Chapter 3. The End Must Come

Jeremy and Alder’s wife followed the doctor down a hallway to a small conference room. The doctor gestured for them to take a seat and sat down across from them.

“I’m sorry to say that Alder’s condition is quite severe,” the doctor began. “He’s been diagnosed with advanced-stage lung cancer, and unfortunately, there’s not much we can do at this point.”

Jeremy’s heart sank as he looked over at Alder’s wife, who was silently weeping in her chair.

“We’ve done some tests, and it appears that the cancer has already spread to other parts of his body. We could start chemotherapy, but the likelihood of it being effective is quite low. It would likely just make him more uncomfortable.”

Jeremy felt like he was in a daze. The thought of losing Alder was unbearable.

“What can we do?” he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

“At this point, all we can do is make him as comfortable as possible. We’ll move him to a private room and provide him with palliative care. We’ll do everything we can to manage his pain and make him as comfortable as possible.”

Jeremy nodded, feeling numb.

“Can we see him?” Alder’s wife asked, her voice shaking.

“Of course,” the doctor said, standing up. “I’ll take you to him.”

They followed the doctor down the hallway to Alder’s room. When they entered, Jeremy was struck by how frail Alder looked. He was hooked up to various machines, and his breathing was shallow.

Alder’s wife rushed over to his side, taking his hand.

“It’s okay, honey,” she whispered. “We’re here.”

Alder’s eyes flickered open, and he looked up at his wife and Jeremy.

“I’m sorry,” he said, his voice barely audible. “I never wanted to burden you.”

“You’re not a burden,” Jeremy said, tears streaming down his face.

“We’re here for you,” Alder’s wife added, her voice choking with emotion.

Alder smiled weakly and closed his eyes. A few seconds later, he reopened them and turned to face Jeremy.

“You need to consider getting back to work,” Alder smiled as he touched his grandson gently. “You are a good detective, Jeremy.”

Jeremy felt a lump form in his throat as he looked down at his grandfather. It was hard to believe that the man who had taught him everything he knew was now lying in a hospital bed, barely able to speak. He wished there was something he could do to help, but he knew that Alder’s condition was beyond his control.

“Thank you, Grandpa,” Jeremy said, his voice trembling. “But I don’t think I can go back to work right now. Not when you’re like this.”

Alder nodded weakly. “I understand,” he said. “But you can’t let this consume you, Jeremy. You have a talent and a gift, and it would be a shame to let it go to waste.”

Jeremy swallowed hard. He knew that his grandfather was right. He had always been passionate about solving crimes and bringing justice to the victims. But after the incident that involved the death of a child, he lost his drive.

“I’ll try,” Jeremy said, looking down at his hands. “But it won’t be easy.”

Alder smiled again. “I know it won’t be,” he said. “But you’re strong, Jeremy. You’ll get through this.”

By evening, Jeremy was back at home staring at his father, who appeared to be very worried about Alder’s situation.

“Are you sure that he will be fine?” Jeremy’s father, Mark, asked.

“I don’t know,” Jeremy responded. “The doctor says he has lung cancer.”

Mark shook his head, his eyes filled with tears. “This is so unfair,” he said. “Alder has always been such a good man.”

Jeremy nodded in agreement. He knew that his grandfather had always been a kind and compassionate person. He had always been there for him, even when his parents were too busy with their work. Alder had been the one to take him on camping trips and teach him how to fish. He had taught him how to play chess and had instilled in him a love for mysteries and puzzles.

Now, it was Jeremy’s turn to be there for Alder. He decided that he would visit him every day, even if it meant taking a break from work. He would help him with whatever he needed, and he would try to lift his spirits as much as possible.

The next day, Jeremy went to the hospital to visit Alder. He found him sitting up in bed, reading a book. Alder looked up and smiled when he saw Jeremy.

“Good morning, my boy,” he said. “How are you feeling today?”

Jeremy smiled back. “I’m okay,” he said. “How about you?”

Alder shrugged. “I’ve been better,” he said. “But I’m getting through it.”

Jeremy sat down in the chair next to the bed. “I brought you some flowers,” he said, handing Alder a bouquet of yellow roses.

Alder took the flowers and breathed in their scent. “Thank you, Jeremy,” he said. “They’re beautiful.”

For the next hour, Jeremy and Alder talked about everything and nothing. They talked about the weather, about books, and about their favorite memories. Jeremy was amazed at how much his grandfather had seen and done in his life. He had traveled all over the world and had met so many interesting people.

As they talked, Jeremy felt his sadness and anxiety begin to lift. He felt a sense of peace and comfort being in his grandfather’s presence. He knew that this was where he needed to be, for both himself and for Alder.

“You know that I am going to die soon,” Alder said, trying to breathe properly.

“We don’t know anything, Grandpa,” Jeremy tried to be positive.

But Alder knew that his time was up. He could feel his body slowly shutting down. “I have lived a long and fulfilling life, Jeremy. I have no regrets,” Alder whispered, his voice barely audible.

Jeremy sat beside his grandfather’s bed, holding his hand tightly. He couldn’t believe that the man who had been his role model and best friend was going to leave him forever. Tears rolled down his cheeks as he listened to Alder’s labored breathing.

Alder looked up at his grandson with a weak smile. “You’re going to do great things, Jeremy. I have faith in you,” he said before taking one final breath and closing his eyes forever.

Jeremy sat there in silence for what seemed like hours, not wanting to believe that his grandfather was really gone. He knew that Alder had been sick for a while, but he never thought that it would end like this.

Eventually, Jeremy got up from the bed and called for the nurse. The nurse came in and checked Alder’s pulse, confirming what Jeremy already knew.

Alder Foster was dead.

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