Chapter 3

Maurvi’s POV

We reached my computer center just in time. I saw Prachi and Naman going inside the center. I thanked Gautam and was about to get out of his car. When he stopped me.

“When will your class get over?” He asked with a smile.

“At 6 PM, but you don’t have to come back to pick me up. I will take a cab.” I told him.

“No, I will be there. Now go inside and don’t talk to them. Bye and take care.” He said and after saying bye to him, I went inside.

The teacher was already in class. I asked the permission to enter and when he nodded, I went to take a seat.

I was feeling very good from within. Gautam gave me a lift here and will come back to pick me up. I can get used to it very easily. I just loved the way he cared about me, the way he was listening carefully. I didn’t realize that I was smiling like a fool.

“…Maurvi? Maurvi?”

“Oh! Yes, sir?”

“Are you in the class? Are you alright? I mean you came late and now you are not attentive in the class and on top of that you are smiling all to yourself? I asked you a question and you are not even listening.” Sir asked me.

“I am sorry sir, It won’t happen again, “I said but the heat was creeping in my cheeks making them pink.

“It is ok, now pay attention.” I nodded and he started teaching again.

Just 5 minutes had passed when there was a knock on the door. Our teacher opened the door. Prachi who was sitting next to me asked me why I was late. Before I could say anything, sir called out my name.

I looked at him and he said, “Maurvi, Someone wants to talk to you for a minute. Please come here.”

I got up from my seat and reached where sir was near the door. I was surprised to see Gautam standing there. He smiled and said, “You forgot your bag in my car. I thought you might need it. Bye.” I took the bag and thanked him with a shy smile. He was so good and I was so clumsy. He smiled and went back.

I kept looking at him till I heard someone clearing the throat. Sir was smirking at me.

“He is gone, Maurvi, will you please take your seat. I think now I know why you look distracted today.” Sir said in a low tone with a smile and winked at me. I blushed harder. Our teacher was just a few years older than us; he was like a friend.

He resumed his lecture and I went back to my thoughts. I could not help thinking about him and smiling. The class was over and I excused myself and came out of it. Prachi called my name but I pretended not to have heard it.

I reminded myself of the suggestion Gautam gave me about avoiding both Prachi and Naman. So I was looking for Gautam as I didn’t want him to wait for me. All of a sudden someone caught my hand. I turned to find Naman holding my hand.

“Are you Ok?” He asked with fake concern.

“I am good, please leave my hand.” I tried to get my hand out of his but he tightened his grip.

“Are you trying to avoid Prachi and me? Please don’t do that, we are your friends and are concerned about you. I am sorry that I couldn’t reciprocate your feelings but you need to understand that I love your friend and not you. I am sorry for that but I can’t change that. I really love her.” He was behaving like a nice man in front of Prachi.

“Just leave my hand, Naman. I don’t care what you two do. If she has decided that she trusts you more than she can trust me, fine I will not say anything and stop acting. She doesn’t know about your true colors but I do. What feelings are you talking about? I never had any feelings for you. In fact, you disgust me. Now please leave my hand.” I tried again but he was holding my hand very tightly.

“Oh come on Maurvi, these things happen. It’s ok we are not judging you for having feelings for me… You don’t have to deny them. I respect them, it is just that I can’t reciprocate them. I am madly in love with Prachi. Please don’t tell lies to her about me. Why are you poisoning her mind against me?”

“Shut up and leave my hand.” I shouted at him while he was smirking.

“No, first you say sorry to both of us and accept your mistake.”

“What? Never I never tell a lie. You are acting in front of her...” I was saying when I heard a deep angry voice.

“Leave her hand...” I turned to see Gautam standing there glaring at Naman.

“What if I don’t? Don’t mess with us just go and do your work. This is not any of your business.” Naman said carelessly.

“It is my business… Now leave her hand or I will punch you to pulp.” Gautam said in his angry voice.

“What is your problem?” He asked Gautam.

“My problem is that you are holding her hand.” Gautam caught his hand and released my hand from his grip with force. He came and stood between Naman and me.

“She is my friend, Who are you?” Naman said to him in a fighting tone.

“Hello I am not your friend Naman and for your kind information, he is my…friend.” I retorted.

“Boyfriend… I am her boyfriend.” Gautam said all of a sudden and I felt as if I was going to faint.

“What? No… you didn’t have to. I told you… I don’t want to tel-” I was saying but he interrupted me. He caught my hand.

“On come on Maurvi… I know you said that you don’t want to tell them about us, but it is ok, they are your friends. We must not hide it from them. Trust me it is ok.” He smiled at me and placed his arm around my shoulder. I was going to faint. It seemed that both Prachi and Naman were shocked with what Gautam just said.

“Listen, you, just stay away from her or I will rip your hand off your body. Let me tell you that I have been a boxing champion during my college days. So don’t mess with us.” He threatened Naman and then smiled at Prachi.

“Hi, you must be Prachi, Maurvi’s best friend. I am Gautam, her boyfriend. She talks so much about you. I sometimes get jealous of you. I wish I was as important to her as you are. Bye, it was nice meeting you. Take care.” She just nodded and looked at me with shock.

It seems we all were shocked as only Gautam was speaking.

He turned to me and said, “Let’s go beautiful, I am really hungry. Where would you like to go? Hey, show me your hand.” He caught my hand tenderly.

“Oh, it is so red, it is going to bruise. Next time if I see you anywhere near Maurvi, I will kill you. Understood.” He barked at Naman and caught my other hand in his and walked towards his car.

I saw from the corner of my eye that Prachi looked a bit concerned about me. She even looked angry at Naman.

He opened the emergency medical kit and took out a pain killer spray and sprayed it on my hand. He looked very angry.

“It’s ok. He would not dare to do that again. But you didn’t have to say all that.” I said to him.

“No it was necessary Maurvi, now he would not come near you. If he does just let me know. Did you notice that your friend was shocked and she is still looking in our direction? At least now she will not think that you have feelings for him. You just need to show some affection towards me.”

Oh God, how do I tell him that I already feel too much about him? What would I do now… Prachi is shocked by what he said because she knows what I feel about him. If he keeps saying things like that, I will fall in love in no time. I have to keep my distance from him.

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