Chapter 2. Believe Me

Mr. Walter was disappointed in Lucas as he furrows his brows in an expression of displeasure toward Luca’s action and for lying. He couldn’t let Lucas say a word to explain how Jack’s book got to his backpack. He brought his face closer to Lucas’, “Detention won’t solve this. You know the punishment for stealing is in the rules and regulations of this noble school?”

“But sir…”

“Quiet Lucas! Quiet!” Mr. Walter yelled at Lucas interrupting him from speaking further. “You are a disgrace to your father’s badge!”

Other students were already staring as they watched Lucas being disgraced. From the look on Jack’s face, he’s enjoying every bit of the embarrassment given to Lucas. “Sir, I demand he should be punished for stealing by book,” said Jack.

Mr. Walter swirled as he focuses his gaze on Jack. “Don’t tell me how to do my job.”

“I know but with my mathematics book stolen by him, I didn’t do my homework.”

Mr. Walter walks up to Jack. He fixed his eyes direct on Jack’s eyes. “Is that why you raised your hand to strike him? You know that’s suspension, right?”

“I am sorry sir but…”

Mr. Walter cuts in on Jack, pushing back his words. “I don’t want to hear a word from you. I will handle Lucas after I speak to the Principal.” After he has said this, he turned to the rest of the students staring and ordered them to their classes. “Lucas White,” Mr. Walter calls out as he switched his gaze at Lucas and continued, “You have detention after school, but first I will speak to the principal about your act.”



Lucas was ashamed to sit in the canteen for lunch because everyone thinks he stole from Jack except for one person, Alicia Myles. He was seated in the class alone with his head on the desk. Alicia approaches him from behind tickling him playfully.

Alicia Myles is Jack’s girlfriend. She is aware of how her boyfriend behaves because she has encountered him bullying fellow students. She still stuck around with him thinking he would change but each day he keeps on getting worst.

Alicia’s stunning beauty won’t let Jack allow Alicia to break up with him. Jack has been threatened with a breakup severally but he continues with his empty promises of turning a new leaf. Alicia has an imp tin body, ruby red hair, a dainty nose, and velvety eyelashes. When she smiles she often displays her halo-white teeth.

Jack has described her lips to taste like a strawberry. Her joyous personality made her fellow peers always want to be around her, especially the boys. However, Jack has displayed he is jealous of seeing her around boys and he’s ready to give the person a beat down for coming around Alicia. When Alicia speaks, she spoke in a soothing voice. She just turned 16 a week ago.

“Hey Lucas, cheer up!”

“Don’t be too hard on yourself.”

Alicia slowly sat beside Lucas trying to make him feel happy again. She’s the only one that believes Lucas didn’t steal from Jack. She knew how Jack does behave. She gently picked Lucas’ palm and placed it on her palm. Slowly she caresses it.

The gloominess of Lucas’ facial expression got Alicia more worried about what might be going on in his mind.

“Come on talk to me.”

Alicia continued caressing Lucas’ palm as she continued in her soothing voice. “Please don’t be upset with me.”

“Come on, don’t be this way.” She paused for a while and emits a soft-deep audible breath. She gently held Lucas’ jaw trying to get him to look at her. “Look at me please,” she mutters in a soft voice. “I have an idea,” she added.

“What idea?” Lucas inquired with curiosity.

“Can you trust me on this and let me clear your name?”

“What do you intend to do?”

“Don’t worry; I will be right back, just cheer up.”

Although Alicia is Jack’s girlfriend, she has kept a good friendship with Lucas. She’s one of the peers who often come to Lucas for help when she fails to understand a mathematics problem.

As she was walking out of the classroom, Mr. Walter walked in. “Lucas White, you are needed at the Principal’s office, right now!”

Lucas reluctantly followed Mr. Walter. He has no idea of what Alicia wanted to do nor did he know what would be his fate when he walks out of the Principal’s office. All he could sense was trouble and there was no way he wants his father to learn of this situation. His father warned him to stay out of trouble but looks like trouble has already found its way to Lucas.

Lucas’ expectations were cut off and his heart raced faster than a racing car when he walked into the Principal’s office and saw his father seated with the Principal. It’s now clear to him that the school authority has placed a call to his father without delay.

Detective White narrowed down his gaze on his son. He’s disappointed that after warning Lucas to stay out of trouble, he still got himself into trouble. He ignored the presence of his son and switched his attention to the Principal. “I am sorry if this turns out to be true but we shouldn’t just conclude on this matter just like that. My son has never stolen before.”

The Principal adjusted in his ergonomic chair. He leans forwards and opens his mouth to speak. “We can’t be too sure of that. You are a detective and you know I can’t just dismiss a case like this based on assumption.”

“That’s right but we can’t conclude a case like this without proving he’s guilty.”

Mr. Walter clears his throat. He was standing by the door. He takes a few steps forward with his eyes on Detective White. “Forgive me Detective but I saw the proof myself.”

Detective White cast a burning gaze on Mr. Walter. “What Proof are you talking about?” He asked sternly.

“The stolen book was brought out from his backpack.” Mr. Walter speaks of what he saw but not what he knows. He might have seen the stolen book in Lucas’ backpack but that doesn’t mean Lucas is guilty as hell.

“Can we at least allow my son to speak?” Detective White is certain that his son isn’t a troublesome type nor is he a thief. However, as a Detective, he knew that the words of a suspect can’t be taken just like that without any evidence to back it up.

As Lucas adjusts on the office sofa of the Principal, before he could open his mouth to speak, a gentle knock was heard twice. They all switched their attention toward the door after the Principal invited the person in.

To the Principal’s surprise, it was her daughter Alicia. He didn’t expect her to be in his office by now but to be getting ready for her next class. She’s the youngest daughter of Principal Myles. Principal Myles has three daughters and Alicia is the third. “Are you not supposed to be getting ready for the next class?” asked Principal Myles with his eyes fixed on his daughter.

“I’m sorry to interrupt your section with Detective White but I believe Lucas to be innocent of the accusations levied against him.”

Principal Myles rose from his chair and walks up to his daughter. He believes her judgment is clouded by her friendship with Lucas. “Alicia, this is not the time for this. Please get ready for the next class you have,” he said.

“I’m telling you, dad, Lucas is innocent!”

Detective White switched her gaze on Alicia and finally opens up to speak with her. “Do you have proof?”

“You all have to listen to this!” Alicia pulled out her cell phone and slowly lowered it on the desk playing a voice record.

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