Book cover of “My Sister's Friend“ by Sunday_brunch

My Sister's Friend

  • Genre: Fantasy
  • Status: Completed
  • Language: English
  • Author: Sunday_brunch
  • Uploaded by user176356
Luke James Ryder, a senior in high school, is about to have his world turned upside down. Until now, he has ignored the strange occurrences around him. But when Michael, who eerily resembles his sister's best friend Jack, enters his life, he can no longer deny the existence of the supernatural. Odd events unfold, and even Luke's own identity is que... 

A new fiancé

My sister has this one friend who is always hanging off of her. This friend is a boy named Johnathon, Jack for short, and unsurprisingly he has been in love with her for years. He is super clingy and my hella dense sister still hasn't figured out his feelings even though it would be kind of hard not to notice. I am pretty sure both my parents feel bad for him, but at this point he is over at our house soo much that he is practically family.

Now, I brought this friend of hers up because it is Thanksgiving and he is currently over at our place because my sister announced that she has a big surprise for all of us, and to be honest I am not excited if the last surprise is anything to go by. The last time she had a "surprise" for us, it was to announce that she wanted to move out with her boyfriend and my parents didn't take that very well because she was seventeen, a senior in high school, and her boyfriend was twenty and in college. So, that did not get very far and my parents shut it down pretty quick.

So currently here we are. My mom, dad, Johnathon and I are all sitting around the kitchen table waiting for this big surprise when my sister, Eden, pulls a man out from around the corner. The atmosphere turns pretty tense when she announces that she and Ethan are engaged and I can practically see Jack's heart hanging out of his chest, dangling as if a breath of air could cause it to rip and fall. He was happy a moment ago, and I'm not a hundred percent sure what he was hoping for because this is my sister we are talking about and he has seen her go through a multitude of boyfriends. My mother and I share a look. I mean who can blame us. This boy practically lives at our house due to his years of unreciprocated puppy love, so its hard not to feel bad for him.

This isn't really anything new though. Eden has had more boyfriends than I can remember and Jack has been there for her through all the breakups and is one of her few true friends, since she doesn't have too many girl friends. He has been lovingly dubbed as her best friend, but that is just is an eternal friend zone and he may have been hoping for some recognition from her as a guy, but it has never happened.

I think this is as good a time as any to introduce myself. My name is Luke James Ryder. I am four years younger than my sister currently at seventeen years old and have been told that I look a lot like her except my hair is a silvery white. I know, how surprising is it that siblings look alike! Also, my father had a thing for the whole, "Luke, I am your father" thing, so if you were wondering, that's the story behind my name. Yes, star wars, and I swear I'll never hear the end of it.

So, back to the present. So, my insensitive sister pulled out her new guy, well now fiancé, of three months and everyone was visibly shocked. I mean, I guess when you know, you know but this is my sister and that isn't really how she operates so I'm not really expecting anything. Regardless, I was upset, so I stormed off to my room on the third floor attic because I did not like the idea of my sister getting engaged to some man that I had never met before. Well I guess I should have stayed downstairs and had a chat with the happy couple.

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