Chapter 3

Claire's POV

After the unexpected encounter with the crazy alpha, I saw Emil, rushing toward me with delight on her eyes.

"Thank god your not harm..."

I shook my head with tense smile on my lips. "Let's find the other first..."

Emil and I listened carefully, and after a while we heard faint voices off to our left in the distance. We nodded to each other before sprinting in the direction of the voices.

We finally found those who belonged to the voices after traveling a short distance. I frantically looked all over for Cain and my father.

I eventually found Cain as I combed the crowds. Emil caught my eye.

I recognize Cain. We both dashed over to him.

When he got to Cain, he looked at both of us and a look of relief spread across his face. I hugged him tightly while perched on my tiptoes, and he gladly reciprocated.

Although Cain was a big, intimidating man, he had a soft spot for the people he cared about. At times, he could be very playful, cracking jokes and pulling practical jokes while constantly attempting to lighten the mood. At other times, he was sincere and excelled at playing the Alpha.

He finally let go of me and looked over at Emil before nodding. He returned his gaze to mine on me. "Have you seen my dad?" He enquired.

I gave a headshake. "No, I located Emil first, not too far away. When we arrived here, I discovered you. I responded, unsure of whether or not to share my experience with Hunter with him just yet.

He took a step back and peered into the crowds, hoping to spot our father or at the very least someone who might know more than we do. After some time, he noticed something with his eyes.

It's "this way." He didn't say anything else before sprinting off to his destination, and we stuck close behind him.

I realized who he recognized as we came to a stop—it was my father! I was so happy to see him that I rushed over to him right away and stopped just inches from him.

When he saw me standing in front of him, his eyes grew wide, and he let out a contented sigh. Dad then drew closer to me, gave me that enormous bear hug that only he could perfect, and kissed the top of my head. I'm happy to see both of you. Dad said as he fixed his gaze on Cain and me.

Dad then let go of the hug and took a step back. "The rogues have been treated, any ideas as to why?" he asked Cain. My brother, who was standing there with a blank expression and a solemn demeanor, was asked.

"No, sir. I have no idea why they turned back. The rogues soon started to retreat after I heard the howl rip through the forest. He answered.

My father gave a head nod. "Who was that howling voice?" He inquired.

Cain's features took on a melancholy appearance as his face became grave. Oh no! It was Michael; he has passed away.

I let out a small gasp as I gazed at my father, whose face appeared to be so distraught. My father's Beta and closest friend was Michael. Through thick and thin, they were always there for one another. His passing devastated us because we considered him family.

I approached my father and gave him a hug. He appeared to be in shock because of how slowly he responded. I apologized to my father in a low voice.

He didn't say anything; he just tightened his embrace on me. After a brief period of holding on, he released, his face expressionless.

Instead, he turned to face my brother once more. He said with a cold demeanor, "We need to go home, and we need to find out why they retreated.

Intent on telling the others to go home, my brother nodded before starting to saunter off in their general direction.

Dad next turned to face Emil. "Get her home right away, Emil!" He shouted loudly.

Eugene nodded. The answer is "Yes, Alpha." He took my hand and started guiding me back to my house.

The silence between us was too obvious as we made our way home without speaking. I was incredibly tempted to tell Emil about my encounter with Alpha Hunter, but I refrained.

I was perplexed as to why I didn't want to as well. In addition, I wasn't sure how to handle the heartbreaking news about Michael and the others.

We had finally arrived at the house when I turned to face him and flashed him a quick half-smile. He grabbed my wrist and stopped me in my tracks as I turned to head towards the house.

He had a caring, friendly, and sympathetic expression on his face as I stared at him in confusion.

I closed my eyes and basked in his touch as he gently pulled me into a hug. He didn't even need to say anything; this alone was enough to lift my spirits a little. He backed away and gave me a long, passionate kiss.

Emil and I have been friends since we were kids. Emil is a handsome man who is 6'5" tall and we'll built, but not like the other men. He was thin and muscular, but not toned. He had soft blue eyes and sandy brown hair that went past his ears.

Since I can remember, he and I have done almost everything together. A month ago, even though Emil and I aren't friends, we decided to take our friendship to the next level by going out on dates.

Male notice and be affected by the mate bond, which happens when we turn 18. However its different for us. women are learning about it bit by bit. The man need to make the bond, and the woman has to agree to it.

When it comes to the mate bond, Emil says he doesn't feel anything like what we've been told, and neither do I.

But Emil and I started to feel something for each other. Neither of us had found a partner yet, so we decided to explore these feelings.

Everything has been going well, but deep down, we both want that mate bond, and our wolves aren't happy about the situation.

I was finally freed from his grip. "Do you want me to come inside with you?" Emil asked.

I stopped for a moment and thought about it. Then I slowly nodded my head, knowing that I really did need him right then.

When we walked into the house, mom and Adel were sitting in the living room.

They both got up and ran over to us, my sister and my mother hugging us both.

"Oh, I'm so glad to see both of you," My mom said this with tears in her eyes. She was looking at me. "Where are your mom and dad? We heard a terrible wailing; what happened?" Mom asked as she looked back and forth between Emil and me.

We gave each other sad looks and then looked at them. "Dad and Cain should be home soon; the rogues retreated; we're not sure why and..." I shut my eyes because I didn't want to tell them because saying it out loud would only make it more real.

Emil helped me out when he saw that I was hesitating. "During the battle, Michael was killed." He said it with a kind voice.

Mom and Adel both gasped and put their hands over their mouths. Their eyes started to get teary. They looked at each other, then back at me.

I didn't know what to say or how to comfort them because that wasn't something I was good at. I put my arms around them both and let them cry on my shoulders.

We cried and sobbed some more, then went into the living room to wait for Cain and dad.

After a while, they finally walked in the door. Mom moved quickly, and she looked at my dad and gave him a sorry look. When they came into the living room, my dad's face got angry.

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