Chapter 3. Her Rage

The vein in his neck twitched while his hands convulsed violently to wrap around the little Omega’s neck standing before his mate…his foolish mate, if she had to survive her she must know the rules, he was the Alpha and she was his Luna whose work was to birth pups for him and obey him obediently.

The demeanor of the pack house changed with his presence. A little girl was pushed by his mate behind her.

Alpha Adrian stalked toward Persephone, fire in her sapphire eyes still flaring like embers.

He hated the courage she possessed, the power she asserted…a born Luna who didn’t require an Alpha to rule. Her father was the most respected Alphas of all time and she too had the same strong blood flowing in her veins.

His blue orbs took in the way she stood with grace and pride, her body untouched, immersed in innocence …still being untamed, wild with her intoxicating scent provoking him.

A forced smile made its way to his lips…soon he would breed her with his pups and when he was done, he would show the pathetic mutt her place…only if it wasn’t for her delicious body.

He needed a woman to keep under his shoe, the one who would quench his insatiable sexual thirst but the only problem was his wolf Mason.

Mason cared for her, he wanted to meet her wolf…her wolf which he couldn’t sense, but how was that possible when she sure was a werewolf?

“Adrian, they are starving...” his body went rigid hearing that euphonious sound…if only he could crush those worthless creatures and show the woman her place…his bed and beneath him.

“Jason, give the omegas as much food as they want.” He replied not removing his eyes from her, only they wouldn’t be wanting it from tomorrow.

The head cook came forward with his frame trembling as the Black Moon Alpha ordered everyone to sit.

All of them watched their Alpha and future Luna in awe… Alpha was really changing. While Persephone watched him with unbelieving eyes as he took a seat beside her, something was dubious or was this man really trying?

Absence of light is darkness…absence of conscience is evil…don’t trust a monster. Don’t sell your soul.

If only she knew…


“THROW THAT PATHETIC OMEGA IN DUNGEON!” he ordered the cell guard.

“Whip them all till their skin breaks and make sure that little mutt gets special treatment!” Adrian roared, his voice getting dangerously low at the end glaring at Lily.

He sat down to watch their torment.

Lily whimpered, tears freely flowing down her face, her big brown eyes pleading as other children completely froze, their faces becoming pale with fear, huddled in the corner with their eyes blown wide.

“PERSEPHONE!” A scream of pure agony tore through Lily’s heart as the man came closer to her.


My queen… Luna… they need you… Persephone.

Persephone rose from her sleep drenched in sweat, her hair a tangled mess, a sheer silk cloth adoring her physique with her heart beating wild…

Apprehension clouded her vision as soon as she saw lights blooming in the dungeon from her small glass window. No stars were visible in the sky as storm clouds engulfed the atmosphere. Her breathing became labored.

Fear, anguish, torment, fury and above all protectiveness washed over her but those weren’t her emotions…it were her mate’s – her true mate’s…whom she didn’t know.

She rushed outside the pack house barefoot, running toward the dungeon like a maniac.

“Luna, you can’t enter.” The guard tried stopping her but froze as soon as he looked into her eyes – an unquestionable command, he moved aside seeing her distraught state.

Adrian saw Persephone approaching the cell and his eyes widened.


Persephone’s POV

A loud wailing resonated – a child… Lily?

Fire engulfed my insides watching the scene in front of me, the heinous crime which was being committed shook me to the core.

Revenge… Death… I was going to kill him.

Ferocity in my eyes made the monster who was going to whip Lily halt in his movements. Such cruelty bestowed upon a child, they were sinners, and they were going to pay for their deeds.

Torturing instruments adorned the wall, a silver flexible sword blade attracted my attention, picking it up I glided my finger across the sharp edge.

I stalked toward him…circling my prey. The slashing sound of blade echoed like a thunderbolt striking. A loud cry resonated as his eyes rolled in his head – dead.

“What the fuck are you doing?” Adrian’s hand clasped my shoulder in a bruising grip as his harsh glare fell on the child hiding behind me.

Snatching Lily, his fingers gripped her hair with force to which she screamed.

Red… blood…

My Luna…my queen.

A powerful aura filled with unconstrained nefarious power summoned the surroundings.

Alpha Adrian’s laid limp at his sides, three huge claw marks slit his chest…still a warning, Scarlett blood gushed out as his wolf Mason was forced down in his head whimpering.

Nobody is going to harm them, their queen is protecting them.

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