Chapter 4

Sofia's POV

After feeling much better, I took a shower and went for a run outside the garden. Usually, I worked out in the gym on the second floor of the mansion, but I wanted fresh air today. I did one more lap before running towards the mansion. Once I finished, I wished I had stayed in the garden a bit longer.

“It’s good to see you’re keeping up with your health, my dear.”

I inhaled deeply, trying to reason with myself that it wasn’t wise to punch my fiancé in the face. I forced a fake smile on my face. He tried to kiss me, but I shoved him away.

“I’m sweaty,” I muttered.

“Sofia, why aren’t you ready yet? Miguel is here to take you out for the day,” my padre ordered from somewhere behind me. I didn’t make any effort to turn around.

“Oh, Father, you should have informed me sooner. I already have plans,” I said in the sweetest tone.

“I’m sure your future husband isn’t more important than your plans.”

My padre’s arm went around my shoulder, and he squeezed it to get me to act decently, but today, I wasn’t in the mood for his orders.

“On the contrary, Father, Abuelo asked me to bring him something,” I grinned triumphantly.

He tensed up next to me. Just like my father terrorized us, his father did the same. He still followed my grandfather’s advice to this day.

“Great, take Miguel along with you and introduce him to your abuelo. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind meeting your future husband.”

“No, I can’t do that, Padre.” I took his arms off my shoulder and turned to him. “I’m afraid I have to go alone. His instructions.” I shrugged.

I knew Padre wouldn’t ever go against his father’s will. I was glad that I answered Abuelo’s call right before coming towards the mansion, or I would’ve been stuck with that douchebag for the whole day.

“Sorry, Miguel, next time,” I waved to him and quickly walked away.

I went to my room and took a shower before leaving for the library.

I had no clue why Abuelo requested a book from there, but it saved my ass today, so I was not even questioning it. I took the damn book and rushed out of the mansion before anyone else could see me.

“Hello, Abuelo. Here is your book.” I handed him the book he requested.

“Hello, mi nina. How many times have I told you to speak Spanish?” he reprimanded me.

No estoy de humor (I am not in the mood). Why did you want the book anyway?”

I walked into the kitchen and searched the fridge, but I wasn’t in the mood to eat.

Te he dicho muchas veces que no hagas muchas preguntas (I have told you many times not to ask many questions).”

Si, si, lo se (Yes, yes, I know).”

He shook his head in disapproval and rolled his eyes.

My abuelo lived half an hour away from our mansion. The mansion belonged to him, but since my father became the new head, we lived there now. It was what my grandmother loved the most; I didn’t know how they found each other in this cruel world.

Sadly, their love story didn’t last long; she was killed not long after giving birth to my father. Since then, Abuelo had been so cold and distant.

“You know, child, you may appreciate our way of living now, but one day, you will understand why we do these things to one another. A day will come when you will have to choose to be ruthless or lose your love the most dear, and that will make you understand our choices.”

I looked over to see him fixated on a page in the book. I tried to figure out what he was rumbling about, but I just shrugged it off as a habit of old-age mumbling.

Abuelo, If that is all. Can I leave?” I sighed.

“Hmm,” he mumbled as he was so absorbed in his book that he didn’t notice my presence.

I took that as a hint and quickly left. My abuelo may be retired, but he was still involved in the mafia and had authority over my padre. As long as he was alive, he could order my father to do anything he wanted. But sadly, he didn’t interfere in our lives anymore. Things would somehow be different.

I once asked him if he could get me out of the engagement with the Santiago, and his only response was, ‘Why didn’t I think of that?’ I guess things are unchangeable.

I returned and felt so relieved when I didn’t see Miguel there.

“I didn’t like the stunt you pulled today, hija.” My padre’s voice stopped me from sneaking my way upstairs.

I closed my eyes, cursing myself for not moving faster. “I didn’t do anything.”

“You embarrassed me in front of your husband.”

“He is not my husband yet.”

“He will be soon. If you continue this behavior of yours, he might be able to control you sooner rather than later,” he mumbled the rest quietly, but I was still able to grasp it. “What did your grandfather want anyway?”

“Some book,” I shrugged.

“He and his silly books. I don’t want what happened today to ever repeat itself. Get that clear.”

I turned my face away from him and walked up to the stairs.

I was glad that I had a mission the next day. I needed something to distract my thoughts from overthinking. I studied my target and got ready for it. It was pretty easy. Every night, he went for a run in a park near his house.

Today was my lucky day because he chose a path that ran through the woods. He didn’t have the strength to engage in a fight. All of a sudden, my car jerked, and I lost control of the steering wheel. The car crashed against something, and my head hit the window. I tried to move, but my vision was blurry. Everything turned black.

When I opened my eyes, I found myself in a white room. I was annoyed by a beeping machine right above my head. My body ached as I tried to move. I saw tubes attached to my hands. I groaned as I struggled to sit up.

“Ma’am, I would advise you not to move,” a woman said as she tried to lay me back on the bed.

“I want to go now,” I said.

“You can, after the doctor examines you.”

Just as she said, another woman in a white coat carrying a clipboard entered the room. She asked me a few questions and recorded my responses. She also checked something before telling me she would return shortly.

I lay there staring at the ceiling, waiting to get out of there. The sterile smell was suffocating. Fortunately, I didn’t have to wait long. The doctor returned and started rattling instructions.

“You must be extremely cautious, especially in your condition.”

“Excuse me, what do you mean by in my condition?”

“You’re pregnant,” she stated.

“You probably didn’t know because the pregnancy is still in its early stages, but you still need to be careful.”

“W-what?” My eyes widened. How could I have let this happen?

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