is behind the wheels.

A cool breeze blew loitering my messed up bun in the process. I finger combed it and tucked the fallen strands behind my ear.

“Babe?” Jess called, as her face feigned seriousness with all her attention on the road.

“Yeah?” I queried sparing her a few glances before concentrating on my phone.

“I was thinking we should go shopping on Saturday.”

“I need some Louis Vuitton and Gucci outfits.” Jess divulged sparing me a few glances before concentrating on the road again.

“Nice, I also thought along the line this morning. Need some damn sneakers.”

“Cool then, we got ourselves a deal then. Saturday 10 a.m. on the dot.”

Jess reduced her speed as she drove into our estate and pulled up in front of my mansion.

“Thanks, babe,” I stated slapping her back while she yelped in pain.

She glared at my retreating figure. “One day when I can’t walk again, I will tell everyone you broke my spinal cord with your wooden hand,” She accused pointing her perfectly manicured index finger at me.

“Whatever, mom sends are regards to you,” I informed. Since I was just remembering.

“Let her know I will come visiting soon,” she reiterated and gave me a wink before starting her car.

I stood outside the gate and watched her zoom off, before entering inside myself.

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