Chapter 2. Alder Foster’s Birthday Party

The grand event center was buzzing with activity as the staff hurriedly put the final touches to the preparations. The air was filled with the tantalizing aroma of fresh flowers and exotic cuisine as the guests began to trickle in.

The ballroom was elegantly decorated with chandeliers, drapes, and stunning floral arrangements. The stage at the end of the room was adorned with a lavish backdrop, shimmering lights, and glittering confetti, setting the tone for the evening’s festivity, which was Alder Foster’s birthday party.

Alder Foster was turning seventy-five today, and his family had spared no expense in making the occasion a memorable one. They had hired the most renowned event planners and caterers in the city, and the guest list was a who’s who of the elite society.

As the guests mingled, sipping on champagne and nibbling on canapés, the band began to play soft jazz music, creating a relaxed atmosphere. The party was in full swing, and everyone seemed to be having a good time.

Alder Foster, the man of the hour, was seated at a table with his wife, children, and grandchildren. He was dressed in a black tuxedo, looking dapper and regal. His eyes twinkled with joy as he watched his family and friends enjoying themselves. He felt blessed to have lived such a full life and to have such wonderful people in his life.

Suddenly, the music stopped, and the lights dimmed. A hush fell over the room as a spotlight illuminated the stage. The emcee, a well-known celebrity, took to the stage and welcomed everyone to the party. He then introduced a surprise guest—a famous singer who had flown in just to perform at Alder’s party.

The singer took the stage and began to sing a soulful ballad, and the guests were spellbound. Her voice was like honey, smooth and silky, and it seemed to touch the hearts of everyone in the room.

As the song ended, the singer stepped down from the stage and made her way to Alder’s table. She greeted him with a warm hug and whispered something in his ear. Alder’s eyes widened, and a smile broke out on his face. He turned to his family and friends and announced that the singer had just offered to perform at his charity event next month, free of charge.

The room erupted into cheers and applause, and Alder felt overwhelmed with gratitude. He had dedicated his life to philanthropy and had organized countless charity events to raise money for various causes. To have a famous singer perform at his event was a dream come true.

As the night wore on, the guests continued to enjoy themselves, dancing and socializing. Alder mingled with his guests, thanking them for coming and sharing stories about his life. He felt blessed to have had such a wonderful party, surrounded by his loved ones.

“Why are you standing like a man staring at his own grave?” Alder asked Jeremy as he approached him.

“What do you expect a jobless man like me to do when his grandfather is celebrating a life well lived?” Jeremy responded.

Alder chuckled at Jeremy’s response. “You’re not jobless, my boy. You’re just taking some time off to figure out what you want to do next,” Alder said, patting Jeremy on the back.

“I know, Grandpa. I just feel a bit lost right now,” Jeremy admitted, looking down at his feet.

“Finding your path in life can be tough, but I have faith in you, Jeremy. You’re a smart and talented young man, and you’ll find your way,” Alder reassured him.

As the night went on, Alder noticed a woman standing off to the side, watching the partygoers with a slight smile on her face. She was dressed in a simple yet elegant black dress, and her long brown hair cascaded down her back in soft waves.

Alder couldn’t help but feel drawn to her, so he excused himself from the group he was with and walked over to her.

“Hello there, I don’t believe we’ve met,” Alder said, extending his hand.

The woman took his hand and shook it firmly. “No, we haven’t. My name is Sophia,” she replied.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Sophia. I couldn’t help but notice you standing here alone. Would you like to join us and have a drink?” Alder offered, gesturing toward the bar.

Sophia smiled warmly. “Thank you for the invitation, but I’m actually here to speak with you,” she said, her eyes meeting Alder’s.

“Oh? What about?” Alder asked, intrigued.

“I heard about your philanthropic work, and I have a proposal for you. It’s something that could have a significant impact on the world,” Sophia said, her tone serious.

Alder was intrigued. “I’m all ears,” he said, motioning for Sophia to continue.

Sophia leaned in closer, speaking in a low voice. Alder listened intently, nodding occasionally as she spoke.

When Sophia finished, Alder was silent for a moment, processing what she had said. “This is a big undertaking. But I believe it’s a necessary one,” he said finally.

Sophia smiled. “I’m glad you think so. I look forward to working with you,” she said, extending her hand.

Alder shook her hand firmly. “Likewise,” he said, a sense of excitement building within him.

But as the night drew to a close, Alder’s wife noticed that he seemed tired and unwell. She suggested that they head back to their hotel room and rest. Alder agreed, and they said their goodbyes to their guests.

Once they were alone in their room, Alder’s condition worsened. He was struggling to breathe, and his wife called for an ambulance. The paramedics arrived quickly and rushed Alder to the hospital.

By midnight, Jeremy was pacing around the hospital. He couldn’t think. He couldn’t feel anything as he saw nurses go in and out of the room.

Eventually, a doctor came to them.

“Are you Mr. Foster?” The doctor asked Jeremy.

“Yes, sir,” Jeremy responded.

“Please follow me.”

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