Candidate for Goddess
- Genre: Fantasy
- Status: Completed
- Language: English
- Author: Michael Angelo Soltis
- 1.8KViews
- User Rating 4.2
Chapter 1. Prologue
Out in the midst universe a small habitable planet just like Earth exists, a planet named Eris. Inhabitants of Eris also look somewhat just like humans, its people are called Erishans with much lighter skin than humans because their planet can barely get enough light from their star Asterie.
Some Erishans were able to cr*ck their god given talents therefore they possess different kinds of skills and they are called splitters. Those are the kinds of inhabitants that are living in that planet.
For years, planet Eris has been plagued with violent weather conditions since the end of the Great War that took place in Eris more than twenty years ago, leaving almost all the cities and towns in that world a ruin. Due to the circumstances of this post-apocalyptic era, some Erishans believed that their world is dying. People from Eris or Erishans were looking for salvation but no one seems to care, except for Demeon – a rich, past middle aged, male Erishan who owns most of the business trades running in that planet.
The planet’s atmosphere is being closely surrounded by millions of different sizes of asteroids from outer space, viciously encircling the planet. And it has been thought that the reason why there are millions of asteroids closely revolving around the planet… is to prevent the Erishans from going out.
*** Carousel likes to keep her diary in her slightly wrecked drawer, she takes it out and reads silently through the pages…
“I am walking up on this circular cloud like staircase and it is so high, as high as the heavens above and there are these old Erishans whom I cannot distinguish whether they were males or females, all I know is that they are old and they are all looking at me. Their hairs were silver white, and they were dressed in black and white. Printed in decorative patterns and designs, some of them have head dresses and some of them have not, some of them were standing and some of them were sitting, and as I am walking up through that circular staircase, I was beginning to feel that it is getting harder and harder for me to breathe. The more I get to the top the more it gets misty and foggy and, as I am nearing the top of that circular staircase, some of the old Erishans were no longer visible in my eyes, and then finally I have reached the peak. I can now see a very bright light…” Carousel paused from reading.
“But, but that’s all I can remember,” Carousel thought to herself as she was reading through the pages.
“I have nothing more to read, that is all there is to it,” she sighted.
“I often dream of that scenario since I started to have a memory but, I don’t know the meaning and the purpose of that dream, or what my purpose in life maybe for constantly having that dream, but I do know and, I do feel it deep down inside me that, that is no ordinary dream…” Carousel thought to herself.
“I don’t know why… but why do I always want to write about my dream?” Carousel asked herself again.
“My dreams are always the same… and yet I still keep on writing about it,” she added as she heavily sighed.
“There are still many things that I want to write about in my diary, like my special liking for Emoreh but I don’t know where to start and I sometimes feel lethargic and doesn’t feel like writing about it,” said Carousel to herself, she has mix and contradicting emotions about writing anything in her diary apart from her dreams.
“I wonder where Rachael is…” Carousel suddenly asked herself as she awoke from her sleep the following day and, she had that same dream again.
“It’s been three years already since I last saw her, but where could have my best friend been all these years? I wish she was here; I really need her right now…” Carousel told herself, feeling a bit guilty for not even thinking of Rachael for such a long time since she disappeared.
“Emoreh can’t be much of a help right now. Because he is my problem,” Carousel thought to herself with a tight smile on her face. She was unsure if she was telling the truth to herself, as her tight smile slowly withered in display.
And then suddenly someone was heavily knocking at Carousel’s bedroom door, she quickly got up and opened it.
“Mom?” Carousel slowly asked.
It was her mother! With a smug facial expression on her face! And she boorishly said to Carousel. “Why are you so hard to awake? Can’t you even hear the phone ringing beside you? That I would even have to answer it from downstairs!” She shouted. “Someone called you!”
But Carousel still politely and softly replied, “Who?”
“It’s Rachael!” Her mother yelled at her as the tone of her voice sounded like she was really irritated.
“Now, pick up that phone!” She said aloud as her eyes narrowed in doubt and her face slightly tilted.
“I never thought that you sounded like your friend… Rachael! For a moment there, I thought that you were just playing with the telephone!” Her mother said to her as she then gave Carousel a mocking glaze.
“Oh my!” Carousel cried, she was so surprised.
“Really, mom? Rachael?”
Carousel asked her mother again. “But how? Why so sudden? It feels so weird…” Carousel slightly shook her head as she mumbled to herself.
“But at least Rachael’s here now… and that is all that matters,” she thought to herself.
“All these years, mom… how did she know our number? Our phone number?” asked Carousel as she still tried to sound polite even though the look on her mother’s face was very upset.
And her mother just gave her a smacked facial expression. “Of course she knows!” She yelled. “We haven’t moved out or even changed our phone number ever since we got here! Silly!” Her mother explained and, she sounded very annoyed for the telephone call interrupted her from whatever she was doing.
“Oh yeah, silly me…” Carousel just calmly admitted to herself, she picked up the phone beside her bed and her mother then immediately went downstairs while murmuring something to herself, Carousel could still hear her mother’s murmuring and she could feel the heavy weight of her mother’s footsteps as she slowly closed the door and descended downstairs. But before Carousel could even start to say anything to Rachael… Rachael then immediately said something to Carousel on the phone that astonished her.
“Carousel, I know that you have a problem… an emotional problem!” Rachael’s voice was incitingly soft.
Carousel then suddenly burst into laughers as she soon realized that.
“How did you know? Well… you always knew what my problems were, you have that amazing psychic thing going on in your mind and, that’s why I’ve missed you so much,” replied Carousel on the phone as she was slightly taken aback.
Carousel then told Rachael everything what was going on in her life, the things that had happened the last three years Rachael was gone. They talked for hours on the telephone and, Carousel asked her, why she’s in the city? And it turns out that Rachael was also invited by the same academy that invited Carousel as one of the few Erishans who have special skills and abilities to qualify and join the academy.
“Well… I’m not surprised if you were invited, because I can surely tell that you’re one of the few who can see the future,” Carousel said to Rachael on the phone. “Wow! That would be great!” Carousel concluded. “We would be at the same school and we would bond like we used to.”
The following day, Carousel saw Rachael at their school’s lobby, at Stellar Academy owned by Demeon – the school’s possessor, whom they have never met nor seen before. Demeon had put up the academy for free, to help splitters enhance their special skills and develop into their full potential.
“There she is, looking very beautiful as always, very well polished all the time and she even has the name which I very much like and she has all the qualities and aspects in life, which all I ever wanted and hoped for in my life,” Carousel murmured to herself upon seeing Rachael from afar.
And as Carousel slowly approached Rachael, they both instinctively gave each other a tight hug for they haven’t seen each other for quite some time.
“Oh! How I missed you so much Rachael!” Carousel cried.
“I missed you too!” Rachael replied as they were both holding each other’s hands.
“I am so glad that Stellar Academy had invited you to join in… they might have seen you here somewhere in Midgar City and saw your special skill,” said Carousel.
“Actually, I’m about to go to your place because I knew you had a problem, an emotional problem remember?” Rachael quickly replied as her face nodded but her eyes did not move, because they were focused on Carousel’s.
“And that is why they have spotted me here in Midgar City and then they eventually invited me to join in this academy. And since it’s just for free and it would also help me develop my abilities, I decided and said to myself why not give it a try,” Rachael said with complete sincerity.
“Wait, you said your main purpose here was to visit me?” interrupted Carousel. “I know I have a problem, but it’s not really that big of a deal! It’s just a minor emotional problem. I couldn’t believe that you would even bother to visit me for that simple reason only,” Carousel said in a confused manner.
“Carousel? You can lie to yourself but you can never lie to me,” Rachael said frankly.
“What?” Carousel cried in a more confused manner, she tries to cover her real emotions. “You mean to say, you know me better than I know myself? That’s just ridiculous!” said Carousel as her voice hits a higher note and she stroke her right hand into the air.
Rachael just looked at Carousel’s eyes with intensity, as if reminding Carousel what her abilities are! Carousel then understood her message.
“Oh, okay, I got it, not only can you predict the future but you can also read minds, right? I see…” Carousel was quick to admit and felt a little bit embarrassed.
“I have the ability to see the future but it’s not that clear, not that accurate yet, but I’m working on it!” said Rachael as she paused for a while and then continued saying. “And the mind reading thing?” said Rachael as her lips twitched. “Well, actually I can’t read other Erishans’ thoughts, I can only read yours.”
“How and why is that?” Carousel quickly asked as her eyes slowly narrowed in curiosity.
Rachael sighed before answering. “To be honest, I really don’t know either.” She paused for a while before continuing. “Maybe I still need to develop my mind reading skill, so I can also read other Erishans’ thoughts… and that is also one reason why I accepted their offer, for me to develop my skills here in this academy.”
“By the way,” Carousel interrupted again. “Who were the ones who invited you to join and train here, in this academy?” Carousel continued to ask Rachael, diverting the topic away from her emotional problem.
“I believe his name was Dimitris,” replied Rachael as she paused and her eyes narrowed and then she tries to recall if she got his name right. Rachael felt a little bit different about him. “Dimitris said to me that he is one of the trainers here, in this academy… and there’s this another shaman with him whom I never really got to know his name, because Dimitris was the only one who keeps asking and talking to me, as if he doesn’t really want that other shaman to intervene with our conversation. That poor old shaman, Dimitris just made him look like an escort to him.” Rachael said as she was slowly shaking her head.
“Dimitris was also the one who invited me to join and train here in this academy,” Carousel abruptly said as she was pretending to look very surprised so she could completely ignore the emotional problem topic. “Because one time Dimitris saw me running through the Ruins of Midgar and maybe he saw me run like the wind and he thought that I might have a special skill to develop and that is why he invited me to train here too, at Stellar academy.”
“Were you really running that fast, Carousel? Because as far as I can remember, you really can’t run that fast.” Rachael asked curiously.
Carousel was quick to answer. “Well… now, when I get very emotional, my reflexes tend to work faster and my adrenalin seems to pump harder that’s why I am able to move, walk, run, jump, catch anything I want, and speak, etc. a lot quicker than my usual self, anything that has something to do with my reflexes – but only when I get really emotional that I could do all those things.”
“And exactly, what kind of emotion must you really feel to do those kinds of things?” asked Rachael as her eyebrows were pulled down and she expects an honest answer from Carousel.
Carousel couldn’t answer quickly because she knows that Rachael can read her thoughts and that she already knows the answer to her question and so there’s no chance denying the truth to Rachael. All Carousel could think of is, “How nice… we’re back with this emotional problem thing again…” Carousel thought to herself.
Carousel then tries to put a grin before answering back, “Well you know, when I’m like angry, or happy, or sad, or…”
“Or, in love?!” Rachael quickly cried, interrupting Carousel’s exchange of conversation with her as if she doesn’t want to hear anymore of Carousel’s complex answers.