Chapter 3

“There’s just something about vampires that is sexy…it’s the same reason why women go for bad boys.”

—Nina Dobrev.

“I keep the bad-boy image just to make my fans happy.”

—Sanjay Dutt.

“I may be a real bad boy, but baby I’m a good man.”

—Tim McGraw.


Ralph’s POV

“We have football practice during P.E, coach wants us to play against the black planktons,” Marcus announced as he slapped the other guys on their palm and joined our walking pace.

“The black planktons should get ready to kiss my ass totally,” I bragged as I assembled my bangs and winked at my front camera before taking a selfie.

The crowd parted like the red sea from the bible. Loud chatters were reduced to whispers as everyone admired the fantastic-4. No one dared stand to confront the king of the school. The baddest and hottest of them all and that person is no other person than the greatest of them all. Myself, Raphael Smith Andrew.

Royal Academy is a school that is built on bullying, discrimination, partiality and inequalities. Every day the number of dropouts increased because of what the rich and popular kids do to the poor. But as more people leave, more new students replace them. In that way, the school doesn’t run on loss and that breaks the poor kids the more.

Beauty and wealth are mildly and highly worshipped everywhere in the world and the same thing happens in the school system. The moment a kid is good looking, the kid gets attention and everyone fall on their feet to kiss beauty.

But most people don’t know that confidence is the key. Most people are not extraordinarily unique or beautiful but the confidence they exuberate is enough to tamper with everyone sense of reasoning so they accept you as beautiful. The way you present yourself is how they accept it, irrespective of your economic status.

People take such awful chances with chemicals and their bodies because they want the quality of their lives to improve. Some lived in ugly places where there were only ugly things to do. They don’t own doodling squat, so they can’t improve their surroundings so they do their best to make their insides beautiful instead.

While life throws lemons at you then you make a lemonade out of it. If you think something or someone is ugly, you should look harder. Ugliness is just a failure, more like a butt load of lack of confidence and insecurity. So if they will worship me because of my looks and money, then I might as well enjoy it.

“Hey, sugar plum,” The meanest and evil drama queen ever walked towards me with wide plastic hips swaying left and right.

She gave me a peck and pushed me towards a random locker. She clings to me like a second skin while I looked for every means to push her away.

“Natalie? What do you want?” I probed giving a slight frown.

“Why don’t you come over to my house after school so we can hang out and have fun.” Nate disclosed seductively as she bit a side of her lip. An attempt she does to look sexy all time and doesn’t even work on me any longer.

“Nate, I have football practice. Coach will get mad.” I chipped in quickly and pushed her off me.

“C’mon, just give the coach some wads of dollar notes and you will be fine scotch egg.” She cajoled. She walked towards me again and traced her slender fingers on my face.

“Babe, c’mon let go out on dates and have fun. We are good together. Can’t you see it?” She perused trying to talk nonsense into me.

“I will think about it. But I’m not promising.” I forewarned and walked out on her while she chuckled darkly to herself.

Natalie, popularly known as Queen Nate. A nickname she labelled herself because of her popularity and fake body she acquired all in the name of good looks. She is the cheerleader and a disgusting bully. The wails and sufferings of the minorities are like music to her ears. Most people assume she is sadistic.

She has gone through lots of cosmetic surgeries for her body and face. Her self-esteem is so low that she dyed her natural brunette hair to fake strawberry blonde. She covers up her pains and imperfections by making others utterly miserable.

For years now, she has been hinting on a relationship because she believes or thinks we are both supreme and when combined, we will become power couple and I continued rejecting her offers. Moreover, she is too clingy for my liking.

The goal is to have fun with girls and not to get tied up with one psychotic sadist.

The once crowded filled hallway is now empty meaning I’m late for first class. But all the same, I am the popular bad boy. Ralph. I don’t go for classes early and I mostly skip classes but I still emerge as one of the tops. I don’t think I need to expatiate how since I have clearly stated how money plays a huge role in the school. The guys and I walked in confidently as they disclosed their dislike for Nate.

“Mr. Smith, why are you just coming in now? You are ten minutes late.” Mr. Allison questioned with a slight frown and checked his wristwatch to emphasize his point.

I gave my usual charming smile that works on everyone.

“Because of a sign down the road.” I spilled and finger-combed my bangs expecting him to send us out.

“What does a sign have to with your being late?” He asked as his face mirrored confusion.

“The sign says, school ahead, go slow.” I confused brilliantly as the teacher gave a tight-lipped smile while my classmates laughed away.

“Fine, grab yourself a seat Ralph and make sure to turn a blind eye to any other sign that promotes late coming next time.” He concluded as we walked to our seats majestically.

Period by period, it was finally time for P.E.

The boys and I jugged towards the school field as other students settled on the bleachers.

Mr. MacPherson Liam, a highly devoted and agile looking teacher. In my own opinion, I will say he is the best P.E teacher royal academy ever hired.

He blew his whistle, a call for the students to come closer.

“There will be a football match between the red tigers and the black planktons,” he announced as the students jeered loudly.

“Silence kids, I’m going to do a rollcall and choose who stays in which team,” he continued as the students groaned in defeat.

“Thomas Edison and Ralph smith over here,” he called as we both stepped forward.

“Annalise Gray and piper winter step forward,” he called as they moved forward.

I stared at the unfamiliar Tomboy admiring her courage and physique. She looked so confident with no worries in the world.

“Just who is she? A new student? I have never seen this face before,” my brain calculated mentally as my thoughts went haywire.

Her frown deepened as she caught me staring at her, she snorted before looking away. An act I felt disrespectful and sexy.

“Wow, feisty,” I thought to myself as I wondered what to do with her since she is my opponent, Black planktons.

Soon enough, Mr. Liam finished dividing everyone to their respective teams as we prepared to start the game.

“I think I’m going to pee on myself, I can’t take down the tomboy,” Edison dude said beside me.

And soon enough he began peeing on himself, the horrible smelt wafting across the field.

“What the hell dude, fuck off,” I dismissed angrily wondering what sort of an idiot he is.

“Eddie, to the clinic now you are a disgrace to our gender!” Mr. Liam decreed pissed off as he wore a frown.

The dude ran off to the clinic leaving me to another dude beside me.

We all moved closer to the opposing team ready to battle.

“Can you kick?” I teased the Tomboy while she gave me a look down.

“Excuse me?” She asked cracking her knuckles and lifting a brow.

“Can you kick a ball, woman?” I probed further.

“Can I kick your balls?” She chided irritatedly.

Mr. Liam blew his whistle as we began focusing on the game as a certain tomboy fascinated me.

The ball was kicked into the field and soon enough, everyone ran to the ball.

I ran towards the ball but the tomboy was faster as she got hold of the ball and began maneuvering her way towards the net.

She kept dodging other opponents as she skillfully passed the ball to her team and they passed it back to her.

I ran faster towards the net hoping my trick will work.

As she kicked the ball, I caught it midway and kicked the ball to the net scoring a goal for the red tigers.

Shouts of jubilation arose around me and a few others boo, apparently from the planktons.

“Wow, that was cool man!” A certain Treasure said raising his hand for a five.

While I didn’t spare him a glance, he took his hand down awkwardly and swallowed his saliva.

The game later ended with 5-3, the planktons with three and red tigers with five. We won. Others jubilated happily but I didn’t. I’m intrigued and fascinated by the tomboy I played against. She looked like she hated my guts so badly which was very strange because I don’t know her and everyone should worship me and not try to walk over me as she did.

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