Chapter 2

The venue was crowded with distinguished guests from all around the world and the host was introducing all the achievements made by them. 

Finally, the moment had arrived when he had to announce the most prestigious award of the evening.

“And the best annual Architecture Firm Award goes to Elara Parker. Let’s give a big round of applause to her ladies and gentlemen as she designed the Sapphire Pearl Tower in New York and the  Irish Cultural Center in Ireland, which is visible on the screen behind me. Isn’t it spectacular? She is only twenty-two years old but her designs are fabulous and very unique. As you all know AFA honours designs in the discipline of architecture, interior design, and landscape architecture to advance the appreciation of architecture worldwide, her designs are incomparable so the jury decided to give this award to her.” All the people gathered at the venue stood up and clapped their hands.

“I’d like to invite, Miss Elara Parker to receive the award.” The host cried out excitedly.

Everyone in the audience was looking towards the woman who rose from her seat and walked with elegance, she had a warm smile on her face and her face was glowing.

Elara was wearing a red gown and her long black hair was curled and bounced gently as she walked towards the stage and she held a pleasant smile tirelessly.

“Congratulations on your award, Miss Parker. Do you want to say something to the audience?” The host asked politely.

She lifted her golden trophy and moved her lips to the microphone. “Yes I do, firstly I would like to thank my tutors and all my supporters. This recognition does not belong to me alone, but to everyone who was involved with the project along the way. I would like to thank my boss, Mr. Damian Jacobs, for recognizing my talent and allowing me to work in his company. And finally, my mother who is my strength, I wouldn’t be standing here, if it wouldn’t have been for her love and support. Thank you, mom.” Her eyes had gone red and tears were about to fall but she controlled her emotions and smiled at the audience.

The host continued and asked. “This award is an esteemed honour and you were very lucky to achieve it at such a young age, may we know what you are planning to do in the future, Miss Parker.”

The question caught her off guard but she recollected herself and responded. “Well, as I have been busy with my work, my boss Mr. Jacobs owes me a long holiday, so I have decided to make use of my privileges and take a long vacation.” The audience roared with laughter but Damian Jacobs was roaring with laughter as he knew that Elara was just bluffing as she never took long vacations but he did not know that there was a surprise waiting for him.

Elara made no further response and left the stage.


The backstage party was on a whirl and everyone was enjoying themselves. The DJ was really good and the couples were dancing away.

Elara was surrounded by architects and businesses from around the world, congratulating her. Some wanted her to join their company, some wanted her to design for them and some wanted to flirt with her, as she was really pretty and her light blue eyes sparkled when she spoke, everyone was captivated by her beauty.

But among all these people one man was standing away at the far end corner and observing her with keen interest.

He was surrounded by a beautiful blonde and a long-legged woman but he ignored them.

His eyes twinkled and he watched her mouth as she spoke and interacted with the people around her, her eyes were so captivating that he couldn’t take his eyes off her and he walked slowly step by step towards her.

Elara was very tired and wanted to grab a chair to relax her legs and looked around eagerly, just then Damian arrived and held her hand and whispered.

“Are you hungry? Do you want something to eat?”

Elara nodded her head and whispered back. “Damian get me out of here or they will kill me with suffocation."

 Damian looked around and said. “Sorry, ladies and gentlemen, Elara is tired and wants to eat something, would you please give her some time alone? She will be back then you can talk to her, how much ever you want. Won’t you Elara?” Damian said politely and smiled at her. While he caught her hand to pull her away from the people.

Elara nodded her head smiled at them and walked away with Damian.

“Elara are you all right?” Damian asked with concern. “I am sorry I was held up by the senator, so couldn’t accompany you earlier.”

“It's okay Damian. Thank you for saving me at the right time or I would have collapsed.” She smiled.

He hugged her lightly and said. “By the way congratulations, I am so proud of you. You truly deserve it. We will celebrate it when we return home.”

“Thank you, Damian.” She whispered. “Let's eat something or I will die of hunger.”

Damian smiled and they went to the buffet area and heaped their plates with delicious food and after finding a seat, they started eating their food without talking.

But they couldn’t eat peacefully as Damian was surrounded by women who were coming and trying to talk to him. Elara shook her head and looked at the man who was looking at her apologetically as he was embarrassed.

Elara was not bothered at all because she had gotten used to it. For the past two years whenever they went out for work or dinner, he would always be surrounded by women. He was of mixed breed as his father was Spanish and his mother is an English woman. He had inherited his good genes from his father and was one of the top ten wealthiest and the most handsome men in London.

She just smiled and looked at those butterflies who were buzzing around him with pity as she knew they wouldn’t interest him. He was a clean freak.

They had become best friends after working with each other for nearly two years and people gossiped in their office that they were a couple but only Elara knew that she had always treated him as a good friend and never bothered about office gossip.

She felt very comfortable around him and knew him in and out.

“Are you done eating Elara? Do you want anything else to eat?” Damian asked her.

“No, I am full. If I eat more I will explode.” She said and grinned at him.

Damian picked up a tissue and started wiping the food around the corner of her mouth.

She didn’t object as he was always like that, trying to protect her.

“Ahem.” They heard someone cough behind them and the two of them turned towards the source of sound.

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