Chapter 417
“I feel like I’ve been welcomed home by the people of this great country. I’m honored and humbled by the reception my family and friends have received here. I wish to thank President Áder for his warm reception, as well as being so kind as to invite us. The people of this great country have made me feel very welcome, to the extent of making me and my family citizens. I hope to build on that, and further improve the already cordial relations the United States has with Hungary.”
“Your tour, and especially the response by you and your Lady in Red company to the earthquake, has been covered extensively by the media back in the United States. Opinion polls show that the American public supports your actions in almost unbelievable percentages,” prefaced a woman from a major American network. “Do you expect Congress to be more amenable to approving your cabinet choices, considering the strong grassroots support you’re receiving?”
“I have no expectations regarding Congress,” rep
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