Chapter 4. Pleasures (4)

With one last lick of his own lips, Saejin touched the red strands and left caresses, wondering what his curious mind wanted to know.

" It was good?"

Heyon was shy again, red as a tomato, hot as an ember.

But without looking at him, he nodded. He curled up more in the warmth of Saejin's arms and answered for him to hear:

"It was good, Saejinie... thanks."

With the click of his tongue echoing in the air, Hwang sighed and turned him around, kissing his full lips, looking back into his eyes.

"Don't ever thank me for giving you pleasure. I really like you and that's what I want you to feel. That's all. So when you want more, you can just ask me, okay?"

With the red tone getting stronger, Heyon averted his eyes and went back to resting on the vampire's chest. The sound of the cold heart beating made him calm. He squeezed the other, closing his eyes and sighing deeply with the laziness that consumed him.

"It's okay, Saejinie. You can also…ask me for kisses. I'll give you all of them."

Hwang smiled, it wasn't exactly what he really wanted, especially in that second when he felt his own intimacy hurt between his legs, but he would solve it later, he wouldn't ask Heyon for such a thing because it simply didn't make sense. It wasn't an exchange, it was just a reaction to her own desires and his had been satiated. She had Heyon in her lap again, and he was wobbly and giddy with the pleasure he felt for the first time and with freedom. Saejin was fine.

And after all, it would be crazy if I wasn't happy with just saying kisses. Kissing Heyon trumped any kind of sex he'd ever had in his entire life, so, like this, he replied:

"Fine. I'll definitely ask, honey."


Everyone was awaiting Melisandre's arrival. They were meeting in another morning and they had already argued a few times over silly things, but Saejin remained quiet next to Heyon, feeling him touch his hand under the table, intertwining their fingers and smiling silly whenever they looked at each other.

Lim looked up when some warrior elves entered the room. Rohan was there. With a white uniform interspersed with gold, the archer looked serious as he walked towards the princess.

He stopped beside Elanor, seeing the commander speak directly to her, and only then did he notice Heyon. Lim smiled and let go of Saejin's hand to wave. The elf smiled small, but couldn't break his posture.

"Who is that?" Saejin's voice made him look away.

"It's Rohan, the elf I told you about yesterday."

Saejin's eyebrows rose as he understood that it was the elf Heyon had met in the stable, and his seriousness made it clear that he didn't like him very much just by looking at him.

The buzz between the princess and her warrior still held, but all the Hwang did was stare at that specific archer.

"Attention." Aerin's voice made everyone look in her direction. Elanor got to her feet, leaning across the table. " An attack has been reported on the castle, and possibly the witches already know about us all being here. Warriors fortunately weren't hurt, but something evil was captured. " Elanor paused dramatically, making the onlookers become even more attentive. Heyon touched Saejin's hand again, this time squeezing it, somehow feeling a strong connection take over him. But it was strange when even he didn't know what had been captured. "A Canis-Neraka has been captured and is tied to fire wires."

" A Canis-Neraka? " SooMin asked, surprised, " I thought that was legend!"

"It touches you, wolf. The mystical world is vast, the legends are mostly real!"

" What is a Canis-Neraka? " Heyon asked, low.

"It's a shapeshifting infernal spirit. But some say it's a dog."

"A dog? Like... a regular dog?"

" There's nothing normal here, Yonie. " Seok warned him. " Just look around."

" What will we do? " Akin asked.

" Who sent such a monster? " Hugo asked, scared.

" Who do you think? " Saejin asked. "Where is he? I want to see him."

"He was taken to the dungeons. He is trapped inside the golden circle."

Saejin nodded. He straightened and saw Aerin walking towards him with the warriors.

" Are you going there?" Heyon asked, touching Hwang's hand.

"I need to see him. There are those who say that if someone manages to tame him, it will be the most faithful protection he will receive from the gods."

" Or the most painful death, too. " Seok said, getting to his feet. "Or do you think the witches sent the spirit for what?! He's probably already one of them and he's just here to kill. It's dangerous."

" If I don't try, what will I gain? " The Hwang smiled roguishly, moving away. " Let's go."

" I'm going too. " Heyon walked to him and saw the looks on each other.

"No, stay here."

" You don't order me! " He stomped his foot, glaring at Saejin.

Hwang sighed, this was no time for the teasing Lim to show up.

" It's dangerous, Yonie. Stay here. I'll go with Saejin and… "

"I already said I will, Seok."

Kim and Hwang sighed together. They faced each other and denied, it was not possible to simply tie Heyon there.

"It's okay, I'll keep you safe." Rohan's voice, made them both look up.

Seok closed his eyes, still suspicious of the elf. Saejin chuckled humorlessly, running his tongue across his cheek.

"You? A mere archer?"

" He's my best archer, Hwang. " Elanor spoke. "One of the few who actually fought a battle. He was the one who tied the fiery threads to the monster, if you ask me."

Saejin wrinkled his nose at the princess, not wanting to hear about it. He looked at Heyon and touched him on the shoulder, pulling him close to him.

" I protect him. " He dictated, looking mainly at the archer. " Let's go."

And with anxiety, everyone followed to where the monster was trapped. Some wanted to see them, others to test it. Having the loyalty of a Canis-Neraka meant a lot in this battle.

But so was being killed by him. The witches possibly had a purpose in sending it and it was probably to spread more fear and pain.

That war was getting bigger and bigger.

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