Chapter 3

“Marga, I need you to let Sir Marco sign these papers, please.”

I quickly stood up from my desk and nervously took the papers from her. I muttered a quiet “thank you” and made my way toward Marco’s office. My heart raced as I approached his door. I was hoping to get in and out without much interaction. As I paused in front of the door, I took a deep breath and gathered my nerves.

With a faint smile, I knocked lightly and waited for his response. “Come in,” his voice called from the other side.

Pushing open the door, I entered his office and walked over to his desk. My hands trembled slightly as I handed him the papers. “Sir, can you take a look at this and sign the papers, please?” I managed to say, trying to keep my voice steady.

He glanced up at me, his expression remaining neutral as he accepted the documents. His gaze quickly shifted to the papers, and he began to read through them. I silently prayed that this would be a quick process and that I could escape without any unnecessary conversation.

Finally, he finished reading and handed the papers back to me. “Thank you,” he said, his tone businesslike.

I nodded, my heart beginning to calm as it seemed I might escape without incident. Just as I turned to leave, his voice stopped me in my tracks. “Marga.”

“Yes, sir? Anything else?” I said, not smiling due to my nervousness in front of him. He stood up and stared at me with a smirk on his face. I looked at his eyes, and I was lost again.

He snap his finger in front of my face so I’d be back to reality. When I looked away, he chuckled.

This is so not him, I thought to myself.

He smirked, his gaze playful. “You know, I’ve noticed something.”

I raised an eyebrow, curious despite myself. “What’s that?”

His lips curled into a teasing smile. “You’ve been looking my way quite often. Got a little crush on the boss, huh?”

I felt a flush rise to my cheeks, but I wasn’t about to let his remark throw me off. “Oh, come on, Sir Marco. Don’t flatter yourself. I’m just making sure I know who’s in charge around here.”

He chuckled, the sound deep and resonant. “Well, that’s good to know. Wouldn’t want you to forget who’s running the show.”

I rolled my eyes, determined not to let his teasing get to me. “Trust me, I haven’t forgotten. The billionaire CEO with the lavish lifestyle and all.”

He leaned in a little closer, his gaze unwavering. “You sound like you’ve been researching me.”

I leaned back, my expression looking innocent. “Just keeping up with the latest office gossip, you know?”

Marco laughed, a genuine sound that surprised me. “Well, Miss Marga, I hope you’re not getting too distracted by my billionaire status.”

I leaned forward, matching his playful tone. “Don’t worry, Mr. Marco, your billions aren’t exactly my type.”

He grinned a glint of amusement in his eyes. “Good to hear. I’d hate to be responsible for derailing your career.”

I chuckled, the tension in the air easing. “Don’t worry about that. I’m here to work, not to swoon over CEOs.”

He straightened, his expression turning more serious. “I like that attitude, Marga. Keep that focus, and you’ll go far.”

I nodded, appreciating the encouragement despite our playful banter. “Thanks, Sir Marco. I plan to.”

I was about to leave his office; my heart almost jumped out of my chest due to the short banter we had. I never expected I could talk to him like that.

“Let’s have dinner, Marga,” I couldn’t continue walking when I heard these words from him. Is he serious? Why me? Did he recognize me now? or he’s just playing with me?

“No, sir. I’m okay,” I said, not looking back at him, and left his office.

I didn’t wait for his response; I simply turned and walked away, my pulse still racing from the unexpected proposal. As I left his office behind, I couldn’t shake off the confusion that engulfed me. Why would he want to have dinner with me? Was this some sort of game to him?

Avoiding Marco seemed like the wisest course of action, especially after our banter and his dinner invitation. It was as if he was a different person when he spoke to me privately, yet he reverted to his usual cold and serious demeanor when others were around. What was going on?

A multitude of questions was in my mind, and I couldn’t help but feel a sense of frustration. Maybe he was just trying to see if he could rattle me.

As I returned to my desk, I let out a sigh of exasperation. It seemed that my life was becoming increasingly entwined with Marco’s, and I wasn’t sure whether it was a blessing or a curse. One thing was clear, though—I needed to keep my guard up and focus on my work. There were enough challenges to navigate without getting caught up in the mystery that was Marco’s world.

At lunch break, I made my way out of the office to grab the lunch I ordered online. I was busy on my phone and entered the elevator once again. And again, Marco was there. Can this day get any worse? I sigh as I look at him and shortly bow to show some respect to the boss.

I was quiet, but he was not.

“I know you, Margareth. We’ve met before, right?” His words hit me like a shockwave. I looked at him, his smirk evident and confidence radiating from him. My heart raced as I wrestled with my nerves. Did he recognize me from the bar? Was he going to bring up that night? My mind raced with a thousand thoughts, but I refused to show my discomfort.

I held his gaze, trying to keep my voice steady despite the nerves coursing through me. “I’m sorry, sir, but I don’t recall ever meeting you before.” I lied.

His smirk only deepened, and I could feel the weight of his gaze. I was trapped in this elevator with him, the tension between us palpable. I stood my ground, determined not to show any weakness, even as my heart threatened to betray me.

His gaze lingered for a moment longer before he leaned back against the elevator wall, a knowing glint in his eyes. “Well, I guess I must have been mistaken then.”

Relief washed over me, though I remained cautious. “Yes, sir. Must be a case of mistaken identity.”

The rest of the elevator ride was filled with uncomfortable silence. As the doors opened, I stepped out quickly, my pulse still racing from the close encounter. I could feel his gaze on me as I walked away, but I didn’t dare look back.

As I returned to my desk, I let out a shaky breath. Marco’s unexpected presence continued to turn my otherwise ordinary day into a series of nerve-wracking encounters. It seemed that the secrets of that night at the club were lurking just beneath the surface, threatening to resurface at any moment.

I messaged Suzy right away,

“He recognized me,” I texted.

“You’re going to have an interesting life now, sis. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for you,” I sigh in disbelief. What does Suzy think? I’ll have my own love life now? No. It’s not going to happen. I’m in a complicated situation, and Suzy is having fun with it. What’s in her mind?

I typed back a response:

“Suzy, it’s not what you think. This is complicated, and I’m not looking for any kind of love life right now.”

I stared at my screen for a moment, my mind a whirlwind of thoughts. What was going on in Suzy’s mind? Was she just teasing me, or did she genuinely believe that this encounter with Marco was going to lead to something more?

“I’d go to your apartment later, let’s talk. Tell me the details also we have a party to attend again but don’t worry, no alcohol for you.”

I sigh. No, I won’t go to a bar again, even though she said I’m not drinking. The temptation to drink in the bar is still there. I couldn’t wait to end my work today and go home to talk to Suzy.

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