Chapter 4. An Attraction or Crush?

“Can I drop you?” Alexander asked, and Serenity nodded shyly.

“I’m just going to the next block. My best friend Skylar lives there.” He looked at her with avid interest.

“Do you both go to school together?” He asked, handing her a spare helmet that he always carried.

“Yes, we’re at Yorkhill High. It’s near dad’s office.” His brain absorbed the extra information instantly. He would join uncle Eric’s office from Monday, so hopefully, he would see her more frequently. She wore the helmet and climbed onto his motorcycle, straddling behind him, acutely aware of his proximity, and held on to her seat to avoid falling off.

“You need to hold on to me,” he said and waited for her to obey him, but she didn’t. Frustrated, he twisted around and grabbing her left hand, placed it around his torso, making her gasp with surprise. Her touch felt so good that he caught her other hand as well and wrapped it around himself.

“Hold me. I ride rough!” he ordered her with a smirk and she tightened her hold, suppressing a smile. Alexander felt like he was in heaven. With her warmth seeping in through the thin tee shirt, he rode slowly towards the block where her friend lived.

“How did you manage to get an injury on your forehead?” she asked him and he leaned back to listen to her properly, his back brushing against her, making her tremble a little.

“How did you manage to notice?” he asked, his eyes twinkling with amusement, although he was very surprised that she could see it hidden underneath the hair on his forehead.

“It’s pretty visible,” she said, shyly.

“It’s from one of my matches,” he informed her reluctantly.

“What matches?” she asked him, curiously.

“Boxing.” He didn’t inform her he played the underground ones to earn money when he was completely broke. He had his uncle’s enormous debt to clear off. His uncle didn’t earn a penny all his life and left a tremendous burden of debt on his shoulders after his death. The men were dangerous and harassed him for money, and he had no other means to clear the debt. Last time they had come and threatened to murder him if he didn’t pay.

She tightened her hold on him. “Don’t fight anymore. I don’t want you getting hurt,” she said as a shudder went down her spine at the thought.

“Why do you care?” he asked, holding his breath unconsciously. She didn’t answer, but just lay her head on his back and he felt touched by that simple gesture. No one gave a damn whether he lived or died, but her words made him feel as if she actually cared for him. It made him fall for her completely, hook, line, and sinker. Was it a crush? He didn’t know, but he felt excited and happy that she cared for him.

“Drop me here, Lex,” she said, raising her head. It disappointed Alexander that they arrived so fast. He wanted to talk to her more, he wanted to get to know more about her. “Are you coming home tomorrow?”

“Yeah, but I will be busy fixing your dad’s car,” he informed her and she sighed, dismounting from the motorcycle. She took off her helmet and handed it over to him. “Will you cook for me again?”

She smiled and nodded, making his heart skip a beat. “Bye, see you tomorrow,” she said, holding his gaze. Lost in the depth of her captivating gaze, Alexander didn’t want the moment to end, but she turned to leave and he looked away with a sigh.

“Bye.” He sat still, watching her go inside her friend’s house, and rode off towards the garage to face the music. He would have to inform them he wanted to discontinue and then fight for his dues. It was a hard life, and he was glad that it was finally over. He would start afresh, far away from this place, and do something worthwhile with his life.

Skylar opened her door and saw Serenity standing there while a handsome guy on a motorcycle started his machine and rode away. She squealed with delight, “Sera, don’t tell me you’ve got a boyfriend? He’s so hot,” she said excitedly.

“Shut up, Sky. He’s Lucas’s friend,” informed Serenity, glaring at her.

“Is he available? Can you introduce me to him? Pretty please,” Skylar begged.

“No way, don’t even think about it. He’s mine,” hissed Serenity.

“I knew it. You’re in love with him. Aren’t you? Don’t even think of denying it,” said Skylar as the two friends went inside her bedroom.

“Yes, but I can’t confess with Lucas always around,” complained Serenity. “You know how possessive he is about me. If he gets a whiff of this, he’ll blow up like a volcano and destroy everything,” said Serenity.

“I know. I’m really terrified of what he might be up to. Lucas is crazy about protecting you. He might punish his friend for no fault of his,” said Skylar and Serenity sighed.

“His name’s Alexander. He already has too many difficulties to deal with and I don’t want to add to his worries,” said Serenity, telling her everything she knew about Alexander.

“Be careful, Sera. Lucas shouldn’t know at all costs. How serious are you about Alexander?”

“Very serious, Sky. He’s the one for me,” said Serenity confidently.

“It’s too early to conclude that, Sera. Give it time and get to know him. You’re underage anyway,” she suggested.

“You’re right. I should get to know him first,” sighed Serenity.

“Yeah, what’s the hurry? Slow and steady wins the race, remember?” advised Skylar.

“Thanks. I’ll do just that. Know him better and then confess when the time is right for us,” Serenity agreed.

They started doing their homework together for the next day’s class and discussed the project work that needed to be submitted.

It was 11 o’clock in the night when Alexander returned home. The garage owner paid him meagerly, deducting a lot, and even called his goons upon Alexander and there was a vicious fight. Before leaving, Alexander beat all the men into a pulp, especially the garage owner, who had to be taken away to the nearest hospital for first aid. It served him right. No one could escape Alexander’s wrath. How dare he deny his hard-earned money? He worked hard the whole month without taking a single day off.

Before leaving, Alexander picked up some car parts to sell for the dues the garage owner didn’t pay him. He sold them at a nearby rival garage and collected his dues before returning home. At least he had some money with him now. He felt very grateful to uncle Eric for giving him a chance to lead a respectable life. He would pack up whatever he had and sell off this shack to whoever wanted it before shifting out forever.

The sound of his mobile phone vibrating had him alert. Only one person always called so late in the night. The manager of the underground club circuit where he fought, Mike Tyndall. His uncle owed a lot of money to him and he forced Alexander to fight for him.

Reluctantly, he picked up the call."Yes, Mike,” he said, dreading what he would say next.

“You have a match tomorrow at 4 o’clock in the afternoon. Be there on time or face the consequences,” he said, disconnecting without even hearing him out. Alexander knew that the consequences he mentioned meant his death. There wasn’t any other option than to go there and fight. He would have to ask how much more was due.

Serenity’s words went on in his head.

‘Don’t fight anymore. I don’t want you getting hurt,’

She had said these words to him just today and would think that he was desperate and didn’t care about her. He wanted to listen to her and never fight again. All his life, he had wanted a normal life like other boys of his age, but now that he had the chance, Mike Tyndall had to disrupt his peace of mind.

Sighing, he remembered that there was nothing at home to eat and went to the shack at the crossing which sold a watery beef stew and bread till late in the night. Buying himself dinner, he trudged home. He took a shower, cleaned his wounds, applied some medications, ate his food, and lay down on his rickety bed at last.

After his fight, he didn’t know whether he would be alive or dead. He might end up paralyzed or injured for life. These illegal fights were too dangerous, and he hated them. When his uncle died, Mike Tyndall forced Alexander to train under him to fight and make money for Tyndall, which paid off his uncle’s debts.

Alexander sighed and thought about Serenity, the way her soft body was pressed to his, and he didn’t want to die so soon. He wanted to be with Serenity; he wanted to see her forever, to hold her in his arms, to kiss her, to belong to her, and spend the rest of his life with her. Was he in love, or was it an attraction? He did not know, but he was sure it wasn’t a passing fancy. It was much deeper than that!

He wondered if she felt anything for him. She did care about him, that he was sure of. He felt scared of his future for the first time in his life. What would be Serenity’s reaction when she saw his wounds on Monday morning? How would he join a civilized office with his brutal wounds? If he were alive, that is.

He dozed off to sleep, thinking about Serenity.

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