Chapter 2

After the incident that day, I decided never to be a curious cat again. If I heard any strange noises coming from the next apartment, I wasn’t going to get involved. It wasn’t my business. Cause the next thing you know, I’m stumbling on an orgy.

I made sure to avoid the next-door neighbor, Harreh, as he had pronounced it in his perfectly articulated accent. Every time I was leaving the house, I made sure to peek in the hallway. Make sure he wasn’t there.

Even though he had kept his promise – I hadn’t heard any strange noises since that evening – I was still so embarrassed, and I didn’t think I could face him.

Besides, I had job interviews to go to. So, it was going to be easier to avoid him without making a lot of effort.

Today, I was supposed to go for an interview at a company that produced arms. Don’t ask me how I even got an interview for that. But apparently, they needed an accountant, and their reputation was clean.

I woke up early to get ready. I took my time, straightened my hair so as to look more “professional,” and actually dressed up. I wore a dark knee-length skirt and a white long sleeve shirt and added to that black pumps. I looked as professional as I could get.

As soon as I was done, I heard my phone ring from the living room. I sighed. I didn’t even have to look at the contact info to know who was calling. It was very obviously my mom.

I went sluggishly to the living room and picked up the phone. “Hello?”

“Baby? You told me you were going to call me. But you didn’t. You settled in, and nothing. I waited the whole of yesterday for you, but I didn’t receive any message or any calls.”

My mom could talk. She loved talking. And she especially loved talking about how I loved to neglect her.

“Mom, I sent you a message just yesterday,” I said and rolled my eyes tiredly. I was tired, honestly.

“Oh. I didn’t see it. So, how have you been settling in?”

“Mom, can we talk later? I have to go for an interview. Love you,” I said, then put off the call. I rolled my eyes. I loved my mom, don’t get me wrong. But she was exasperating and way too overbearing and protective sometimes.

I took a cab to the place. I didn’t have a car, and while I badly wanted and needed one, I didn’t have the means to get one right now. I had used all my savings to move here against my mother’s will, so I was truly on my own.

I got in and smiled nervously at the receptionist, an Asian-looking woman with a bright smile.

“Hello. How can I help you?” she asked, and I don’t know why, but I instantly felt more at ease.

“I’m here for the interview. The interview for the accountant position,” I clarified, and she smiled.

“What’s your name, miss?”

“Iris Durham,” I replied.

“Last floor, first office on your right. Good luck!” she said after rifling through some papers. Then she passed me a badge that had an ‘Interview’ on it. I smiled at her and walked toward the elevator.

I got in and pressed the button for the last floor. I really hoped that was not where the accountancy department was located because I was not really fond of heights.

Then I shook my head at myself. Look at me. Already thinking I got the job. Wow. I sighed, and when we reached the second floor, two really attractive men in suits got in.

They were all frowns, and it seemed like they frowned even harder when I smiled and said, “Good morning.” I shrugged when none of them answered. At least I had tried.

Finally, we reached the last floor. It had seemed like it had been ages. I would have preferred to take the stairs, but: one, I didn’t like sports, and climbing fifteen flights of stairs was not really my idea of fun; two, I really didn’t want to be late; three, I don’t even know, three seemed cool.

I got out and went straight to the first door. It was kind of a big lounge with warm colors and a big desk sitting in it. There was a man behind the desk. He looked so busy, and I was even scared to interrupt him.

I knocked hesitantly after standing there like a fool for about a minute or so. He looked up with an annoyed expression, and I swallowed audibly.

As quickly as he lifted his head, though, his expression changed quickly. He motioned for me to come in.

I walked in, intimidated. Seemed like there was another office in this one. No, actually, I didn’t know if it was an office, but there was another sturdy door.

I walked to the expensive-looking desk (how did a desk look expensive? Don’t ask me) and stood in front of it.

“Ms. Durham, right? You can go right in. Mr. Killian is expecting you,” he said, then pointed me toward the other door.

I walked dumbly there, clutching my documents safely in my arms. So, I was right. The other door was an office.

I knocked, and I heard a ‘come in.’ I opened the door and walked in. There, behind an even more expensive-looking desk, was a very attractive man. He smirked as soon as I entered, and I swallowed. This was not going to be an easy one.

“What do we have here? Sit please,” he said with a cheeky smile. I followed his instructions nervously and clutched my bag to my chest after placing my file on the table.

“So, tell me more about you,” he started, leaning back in his chair.

I swallowed, then started, “I just finished my internship at-”

“No, no,” he said, waving his hand. “That’s not what I want to know. Tell me about your personal life. First, are you single?”

I frowned at his question. What was the meaning of that type of question?

“I- yes, sir. I am currently single.”

“That’s great,” he said, then rubbed his palms together. He looked gleeful, and I was kind of shocked. Was this an interview or a seduction center?

“I- sir?” I was lost. What game was he playing?

“Tell me more. It’s getting interesting. Have you been single for a long while? Or just broke up recently? Tell me everything!”

I was lost. I looked at him, then looked at the door, almost begging for help from I don’t know who.

“Answer me, darling,” he insisted.

“I-” I started, but luckily, someone opened the door and got in.

“Cut the shit, Johnathan,” he said, and the voice sounded familiar. I looked at the voice and was shocked. Just who I was trying to avoid.

“Oh, it’s an awkward little bird!” He exclaimed when he saw me.

“Harry,” I answered with a stiff smile. Why did this always happen to me? Just when I was trying to avoid him, I fell on him.

“You look so- wait, you straightened your hair? Why? I like it curly,” he said, then walked toward me and touched my hair.


“She had curly hair?” Johnathan asked, leaving from the back of the desk to come and stand in front of me.

What the hell did I just get myself into?

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