Chapter 4

Her father’s comprehension of the fact that she was not going to change her mind, decided to relieve her from getting her heritage, as he said, “Since you do not want to reconsider your opinion, I have decided to give you fourteen days to present to me a form or lose your inheritance.”

Those words came out hard on her, and without even thinking about anything else, she ran out of the house leaving the document that she had brought for him to sign.

Her eyes were blurred from crying and her senses were not intact. All she wants is to get away from the house so as not to break further by her fathers’ words. Bella had always been an obedient daughter to her father both at home and at work, but her father’s patriarchal attitude was not going to change anytime soon, she thought, taking French leave.

“J’ai toujours été brave et comprehensive, papa, pourquoi me faire du ça?” She asked herself while driving like a mad person. Harris was done with his job at the market and was going to town to deliver a client’s vegetables since his mother needed him the next day.

Wanting to cross the road, he was almost run off by Bella, who was at a mad speed driving towards him, realizing that someone was on the road, she pressed on her brakes while struggling not to crush him. Whacking her hand on the steering wheel, her blood warmed up inside her veins as she felt so much pain in her entire soul.

Harris had stopped in shock, wondering who could be driving so recklessly on the high way so keeping his truck and walking closer to the car to catch a glimpse of who it was, he saw Bella through her car screen, sitting at the front of her car with her head on the steering wheel.

“Hello, Ms.” He knocked on the glass, making an effort to wake her up only if he was still conscious to listen to him.

She moved slowly on the car wheel, pulling herself out and standing upright, not noticing the person who was standing by her car.

She had felt terrible after the incident, and holding her head, she remembered that she had almost crushed a man who was crossing the road with his truck.

“Oh my God, the man!” She exclaimed and took off her seat belt, she did not look outside, so she opened the door, and with Harris not knowing that she was about to open the door, she knocked on him with it.

“Ouch, that hurts so badly.” He screamed out, but Bella in panic, apologized to him, trying to hold the part that she had mistakenly knocked out.

“I am so sorry, sir. I did not realize that you were standing here.” She explained, but Harris crying his leg, told her that she was very reckless. Bella took offense to his words, so asking him what he had just said, got her angrier than she was, and Harris comprehending that she was already pissed, stopped with his cries and looked at her.

He was stunned by her magnificence as he had never seen any lady as beautiful as her. With his eyes, he admired God’s creation in all its splendor, swallowing the saliva that had formed in his throat.

“Are you okay?” She asked, staring at him as he looked weird. Harris getting himself back responded to her that he was okay. His eyes could not stop looking at Bella, and he noticed was crying. Thinking of a way to excuse herself, she told him to wait for a minute as she returned to her car to get some money for him. Opening her car door, she felt her head jolting as she sent her skull inside the auto, but she had to hold her stamina to fall.

“Here, have this, and settle your worries, and again, I am sorry.” She spoke out, but Harris saw it as a way of making a mockery of him, and pushed her hand, saying:

“I do not need your money, a simple sorry will do.”

“Hey, that was rude, I was just trying to help you don’t need to pour your anger from your bad day on me!” She exclaimed feeling hurt by how he had just spoken to her.

Bella was wondering how such a handsome man like him could be so arrogant but before she could infer what was going on, Harris asked with a mad voice.

“What did you say?” he yelled out.

She felt that he was getting paranoid and telling him to either take the money or leave it, she took out his hand and placed the money on it, she gave him a disgusted look letting out, “Such a proud man like all the others.”

Bella walked out on him to her and Harris could not believe this ears. Walking behind her to ask what she meant by that, Bella felt a warm feeling cropping up through her whole being making her feel weak.

“I am talking to you Ms. perfect, you spoilt brats from rich homes think that everything has to be done their way huh?” he asked but Bella was not feeling good okay to get into an argument with him. She tried her best to control whatever emotions she was having at that moment and tried to be concentrated on regaining her strength before continuing her journey.

Looked like her entire day had been written off in a black book that it was going to be like that but Bella not understanding what his problems were, turned to him without holding back er asking who he thinks he is to talk to her in that manner.

She yelled out at him saying, “You do not know who I am nor what I am going through at this moment, so what makes you think that you can judge me?”

Harris could catch a glimpse of the fire in her eyes and the sorrow that accompanied them. Watching the blood come down slowly on her forehead, he became concerned and made an effort to tell her that she was bleeding but Bella not wanting to listen to anything that was to come out of his mouth, stopped him with a finger as she silenced him saying:

“I am done talking and I think that I have heard enough of your nonsense.”

“Are you okay?” Harris asked seeing her countenance but Bella not being able to respond anymore, sprawled on the ground. Shocked, he rushed closer to her, in an attempt to wake her up.

“Wake up miss, I am sorry for all the things I said, please just makeup,” he called out but Bella was exhausted from all that she had gone through that day. Confused about what to do, he stood on his feet thinking hard about what he could do and taking a look at her on the road, he carried her up and made his way to her car not knowing whether to take her to a hospital or to leave her inside her car.

His head was spinning so rapidly that he thought he was going to pass out as well. Thinking about whether he was to take her to his house, Harris could not say whether that was a good idea as he could not find an appropriate answer to give to his mom.

Ratifying his fingers unto his strand, he realized that time passing and he had to do something to save her.

“What if she has suffered a concussion?” his thoughts went in that direction as he turned his gaze again toward the car. He looked at his truck of vegetables and without any further ado, he went to the car and started to take Bella to his house.

“Has anyone been able to reach her yet?” Mr. Dubois asked feeling worried though he did not want to make it obvious I’m ordered not to look weak. Emma, giving him a long stare shook her head in disappointment at what he had turned to just in his quest for a son.

Hoping deep down in her heart that Mr. Dubois could come to realize that children come from God and he had to be happy with the one that he had given to him. Praying in her heart hoping that Bella was not in any form of trouble or something, she kept on dialing her number on her cellphone, hoping to reach her soon.

Driving into the yard, his aunt was enticed by the flashlights and the sound of the engine which was steaming inside the automobile. Wondering who it may be as they had no relatives except themselves,” Harris got down from the car and called out to his aunt.

She was attracted by his voice and coming out, she saw him carrying a lady in his hands and she was unconscious.

“What happened Harris and who is that?” she asked in worry but Harris told her to help him with a pillow as they had no cushions on their two wooden chairs, his mother, ran into the room to get one. Bella was still not awake and his mother panicked to the bone.

“She is wounded,” she cried out while asking her son what kind of trouble he had gotten himself into this time around.

“I did nothing grandma, I was on the road and wanted to go deliver vegetables and I saw her in her car while she almost smashed me down,” he related and after finishing his last statement, he thought back to the vegetables that he was going to supply. Knowing that she was in security with his mother, he begged his aunt to take care of her while he goes back to bring his truck and the vegetables back home.

He could not bear to lose his truck and the customer’s vegetables as that was his only source of income.

“I will be back before you know it grandmother,” he muttered while leaving the house in a hurry. Before she could stop him, Harris had already left the house.

“I will take care of you, dear,” she voiced out looking at how she was beautiful laying down on the mat. Bella had one innocent beauty that was very striking and she wondered why Harris did not take her to the hospital, but well, she trusted her grandson a lot to believe whatever beheld her eyes.

Rising to her feet and went outside to get a washbasin while making some warm water for her head as well as to stop the bleeding from flowing out more.

Harris was very confused on his way back to get his truck where he had left it and while thinking of what to do as a mode of preservation, his phone rang out. He reluctantly took it out from his pocket, discerning that it was the client whom he had to go relieve her vegetable who was phoning him.

Taking a deep breath as he thought of what to tell her as an excuse for not showing up with her merchandise, he rolled his tongue in his mouth while he picked up the call and placed it on his right ear. But before he could say a word the lady raved anger and brimstone on him, telling him that if she did not see h they’re in the next couple of minutes, he was going to lose his job.

Getting all the insults and finding a more comfortable way to go about it, Harris spoke out slowly as he confessed, “I will not be able to make it there this evening Ms. Laura.”

His fingers tightened his trouser as sweat ran through his forehead to his cheekbones giving him a bitter sensation in his mouth that he could not describe it.

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