Chapter 4. The Balls Hunting

“Do you have a grudge against me or something?” Sharon asked, her body exhausted. She had just finished running ten laps ... with seventy percent of walking.

Greyson did not answer. He blatantly ignored Sharon.

“If I have wronged you in my past life, I apologize,” Sharon said breathlessly.

The girl no longer had the energy to stand. She could faint at any time. Luckily, the seniors allowed all the new students to sit where they were.

Sharon continued to look at Greyson’s back in front of her. She wanted to punch him, but she knew that it would only make her hurt herself.

She remembered how sturdy his back muscles were.

“Everyone, pay attention! Our Student Council President will have a few words to say!” shouted a senior.

A handsome man with white quiff hair stepped forward. Everyone could feel that he was a charismatic figure.

The man smiled, “Good morning, folks. How is it going? Tired already?”

Everyone nodded silently, afraid of offending the seniors.

The Student Council President set his sights on Sharon. He smiled kindly, “How about you, Young Lady?”

Sharon was surprised. She pointed at herself, “M-me?”

“Yes. You. Looks like you’re not used to exercising, am I right?”

Even though she did not want to admit it because it was quite embarrassing, Sharon still nodded. Her whole body was sweating so much that she could not hide it.

“If you ever feel that it is too much for you, feel free to tell your seniors.” The man said it with a friendly smile, even though everyone knew what he said was a joke.

No sane person would dare to complain to the seniors. They will only be tortured more.

“Forgive me for my rudeness. I didn’t introduce myself properly.” The man looked around at all the new students. “The name is Lucas Caelum. You can call me Lucas. It’s such a pleasure to meet you.”

He looks like someone who would run for council.

“I have been watching you guys from the start. I see some people are talented in sports.” Lucas looked at Greyson. “If you are interested, I can recommend you to join our college football team. What do you think?”

All eyes were on Greyson. He did not show any expression, so no one could guess what was in his mind.

“I’ll think about it,” replied Greyson.

“Fine. You can find me anytime if you have considered it.”

Lucas directed his gaze back to the new students. “I won’t take up much of your time. What I want to say is, on this campus, you are free to express yourself.”

Everyone looked moved by his simple words.

“Don’t let your talents stay hidden inside you. We will make sure to support you to the fullest. So, be yourself and have fun on campus.”

Everyone applauded loudly. Lucas glanced at Sharon briefly. He smiled before walking away from the field where the new students were.

Maybe no one realized it, but Greyson knew the meaning of the look Lucas gave Sharon. Because of the experience of fighting on the battlefield for years, it allowed Greyson to read many hidden hints.

“Okay. Now, follow me!” shouted one of the seniors.

Everyone stood up and walked in line, following his steps. They toured the entire campus area and stopped at the cafeteria.

“Now I will explain to you.” The senior lifted a white ball. “If you want to eat, you must look for this ball.”

Everyone focused on the ball.

“We have hidden this thing in various places. One ball is worth one dollar. So, collect as many as you can.”

The new students looked at each other. Their gazes implied that they were ready to compete for the ball.

“At certain places, some of us will be holding five balls at once. For whoever arrives first and completes the mission given by the senior there, it will be all yours.”

Their eyes grew hotter. It looked like they would fight as hard as they could to get as many balls as possible.

Someone raised their hand, “What if someone couldn’t get the ball?”

“Isn’t it obvious? He could endure hunger until dinner. We won’t give a single damn.”

Sharon swallowed her saliva. She was already exhausted from running ten laps. Now, she has to compete with others for the ball.

Of course, she did not want to starve.

The girl looked annoyed at Greyson. He was the cause of all her suffering.

“Now, what are you waiting for? Time is money ... or time is balls. Whatever. Just move your ass, you fucking snail!”

Everyone ran as hard as they could. Some of them seemed focused on looking for the balls around them. The rest of them rushed to find the whereabouts of the senior who had five balls. They focus on carrying out the mission.

“Why don’t you two start to move?” asked the senior who explained the game earlier. He was confused because he saw Greyson and Sharon standing still while the others were like ants scattering.

Greyson looked calm while Sharon panicked. The girl did not know where to start.

Greyson looked at him expressionlessly, “You are also one of the seniors with five balls, right?”

A senior with five balls. Someone might get it wrong. That sentence is quite ambiguous. Honestly, it could be anything.

The senior smiled, “How did you know?”

“It was easy to guess what was in your full pockets,” answered Greyson. It made the senior sound stupid. “You should at least hide it somewhere else.”

Sharon was surprised that Greyson could realize that. Maybe apart from him, no one would notice.

The senior looked angry hearing what Greyson said.

“You make fun of me?”

“No. I’m just giving you some advice.” Greyson felt he had done nothing wrong. What he said is a straight fact.

Several other seniors behind tried to hold back their laughter. That made the person in front of Greyson even angrier.

“Okay, Cowboy. I see that you have guts. You want the balls?” the senior smiled slyly. “Take my punch.”

The other seniors who heard this looked nervous. Someone tried to remind him that committing violence was against the law. It seemed like he did not care at all.

“A punch for a ball. How about that?”

Sharon looked at Grayson. She tried to get him to stop talking in such an annoying way.

“Is that all?” Grayson asked. He had no intention of provoking. He just was not used to talking with others normally since he lived in the shadow for many years.

“Yeah, Bitch! That’s fucking all!” The senior shouted. “Take it or not?”

“I think—”

“I’ll take it,” said Greyson as Sharon tried to handle the situation.

Sharon moved closer to Greyson. She raised her head because their height was quite different. “Is your head okay? Why do you challenge the senior like that?”

Greyson looked back into her eyes. He fell silent because he saw his reflection in her eyes. It was so magically beautiful.

For that moment, Greyson thought that Sharon’s eyes were so captivating.

“Can you just apologize to him?” Sharon asked. She looked so worried.

“For what? I’m just following the rules. I had to accept a challenge from a senior to get the ball.”


Suddenly, a hard fist landed on the back of Greyson’s head. Sharon fell in surprise.

The senior smiled broadly, “That’s one. You can take the other four, right?”

Greyson did not answer. The senior hit the back of his head very hard, but he cared about something else.

He saw Sharon holding her right wrist. Greyson could tell that it was broken without even bothering to ask because she was trying to support her body weight when she fell using her right hand.

“Now is the second one! Take this, you arrogant motherfu—”

He slammed the senior to the floor in the blink of an eye. Everyone did not realize what was happening because Greyson pressed the senior’s chest with his right knee, making it difficult for him to breathe.

“G-get the fuck o-of me!”

“Stay down. I’ll take your remaining four punches after I take care of her.” Greyson said that coldly. His voice sounds like a whisper from the God of Death, calm but sharp.

Greyson let go of the senior and went to Sharon. He crouched down and pulled her right arm.

With holding her hand, Greyson looked into her eyes worriedly.

“Are you okay?” asked Greyson, with the gentlest voice that Sharon would not expect to come from someone like him.

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