Chapter 4. Escape

 I lay on the chilly floor of the poorly lighted dungeon, encircled by my thoughts and the weight of a broken heart. The pack members' heated protests pierced the air as their voices rebounded through the walls. To keep my sanity, I concentrated on filtering out the angry voices, instead of delving into the depths of my psyche.

I did not know how that day had arrived so quickly; I felt someone's presence in my half-asleep; If that person wanted to harm me, he would have done it sooner; Why did the person take a risk to come here?

A soft creaking sound entered my ears, jolting my frozen body awake. I struggled to catch a glimpse of the stranger before he vanished into the darkness, my vision fuzzy.

My attention was drawn to the door for a brief moment, and my interest peaked. I rose slowly, ignoring the throbbing anguish in my damaged body. My actions were led by determination as I approached the door with caution, opening it slowly and deliberately, aware of the creaking sound it made. Was it Adam or Amara who had unlocked the door, allowing me to flee this dismal place?

To my surprise, the dungeon's main gate was open, a beacon of hope. As I gazed out from behind the shelter of the wall, my heart hammered within my chest. On this frigid night, a few pack members clustered around a roaring fire, engaged in fervent discussion about the impending trial that hovered over me like a shadow.

This was my chance, my brief window of freedom. I took a cautious step out of the darkness, my body shaking with a mixture of fear and curiosity. The night air enveloped me, its coolness a harsh reminder of the difficulties that lay ahead. I willed myself to be silent with each stride. My gaze was drawn to a distant route leading away from the pack's realm.

My escape was within reach, but the road ahead was perilous and uncertain. I braced myself for the upcoming trials, determined to unearth the truth and restore my innocence. The trek was laden with danger, but I refused to be discouraged. For amid the darkness, a ray of hope appeared, kindling the flame of resilience that blazed within my soul.

"I don't believe Xavier should preside as judge," the woman said.

"Do you doubt his judgment?" asked the man.

"He might not be objective when it comes to his wife. I can see tremors in his hands," the woman contended.

"However, we are the Oak pack." Another man said, "Our commitment is to uphold justice, and I have faith in Xavier's ability to make the right decision."

I noticed Amara passing by, the object of their mockery just because she was my buddy. Anger swelled within me, but I stayed on the outskirts, dangling by a thread and powerless to intervene.

The man's gaze was drawn to Amara. "Did Sansa tell you anything? Did she say something?"

Amara, steadfast and silent, continued to walk away, unafraid of the people in her way.

"When did she begin dating Levine? Wasn't Xavier more than enough for her?" the man jeered, his words venomous.

"You know nothing," screamed Amara, her rage obvious.

"What do you know?" the woman mocked, taking delight in their nasty humor.

My heart ached to protect Amara from their heinous behavior, but I took consolation in silence, crouching discreetly beside a sleek black BMW as one of the pack members walked by.

Memories flooded my head as I took a moment to examine the magnificence of the huge mansion, its vivid lights mocking the gloom within me. I remembered the complicated twists of fate that brought Xavier and me together, initially denying the connection that grew between us. I finally gave in, embracing him, only to be abandoned in the thick of my ordeal. In my heart, I wished for Xavier to have unflinching faith in me, to be a tower of strength by my side. But uncertainty gnawed at my soul, leaving me stranded in a sea of ambiguity.

As I approached the edge of the woods, a part of me wished I could turn around and face Xavier, to behold the shattered memories we had carefully fostered together. But I resisted the desire and hid behind the woods, viewing him from afar. His eyes lingered on the flower pot we had meticulously planted, a sad reminder of the many times we had spent together. Everything was irreversibly ruined at that single moment.

As Xavier dropped the bottle of beer, his body convulsed in pain before falling, causing a commotion. The pack members were overwhelmed by panic and worry as they hurried to his side. Despite my want to run to him, I reminded myself that he had abandoned me, I, too, had the right to go, if only for a short while.

I launched into a sprint, barefoot taking me fast into the deep woods, determination flowing through my blood. I pushed myself to my limits, halting only briefly to collect my breath, driven by a single goal. Unlike my previous attempt to flee, I knew exactly where I needed to go this time.

Beyond the boundaries of the members of the Oak pack's domain lay another realm that Oaks were not permitted to enter. My destination was within grasp as I came closer to the boundary railings.

My stride slowed as I noticed Edward standing in front of the foreboding railings. My mind was racing with questions. Was it Edward who had unlocked the dungeon door, preparing for my demise here? If he had bad intentions, he could simply have killed me within the confines of the dungeon.

"Troublemaker can't stay quiet, can she?" taunted Edward, his tone tinged with amusement.

"The bitch couldn't stop lying," I retorted, a fire within me igniting.

"Do you realize how fortunate you are? I paired you with the most desirable member of the pack," added Edward, his voice mockingly sweet.

Uncertainty mixed with distrust as I confronted Edward. Was there something more to his words than meets the eye? Could he be hiding something beneath his sugary exterior? I remained wary, my guard up, unable to be convinced solely by his words.

As I faced Edward's taunting comments, I summoned every ounce of power inside me. "I'll make you pay for your sins," I shouted, my eyes flaming with purpose.

Edward encircled me, his words were poisonous with delight. "Oh, my dear, first and foremost, focus on self-preservation. After all, you, a worthless creature, have murdered a cherished brother of a man who was placed upon you by the one who conferred the title of Luna on you."

A wave of rage poured through me, exacerbated by his mocking tone. "What is it that you truly desire?" my voice was tinged with defiance as I demanded.

Edward's finger brushed against my light-brown, medium-curly hair, sending shivers down my spine. I held my breath, my gaze locked on the darkness beyond the fence, only a few feet away.

I took advantage of the opportunity in that fleeting moment. I quickly snatched the small silver knife hidden among the folds of Xavier's cloak, which adhered to my body. The knife Amara gave me.

I pushed the blade into Edward's flesh with a burst of determination. The searing heat pouring from his skin convinced me that my strike had struck a nerve, even if it wasn't strong enough to kill him. It gave me a crucial window of opportunity to flee.

Edward tossed the knife aside, unmoved by his injury. I was climbing the fence, nearly clearing it, but Edward grabbed my leg and pulled me down. His grip on my leg was solid. The impact of my head striking the ground caused a momentary daze in my vision as black dots danced before my eyes. My body was pinned beneath Edward's weight, and I battled to catch my breath.

Fear and despair welled up inside of me, but I refused to give in. I fought with all my might against the weight that threatened to crush me. The taste of freedom hung tantalizingly close, prompting me to call on an inner reservoir of fortitude.

"Do you think you'll be able to confine me? I refuse to be bound by your oppressive ways," I answered, my voice defiant.

Edward scoffed, his arrogance on display. "You underestimate the ramifications of your actions. You will quickly know the cost you must pay."

Even though there was no one to protect me from Edward's rage, terror did not overtake me. I had been through numerous trials and tribulations and had grown tired of living.

"It's astounding that you still find amusement in this situation," I observed, refusing to let his taunts break my resolve.

I was imprisoned within the treacherous region of the Oak Pack, a formidable force with a thousand active members, no matter how hard I tried. They were known for their battle prowess and power.

As he asked a question, Edward's menacing grin widened. "Tell me, did you ever truly love Levine?"

I grabbed his hair quickly, prompting an agonizing cry from his lips. His prized locks were more important to him than his trendy clothing. I collected the discarded silver knife from the ground with tenacity, slamming it into one of his eyes. As agony devoured him, a wild roar from his throat. I took advantage of the situation and continued my ascent over the fence, his impaired vision impeding his pursuit.

The taste of freedom danced on my lips as I made my way to the other side, pulling me forward despite the looming danger behind me.

Finally, I scaled the fence and escaped to the other side, leaving the echoes of Edward's agony behind. A sense of release flowed over me with each breath, fuelling my drive to put distance between myself and the danger lurking behind.

A terrible understanding hit me as I rushed into the dark fog, my pulse thumping in my chest. A figure appeared from the mist—a man dressed in a crimson robe, his threatening stare riveted on me. His beautifully braided hair added a mysterious aspect to his appearance.

"You enter the forbidden territory, lady," he said in a deep, enticing British accent, his words bearing an otherworldly echo.

"I mean no harm," I begged him, my voice wavering, "I mean no harm." Please, please, please show me the way out."

A sinister grin grew across the man's face, an uncomfortable expression of delight. "You came on your own accord, but it is up to me whether you leave this domain," he replied, his tone laced with a menacing appeal.

An innate need to run seized me at that time. But before I could take a single step, a strong blow struck the back of my skull, unleashing a torrent of darkness on me. As my consciousness shifted, I caught a glimpse of the man's solid and steadying hand wrapped around my waist, stopping me from toppling onto the ground.

"Hush, my dear princess," his soothing and menacing voice reverberated through my jumbled senses. My body was paralyzed by an unknown force, and my vision grew blurry. And then, in an instant, a void swallowed me whole, leaving an empty canvas awaiting the uncertain brushstrokes of my uncertain fate.

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