Chapter 4. His Confession, Her Worries (1)

Lia couldn’t contain her excitement when Edward invited her to the point that she couldn’t even blink an eye. She fell asleep late at night and woke up before sunrise.

Usually, she didn’t like waking up early, and she wanted to stay the most. But today was different. She really looked forward to the tour she would have with Edward.

She decided to spend her time preparing for their trip later. She laid out the dresses on her bed.

This was the first time she had a hard time choosing her clothes, so she thought that she would take a bath first while thinking about what dress she would wear.

After a while, Auntie Naneth, their helper since she was a kid, entered her room. She was surprised when she noticed Lia was already awake and had finished her bath.

“You’re early today, what’s the occasion?” Auntie Naneth muttered.

“Auntie, I have a trip later, and I have a companion, so you don’t need to worry about me,” Lia giggled from the thought of it.

“Alright, that’s why you are here, so enjoy yourself. I’ll check the room of your bodyguard if she's already awake so she could prepare herself to escort you,” Naneth said.

“No, Auntie! There’s no need for that. I have someone with me, and I won’t be alone just like yesterday,” Lia spoke as she frowned a little.

“Then, tell me who it is?” Naneth said as she crossed her arms and raised her eyebrow.

Auntie Naneth was protective of Lia because she watched how the little Lia grew up into a fine lady. She had seen everything, her daily experiences, and encounters until her worst nightmares. She knew it all.

“It is a friend I met yesterday. His name was Edward, I met him at the park, and he stays next door,” Lia explained.

“So it was a man? Still, your bodyguard need to come with you because for me, I couldn’t afford to get in this weather,” Naneth said, being cautious.

“Don’t worry, Auntie. Edward is harmless, I got to know him yesterday, and he is not someone who would harm me.....hmmm?” Lia said.

But the helper did not give her an answer and was just looking at her.

“But okay, for you not to be worried too much, I’ll let the bodyguard come but with one meter distance from us. Please? So I could really enjoy this day,” she added and held her Aunt’s hand, pleading.

“Alright, but don’t let your bodyguard lose sight of you on purpose,” Auntie Naneth reminded her.

“Yes! Thank you so much, I love you,” Lia said with delightfulness.

After they talked, Auntie Naneth helped Lia to prepare, from the dress she would wear to her hairstyle and make-up.

Lia wanted to look beautiful in front of Edward, so she took her time until she was satisfied.

When Lia went down to the lobby, she already saw Edward waiting for her. He looked gorgeous in his outfit, and he looked really cool that she couldn’t help but stare intently.

“Hello ma’am, I’m Edward. I will be the one who will be with Lia today,” Edward introduced himself.

“Just call me Auntie Naneth, and make sure that you won’t let her be in danger,” Auntie almost commanded him.

“You can count on me. We’ll take our leave now, Auntie,” Lia bid goodbye.

“Edward, my bodyguard will be tailing us wherever we go. But don’t worry, she'd be one meter away from us,” Lia uttered shyly.

“It’s fine with me, as long as your safety is assured,” Edward said as he smiled at her.

‘Does Lia came from a prestigious family? Was there a threat to her life?' Edward thought as he took a glimpse at the lady guard.

They went to different places, such as famous museums and amusement parks, and took a picture together in each area.

They decided to commute rather than use Edward's car so that they could enjoy the travels as well.

They tried different shops every now and then, which satisfied their cravings.

Their smiles reach their ears, and sometimes they would hold hands without them knowing as if it was only natural for them.

When they stopped at the food stalls, Lia saw her reflection at the glass door behind. She saw her old self, who was full of happiness.

Then she remembered that it had been a while since she smiled like that. 'Mila, I hope you're happy to see me smile again.'

She never thought that she would still be happy after the tragedy that happened in her life.

For once, she didn’t mind if she was in danger or if someone wanted to harm her. And that was because she felt safe in the arms of Edward.

Lia could feel Edward’s gaze at her. The way he stared at her was different, and it was hard to define, but she was feeling it as well.

“You’re really a beauty, someone might mistake you for a goddess,” Edward complimented her out of nowhere.

“You are kidding me,” Lia laughed at Edward’s remarks to hide her blush.

“It’s true. You’re so pretty, especially when you are smiling,” Edward said, which made Lia’s heart skip a beat.

From time to time, Edward would complement her, and every time he would see her smile. He was totally mesmerized by her beauty.

They had just met, and it hadn’t been a day since they had known each other, but Lia already felt the butterflies in her stomach because of Edward’s small gestures.

Lia remembered their first interaction, and before it ended, she was dumbfounded when Edward suddenly confessed to her that he liked her.

She was dazed and confused, but now that she had spent time with him, it was clear as water that she felt the same way.

But still, she couldn’t afford to let her guard down and be cautious with her feelings now. It should be mind over heart, she thought that was what matters.

After the day ended, they ate dinner together and decided what to do for another day.

“What do you want to do for tomorrow?” Edward asked.

“I’m tired today, so I don’t want to walk continuously. I want to relax in a place where it is somewhat refreshing,” Lia answered him.

“All right, I think I know a place we can go to. It is included in my bucket list,” Edward suggested.

“Okay, it’s up to you as long as it’s not dangerous,” Lia replied.

They rested for a moment and went back to the hotel. When Lia entered her room, she was smiling widely, and Naneth noticed it.

“Did you enjoy today, sweetie?” Naneth welcomed her.

“Yes, I did,” Lia said, still on cloud nine.

“You know what, Auntie. I never thought that the day would come when I would be able to smile again. I thought when my sister died, I would never be happy again. But now...” Lia shared her sentiment and happiness was evident in her eyes.

“And I’m glad that you’re happy because everyone deserves it. All I wanted was to see you smile again just like you did today. Your Mommy would be so happy to see you this way,” Naneth stated.

“Yeah, and I’m really glad that I was here today,” she replied.

“Maybe, I should send my regards to that man because he made you smile and say those kinds of words. Your eyes were also sparkling,” Naneth teased her.

‘My auntie was right. I felt the freedom and happiness I had never felt for almost five years, thanks to Edward,' Lia thought.

Lia washed herself and changed her clothes to sleep, but after doing that, she couldn’t fall asleep. Whenever she closed her eyes, she always remembered the day she had earlier.

The happiness she felt, the admiration that Edward gave her, and the words Edward said made her day wonderful.

Edward must be her saviour in disguise. Someone that would save her from her miseries.

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