Chapter 3. A Trial

 I made my way towards the designated area where the accused stood, guided by the Omegas, and entered the courtroom filled with the entire pack. The air was thick with suspense and judgment, and the tension was apparent.

The judge's seat was taken by Xavier Ronan, the Alpha of the Oak Pack, dressed in a deep brown cloak. Despite his youth, he radiated authority and leadership. In addition, another judge named Leia Gamora piqued my interest. She appeared to be around thirty years old, with her blond short hair, golden brown brows, and pale skin.

I was unprepared to face my husband, the man who had professed his love for me, seated as the judge presiding over the trial that would determine my destiny under the Oak Pack's statutes.

Xavier arrived, his cloak wrapped over my cold figure. the pack's probing eyes, that could see through the tiny gown that barely covered me. Many were surprised and upset by his actions because they had expected him to treat me like a criminal before any judgment was rendered.

"The trial has yet to begin. We have two minutes left," Xavier's voice echoed through the courtroom, attempting to remove any worries and reestablish some kind of calm. He returned to his seat without looking at me, leaving me to navigate the whirling currents of uncertainty and anxiety that overwhelmed me.

Loss has made its mark on my life, leaving lasting wounds. I tasted its bitterness not once, but several times. My mother died shortly after bringing me into this world, and my father's death remains a mystery, taking him away when I was just fourteen years old. My grandfather, too, abandoned me, leaving me adrift in a human world devoid of familial ties.

In my search for love and a sense of belonging, I thought I had finally found it in the arms of my husband. That fateful day, however, destroyed my illusions when his glance entered my innermost soul, revealing a hatred I had never imagined. Any trust I had placed in him was gone at that moment, and I realized that my innocence would never be recognized. The sorrow of being abandoned by someone you love is the most painful.

"Let the matter at hand be decided," Xavier said, capturing the courtroom's attention.

Attorney Rosette stood from her seat and approached the judges, attracting the attention of the onlookers.

"Sansa Elsher was seen holding a knife over Levine Ronan's lifeless body. She attempted to flee the territory after the murder," Attorney Rosette stated, her voice heavy with blame and judgment.

Attorney Rosette held up the silver knife as incriminating evidence for the judges to inspect. "This was the knife she used to take his life," she said, her voice full of conviction and accusation.

Her gaze was fixed on me before she increased her voice, sending a wave of agreement through the audience. "Though she stands accused, she remains innocent until proven guilty," said Rosette, underlining the necessity of impartial judgment.

Judge Leia Gamora asked me a question, her golden brown brows furrowing slightly. "Miss Sansa, do you have legal representation to defend you?"

Adam made a move to interject, but I cut him off abruptly, my voice firm. "No, I do not have, and do not want legal representation."

Adam cared about me, but I didn't want to expose him to the fires of anger that would inevitably engulf me. I wished to protect him from the approaching storm.

"I call forth Edward Elijah as a witness," said Rosette, her voice echoing throughout the courtroom.

Edward, a beta werewolf with sleek black pompadour hair that emphasized his stunning features, took his seat on the witness stand.

Rosette began her questions with a stern yet measured tone. "Is it true that you were present in the mansion with Sansa and Levine on the night of December 8?"

Edward's reply was barely audible, his voice laced with trepidation. "Y-yes, technically I was." The audience pressed forward, their curiosity evident, straining to hear every word.

Rosette pressed on, unafraid. "And, is it true that you were the only other person inside the mansion at the time?"

Edward nodded and bowed his head, his speech barely audible. "It's accurate," he said.

"I'm sorry, but could you please speak up?" asked Rosette, sensing the need for clarity.

Edward took a deep breath and said again, this time louder, "It's accurate."

Rosette pushed even harder, her gaze fixated on Edward. "So, could you please tell me what happened?"

Before recalling the events, Edward paused for a time. "I went to the mansion after Xavier told me to get more beer. While everyone else was having fun outside, I noticed Levine and Sansa were..." Edward rambled on, looking for the proper words.

"What were they doing?" asked Rosette.

Edward responded with a hesitant tone. "They, how do I put this? They were involved in private activities."

Rosette persisted, her voice forceful. "Can you please be more specific?"

Edward attempted to explain. "They were doing... things that grown men and women do in the privacy of their bedroom."

My pulse hammered in my chest while rage flooded over me, overwhelming my senses. I couldn't take the bogus charges anymore. "No, that's not correct! He's deceiving you! I turned at Edward. "How could you possibly lie like that, you cretin!" My voice was filled with fury and desperation as I yelled.

Judge Leia Gamora spoke up, commandingly. "Miss Sansa, your turn to speak will come. Please keep your cool," she said, as Xavier appeared astonished by the developing discoveries.

Rosette shifted the emphasis back to Edward. "Please continue, Mr. Edward."

Edward resumed his testimony after a brief pause of reflection. "Levine was pleading with her to tell Xavier the truth. He no longer wished to conceal their relationship. Sansa, on the other hand, resisted, refusing to reveal anything. They got into a fierce argument. In the heat of the moment, she became enraged and stabbed him with the knife without warning."

The room grew silent, the weight of Edward's remarks hanging in the air. With each passing instant, my heart ached as my mind raced to make sense of the revelations.

As he proceeded, Edward's voice quivered with emotion, tears flowing down his cheeks. "She stabbed him twice in front of my eyes. I ran to his aid, but it was too late. His soul had already left this world," he said, his sadness apparent.

A rush of astonishment and horror raced through the audience, with audible whispers filling the area like a cacophony of doubt.

The powerful voice of Judge Leia Gamora pierced through the whispers, commanding silence. "Silence!" she exclaimed, putting an end to the whispered discussions.

Rosette, calm and determined, asked her next inquiry, Edward. "How did you find out about Sansa and Levine's affair? Or Is this just your opinion?"

Edward wiped away his tears as he spoke, his voice steady. "Sansa was Levine's companion. I came into them by chance at various times. Levine told me that he never wanted to betray his brother, which is why he kept their relationship hidden. But he had reached a breaking point, and he no longer intended to conceal their love," continued Edward, sending another shock of astonishment through the audience.

The room was filled with murmuring once more, as the audience struggled to digest the shocking facts. I couldn't help but notice Xavier's reaction—or rather, pack thereof—amid the murmuring. He hadn't met my look yet, his gaze avoiding mine since the trial began. My heart was torn by the anguish of his apathy.

Rosette persisted in her interrogation, seeking an explanation. "Why did Levine confide in you specifically?"

Edward paused for a beat, his voice tinted with sorrow and sadness. "Levine and I were very close. We had a trusting relationship, and he recognized in me someone he could confide in without fear of being judged, he was my best friend," he admitted, casting a solemn look at Xavier, who remained expressionless.

The courtroom became tense, with an unnerving mix of astonishment, bewilderment, and judgment hanging thick in the air. I could feel the weight of their accusing gazes on me, their scornful stares penetrating to my core. Rosette said, "Thank you, Mr. Edward, make a seat." Following Edward's departure, the whispers were filled with a combination of curiosity and condemnation.

Amara, my one and only true friend, sat in the corner of the room, her eyes full of sadness and pity. I knew she was trying to console me, but we both knew that showing emotion in this public situation would only make matters worse.

Leia, the other judge, looked at me with a neutral yet inquiring expression. "Miss Sansa, could you please elaborate on your confession?" her voice carried the weight of the courtroom's expectations as she queried.

My serenity had been destroyed by Edward's testimony, as his falsehoods pierced through my heart like a dagger. It took everything I had to keep my cool and face the sea of pale faces that had already deemed me guilty. I couldn't help but let out my rage at that point.

"Get this... lying... Bitch out of my sight!" I yelled, my voice shaking with rage and agony. "And I will give you what you want—a confession."

The room became silent, the shock of my shout reverberating through the crowd. Their critical gaze pierced into me, their preconceived notions carved in stone. Torment and continuous tormenting simply strengthened my drive to stand up for myself, to expose the Oak Pack's duplicity and injustice.

"I did not do it," I asserted, my voice bitterly defiant. "But now that I think about it, I wish I had."

A wave of gasps raced over the crowd as the words left my lips. The crowd's reactions ranged from astonishment to confusion to vindication. Their condemning voices echoed in my ears as I felt their eyes dig into me.

At that moment, the weight of their verdict threatened to crush me entirely. But I refused to break. I stood tall and defiant, ready to face whatever repercussions lay ahead of me. It was time for the truth to triumph, even if it meant going it alone in the face of a raging tempest of false allegations and betrayal.

As my remarks hung in the air, carrying the weight of my misery and hatred, the courtroom burst into mayhem. The throng erupted in a cacophony of angry yells, growls, and bared teeth. At that moment, their true nature revealed itself, fuelling my resentment and reaffirming my notion that justice would never be served here.

As I locked eyes with each of them, those who had delighted in torturing and bullying me, hatred crept into my veins. They were the same people who had formerly regarded me like a beloved member of the Oak Pack, only to abandon me when things became tough. Their betrayal intensified my inner agony, and at the time, I wished I could inflict the same pain they had inflicted on me.

"I wish I had enough poison to poison all of you," I wailed, my voice dripping with venomous contempt. "You make me regret not becoming the monster you want me to be. But, even though I am innocent, justice eludes me. You're all plotting to get rid of me."

The room erupted in a frenzy, with a chorus of angry snarls and cries filling the air. Some of the pack members lost control, yielding to basic instincts as they pushed forward, driven by their hatred for me. The Omegas, the only barrier I had, quickly interfered, building a shield around me and pushing aside those who wanted to harm me.

Xavier, my spouse and the Alpha of the Oak Pack leaped to his feet, his voice commanding, "Take her back for now."

His voice resonated through the courtroom like a keen blade through the tumult. The pack members went silent, taken aback by his powerful presence. Xavier's ferocious roar echoed across the room, a warning to anybody who dared to interrupt the proceedings any longer.

The courtroom was surrounded by an eerie hush at that time, the air weighted with tension. Every pack member's gaze was locked on Xavier, their Alpha, anticipating his next action.

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