Chapter 2. Splitters

“Well… you could say that too.” Carousel unconsciously admitted as she was naively nodding her head. “By the way, which field of training did they put you into?” Carousel asked as they both started walking across the academy. She tries to divert the topic again.

“Dimitris said that my talents would be well suited in the Psychetency study, which develops the talents of the mind; like mind strength, (telekinesis) mind reading, (telepathy) and psychic ability (the ability to see the future) all the abilities that has something to do with the mind.” Rachael explained as her eyes wonders around the huge atrium of the academy.

Carousel paused for a while, as she was a little bit curious before starting to ask another question to Rachael. “And how did Dimitris know that you were suitable in the Psychetency study?” Carousel strangely asked.

“He told me that when he saw me here at Midgar City and tried to read my mind, he couldn’t because he also have this telepathy skill and since he can’t read my mind, then that means that I, too, have a telepathy skill.” Rachael again explained.

“You mean to say that if someone has a telepathy skill, then that someone can’t read the other Erishans’ mind who also has a telepathy skill?” Carousel inquiringly asked.

“Exactly,” Rachael answered. “The same skill will cancel each other.” And as Rachael continued speaking. “You can’t read someone else’s mind if that someone else can also read other Erishans’ minds – that’s what Dimitris told me, and I have never thought and realized about that, maybe because you are the only one that I can read.” Rachael sighted.

“Are you sure? That I’m the only one that you can read? Or maybe everybody else has a telepathy skill too that’s why you can’t read their minds.” Carousel teasingly said.

“That’s just impossible!” Rachael exclaimed. “My father also has a telepathy skill and he can read other Erishans’ thoughts.”

“Well, how come that I’m the only one that you can read?” Carousel pointed out.

Rachael tried to analyze Carousel’s question before answering. “I really don’t know, but maybe that’s why I’m here, to develop and enhance my skills.” Rachael replied.

Carousel just nodded and asked, “I wonder why Demeon has put up this academy to train Erishans who have special abilities and skills for free… I mean what’s the purpose? If ever we had enhanced and developed our skills, what can we actually contribute to this dying world?”

“Who’s Demeon?” Rachael asked.

“Demeon, is the owner and possessor of this academy! And judging from what other Erishans are saying, he was the one who gave the people of Eris the hope they needed, because right after the Great War that took place in this planet more than twenty years ago… Erishans hated each other and the only feelings they had for each other is total abhorrence… and that is why Demeon had put up this academy to help rebuild the Erishans hopes and trusts for each other… and that is what Dimitris told me. I was just a newly born when the Great War was over. So I really don’t remember anything about it.” Carousel slowly replied. “I have never seen nor met Demeon, but I do want to meet him someday and thank him for all the things that he had done for all of us, for our world.”

“Well… Dimitris also told me that this academy was actually put up to help the Erishans, to lead the Erishans and to educate the Erishans, and I don’t get it too, how would our special skills help? To lead and educate the people of Eris?” Rachael questioned. “And isn’t it everybody’s responsibility to carry out their own predicaments in life?”

Carousel was hesitant to answer back.

“Well… I’m just here to receive proper trainings, to improve my abilities and skills, and that’s all!” Rachael proudly concluded.

“You’re quite right!” Carousel concluded too. “We all have, and goes through the same challenges and problems in our daily lives and it’s our responsibility to work it out ourselves, but we also have to take care of each other, especially in this city, we are just a mere hundreds and I think there’s only a few thousands of Erishans scattered all over this world.” Carousel sadly continued saying. “And besides, we need leaders, because there are no leaders in this world, only shamans to guide and teach us on how to live and survive in this world, that’s why we need to look out for each other.” Carousel convincingly said to Rachael.

Rachael did not look convinced about what Carousel had said, but instead she rolled her eyes before answering back. “We don’t need leaders Carousel! Even the animals in this world doesn’t need leaders to lead them in their daily lives, each and every one of us can manage to live in this world without a leader, that is why we were given proper teachings by the shamans so that we know exactly what to do and, what not to do.” Rachael outspokenly explained. “Like you said, we are just merely a hundreds in this city and each and every one of us is doing our own contribution and we are doing just fine… and I suppose that a lot of Erishans from the past had already tried to lead this world to become a better place, but look where this world stands now? It’s dying!” Rachael exasperated. “I definitely don’t see myself becoming one of those heroes! I’m just here to receive proper trainings. That’s all!” Rachael said as she heavily sighed.

Carousel handed Rachael a memo which she took out in her old and torn bag. And it reads;

Once you have finished studying; which a teacher or a shaman will only teach you the basic strategy to survive and the basic knowledge you need in your life, then you are on your own to decide whatever you want to become in your life. Only the Erishans, who could or have cracked and discovered their own natural hidden talents, are meant to proceed to the proper teachings and trainings. They are now called splitters who have successfully cracked their god given talents and possess special abilities, skills and talents. splitters aged slower than ordinary Erishans and because of these gifts. They will be invited by the head shaman of Stellar Academy to train in either of the following fields:

1) PSYCHETENCY – Skills, abilities and talents, which the mind can achieve. (Mind reading, mind prediction or premonition and moving objects through the use of mind strength.)

2) IMPULSY – Skills, abilities and talents, which the physical body can achieve. (Faster reflexes, sharper senses, and stronger body strength.)

3) ALCHEMY – Skills, abilities and talents, which can be achieved with the power of innate knowledge and manmade tools. (Alchemists makes use of gadgets that they have invented or created that can change or transform a certain material into a different kind of material.)

Rachael then returned the memo back to Carousel, after reading it, she was looking unimpressed. As Carousel tries to respond to Rachael, she saw Emoreh and Faust fast approaching towards them and, so they decided to postpone their conversation. Emoreh then greeted Carousel as they were getting near them.

“Hi! Carousel, I just saw you from afar and it looks like you were talking to somebody,” Emoreh oddly said as he slowly turns around in circles to observe their surroundings.

Carousel was then a little bit annoyed by Emoreh’s statement and she began to speak in a higher tone, “Of course I am. I was talking to my best friend Rachael,” replied Carousel as she knew that Emoreh had just ignored her friend Rachael. “You are such a snub Emoreh!” said Carousel as she was shaking her head.

Emoreh then looked strangely at Faust’s eyes with his eyebrows pulled down. Faust then approached and greeted Rachael. “You must be Carousel’s friend.” Faust gladly said.

Emoreh was puzzled and he felt unusual for Carousel, but he tried to observe and conceal his peculiarities. His eyebrows were pulled down, looking a bit envious.

“Yes, I am,” Rachael replied excitedly.

“I’m Faust.”

“Nice to meet you, Faust, I’m Rachael,” she eagerly said.

Faust nodded and said, “Nice to meet you too… Rachael?” He clarified.

Rachael just smiled at him.

Emoreh was astonished of what he had witnessed and insinuated Carousel that he ought to be introduced to Rachael next, Carousel got the hint and introduced Rachael to Emoreh.

“Rachael this is Emoreh. Emoreh , this is my friend Rachael.” Carousel said while being vigilant of what Emoreh might say and act towards her friend.

Emoreh looked straight at Faust and Carousel first, and then he sighted before looking at Rachael’s direction. “Nice to meet you.” That’s all Emoreh said, as the tone of his voice hits to a drop, thinking if he had done the right thing, and he quickly looked at Carousel and asked her, “Are you going straight home today after the trainings? Because if you do, I would like to walk you home, because I have something very important to tell you.” said Emoreh as he pleaded, he was completely ignoring his opening remarks to Rachael.

Carousel then felt rude for Emoreh’s approach, but she felt a little bit content, because she knows that Emoreh must have been just jealous of Rachael, him knowing that Rachael was her best friend.

“Yes, I’m going straight home after the trainings.” Carousel was keen to answer; she felt that Emoreh was going to offer her something.

“Then I’ll just see you afterwards,” Emoreh wholeheartedly said to Carousel, as he immediately turned his back and began to walk away, Faust then followed him, having no ample time to even say goodbye to Carousel and Rachael.

“Hey wait up! What’s the big rush?” Faust cried to Emoreh.

“Nothing!” Emoreh replied as he continued walking away.

“Nothing? Well… that doesn’t look like NOTHING to me,” Faust pointed out and curiously asked, as the tone of his voice hits to a drop. “I know that it’s none of my business, but why were you acting so strange?” Faust surprisingly asked again as his eyebrows were pulled up.

“Me? Acting strange? What do you mean I’m acting strange? No I’m not!” Emoreh was quick to defend himself. “It’s just that I wanted to tell something very important to Carousel and it’s so frustrating that it has to wait.”

“And what is so important that you can’t even wait to tell her?” Faust intriguingly asked as he was very anxious of what Emoreh might say to Carousel.

“I thought you just said you don’t want to bug into someone else’s business?” an irritated Emoreh asked and slowly turning his head away from Faust and he was a little bit annoyed by the circumstances.

“Alright,” replied Faust while unwrapping both of his hands from being tightly closed and raising them at the level of his shoulders. “I know, I’m not going to ask you anymore.” Faust said, still anxious and his lips were pressed in a thin tight line.

As Emoreh and Faust were walking away and they were out of sight from Carousel and Rachael, Carousel asks for Rachael’s understandings.

“Oh, I’m so sorry for Emoreh’s manner, I know that he doesn’t really intended to be rude to you, it’s just that he really has this attitude of ignoring people that he doesn’t like and, he knows that you are my best friend, so he might have thought that you and I are gonna be in somebody's company all the time again and, that I may not have any more time for him, so I think he was just being jealous of you.” Carousel assured, completely forgetting the last topic she and Rachael were having.

Rachael hastily replied, “Actually, he did not completely ignore me… and honestly, it doesn’t really matter what he might think of me and, I don’t even care if I don’t exist in his mind, it’s not a big deal you know.”

“You mean to say, Emoreh’s actions were just fine with you?” Carousel slowly asked as her lips twitched, still anxious of what Rachael might say next.

“Of course!” Rachael exclaimed. “I’m fine with it and, besides you said that he really has this attitude of ignoring people that he doesn’t like right? So it’s understandable and, I couldn’t care less.” Rachael bluntly said. “And I suppose I’m not the only one who had to put up with his extraordinary conduct.” She concluded as she tucked her wavy long dark brown hair in her ear.

Carousel sighed and was relived upon hearing Rachael’s blatant statement. She didn’t want her best friend and the love of her life to have a friction between them. And so to further comfort Rachael, Carousel thought that it would enlighten her up if she brings out the other splitter that gets into Emoreh’s attitude.

“Yes, you’re absolutely right, there is also this girl. Her name is Emery. And Emoreh tends to ignore her every time he sees her,” Carousel abruptly said while looking for some place else for them to sit.

“Who’s Emery? What have she done? Is she a friend of yours? Don’t tell me that it’s the same reason why Emoreh might be jealous of again?” Rachael’s voice was now beginning to sound irritated.

“No! Of course not! She’s not my friend,” Carousel replied with a smacked facial expression as her eyebrows were pulled down, but then she was later silenced for a while. “Well, she used to be… but then I felt that she was trying to avoid me and I felt that she was also trying to separate Emoreh away from me when she found out that Emoreh had a huge crush on her and, that is why I started to avoid her too.”

“So now you’re not friends with Emery? For that simple reason only?”

“Well… it’s really hard to say but she was the one who started all these, if only had she not try to draw Emoreh away from me, I guess we would still be friends today… and besides I really have a strong feeling that she was the one making all the moves to attract Emoreh and that is why Emoreh fell for her, but we do still talk to one another once we cross paths with each other, but it’s not like we’re really that close friends, we are just very civil with each other right now… anyways, Emoreh used to have a huge crush on her, but he didn’t pursue it any longer… he told me that he had lost his interest in Emery because she was so hard to please and did not even show the slightest token of appreciation to what he was doing for her.”

“And now, Emoreh is ignoring her for that same simple reason only?” Rachael asked again as she rolled her eyes. “He’s just bitter!” Rachael pointed out.

Carousel just sighed, her lips were pressed in a thin line and she felt that there is truthfulness in Rachael’s words that’s why she did not bother to answer back, all she said was, “Come Rachael, let’s sit over here.” As she held Rachael’s hand, leading her to sit at the broad handrails of the academy’s balcony.

“By the way, are they training in the same field?” Rachael asked.


“Emoreh and Faust of course!”

“Oh yes, they are… they are both training in the field of alchemy, but Faust is already a senior and he is training in the higher level of alchemy… he is the best alchemist this academy has and, I think he’s a little bit older than we are.” Carousel replied.

Rachael paused before asking again, “What does the field of alchemy requires, for you to qualify?”

Carousel’s eyes partially narrowed, thinking the things she knew before answering back, “I guess Alchemy is the only field in our academy that has NO requirements for showing obvious talents. I think… you are only required to be intellectually intelligent in that field, unlike in the field of Impulsy and Psychetency where there should be a noticeable talent, like what we both have. In alchemy, it’s all up to you to gauge your own skills and abilities, and if you think that you have what it takes to be an alchemist… then you are very much welcome to join in this academy and besides, it’s just for free, so there’s no harm in trying.” Carousel explained. “But I’m not really sure if that’s the case, now that you’ve mentioned it, I would like to ask Emoreh if that really is the case.” said Carousel as her manner of speaking became very curious.

“Yes, go ahead and ask him what talent he possesses because I’m sure he has none.”

Rachael slowly and vulgarly said as the tone of her voice settled down that nobody can even hear the last words she spoke.

But Carousel heard everything she said clearly, not only does her reflexes were improving but also because her senses tends to be sharper, as her eyes slowly looked down, and she said, “Speaking of asking Emoreh. He told me that he has something to tell me right after the trainings… hmmm… I wonder what it could be,” Carousel excitedly said completely disregarding Rachael’s judgment towards Emoreh.

“Well… what do you think he will tell you?” Rachael intriguingly asked.

“I think… (As Carousel’s eyes flickered in anticipation) I think he’s going to propose his love for me, telling me how he truly loves me and that he doesn’t want me to end up with somebody that is not him… I can just feel it, I just know that his likings for me are more than just the friendly thing, I just know it.” Carousel said with complete enthusiasm, while trying to conceal the overwhelming feeling of bliss that is about to explode in her chest.

Rachael sympathetically asked Carousel, “Is that what you really think he will do?” as her eyes partially closed. “You really are, so much in love with him.” Rachael’s voice started to sound really concern. “I mean I can’t blame you – who wouldn’t fall in love with a guy like Emoreh? He looks so perfect.” Rachael sincerely said.

Carousel blushed upon hearing Rachael’s declaration but then again she tries to conceal her true feelings. “Rachael, you got it all wrong!” cried Carousel. “I said I think Emoreh is the one who feels more than just the friendly thing towards me, not the other way around.”

Carousel explained but she couldn’t even convince herself while saying those words to Rachael.

“Really?” Rachael sighed; and she looked at Carousel’s eyes with so much intensity again, as if reminding her again what her abilities are.

Carousel then got the message, “Oh I hate you!” Carousel expressed with a friendly grunt. “Why can you read my mind? It’s so unfair.” The tone of her voice sounded really frustrated.

Rachael then just smiled at Carousel with absolute understanding.

“But I do… I do feel that I… really do love him, should I tell him? That I love him?” Carousel asked worriedly.

“No!” Rachael strongly replied. “I strongly suggest that you do not.” Her voice was sturdy as she said those words to Carousel. “Let him tell you first, what he wants to tell you, then you can tell him what you really wanted to say to him.” Rachael said as she acted very demanding. Carousel was speechless and clueless.

Then a few more minutes and the school bell rang, it indicated that the class break was over and that the trainings are about to continue. Carousel and Rachael then got up from their sitting positions, Carousel got up first. “Oh, break’s over, I better return to class now.” Carousel said as she was still blushing from their conversation. “So, I’ll just see you tomorrow then.” She said and was about to wave her hand goodbye when she noticed that Rachael was looking at her unhappily. “Oh, common’ this is the first time we’ve seen each other in years. Don’t look at me like that Rachael.” Carousel implied. “I know that you’re not fond of Emoreh but you’ll soon like him, once you get to know him better.” she said convincingly.

Rachael then took a deep breath before answering back. “Well, I’m looking forward to that moment,” she replied as she sounded almost believable.

Carousel just smiled at her as she was feeling a bit awkward. “Bye, Rachael,” said Carousel as she paused, while waving her hand awkwardly and was looking down and then she turned around.

“Bye,” Rachael softly said too, sounding very concern.

Then the two proceeded on their own designated classes.

Carousel then entered the training room for Impulsy trainees together with her few fellow splitters. They walked into their own selected places to start training; the rooms were really huge considering that there is only handful of splitters training in it. And as they were training, Dimitris, the head trainer and the head Shaman of Stellar Academy, walked in and told them, “Listen, all of you.”

The tone of his voice was intriguing, and everybody then had suddenly stopped what they were doing and started to pay attention to Dimitris. “Do all of you still remember about the creature that I once told you? I forgot what it’s called, but it’s the water creature?” Dimitris eagerly asked and his voice was very nasally.

“Yes sir, why? What about that water creature?” Carousel quickly replied.

“Well, like what I have said before, a creature like that is so elusive, so rare to find and so hard to capture,” said Dimitris as he started to walk back and forth. “And that is why I don’t remember what it’s called.” He mumbled to himself with a slight snort. “Since all of you are training in the field of Impulsy, it would be a very good training for each and every one of you if you could actually catch and capture one.” He loudly said to them sounding very convincing.

“But we have no idea what that creature looks like or even what that creature’s name is?” One of the splitters asked.

“Yes sir, how can we catch and bring one, if we don’t know what that creature looks like.” Again, one of the splitters concluded.

Carousel then thought for a second reminiscing the time when she was just a little girl, when she saw a bizarre shaped water creature rising in front of her while she was walking through the edges of Lake Midgar. She wanted to tell and share her experience to the whole class thinking that it might help them uncover the secrets of the elusive water creature but…

Dimitris unexpectedly interrupted as soon as she was about to start to tell them her experience.

“I know it’s hard to look for something that you haven’t even seen before, but that’s the part of your training – sharpening your senses.” Dimitris said as his manner of talking was very discourteous as if teasing them. “Although these so called, water creatures has been rarely studied, I do know for a fact that it lives under water.” Dimitris snorted and was about to burst in laughter.

Every splitter in the room just looked at each other’s eyes with annoyance towards Dimitris and some of them just rolled their eyes.

“Sharpening our senses?” One of the splitters softly and infuriately asked. “I don’t see the connection,” the splitter concluded.

Dimitris then walked out of the room snorting, covering his mouth with his one hand in a fist position leaving everybody in that room puzzled and irritated.

“I really don’t like that shaman!” One of the splitters cried as soon as Dimitris left the room.

“Neither do I, and that annoying high pitch voice!” One of the splitters exclaimed while trying to clear his ear with his little finger. “Isn’t that too much of a sharpening?” he asked sarcastically.

As soon as Dimitris walked out of that room, every splitter then continued practicing their talents, one of them were neither training nor reading and, the other is doing stretching and running while Carousel was doing nothing. She was so excited for the class to be over. She was very eager to see Emoreh, and for what he would have to say to her when he walks her home after the class. The bell rang again and it means that class was now over for the day. Carousel then rushed out of their room, ran so fast along the corridors and finally, to make it look like she wasn’t really in a hurry, she started walking slowly outside the building. She then looked at the time on her clock necklace which Emoreh made and gave to her as a symbol of their friendship. Carousel subsequently slowly looked up at the main building of Stellar Academy observing its majestic architecture while waiting for Emoreh.

[The city of Midgar or Midgar City is a very highly technologically advanced city and Stellar Academy is the focal point and the very heart of Midgar City and, its structure is like a colossal candelabrum made with super steel, with three vigorous shafts soaring up through the skies and, the shaft at the center being the highest and the most robust of the three and, the two other thinner, shorter shafts located at its sides are slowly rotating. It makes use of wind energy that’s why the two shorter shafts at the sides are spinning. It’s habitually very windy at Midgar City and, almost all the buildings and all the roads at Midgar City are also made of super steel metal which is much stronger and much more flexible than concrete; to also withstand the usual quakes which the city is experiencing.]

And as Carousel was observing and was looking up at Stellar Academy, she heard a soft voice coming from behind.

“Did I make you wait too long?” an enticing voice asked Carousel, as she then quickly looked down from looking up at the main building and turned around to find, Emoreh looking at her from behind.

“No, not at all! I just got here recently myself.” Carousel kindly replied while she was trying to clear her throat from being taken aback by Emoreh while she was busy looking up at Stellar Academy.

“Can we then go now?” Emoreh abruptly asked her.

“Sure!” Carousel excitedly replied as her eyes widened in anticipation.

The two of them, then walked on a road that leads to their allocated shelters.

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