Chapter 3. Pleasures (3)

" Well, well, little vampire..." Heyon stared at him when he heard him. Cheeks turned red, but hands went for intimacy.

"Sorry, Saejinie."

" No..." Saejin approached, touching Heyon's face again, looking into his eyes. "No need to apologize, honey."

" I... never..." Heyon couldn't keep his eyes steady. His pupils were restless. Hwang chuckled softly and placed a kiss on the tip of her button nose.

"Never got a hard penis?"

What could be normal for Heyon was something that made him anxious and scared. He nodded at the question, unable to face Saejin again to be honest.

Paying attention to the state of the other, Hwang hugged him slowly, not bothered by the hardness of Lim touching him.

"Does it bring you bad feelings?"

Heyon sighed. It felt tight, it felt sensitive, and it swallowed hard. It was different, with Saejin, having such a feeling for the first time, as much as it made him anxious and his heart racing, it didn't make him repulse or want to cry, or die.

Therefore, he denied it.

Hwang smiled, he loved knowing that Heyon didn't feel bad about himself. He wanted to go further, his own body was begging for it and maybe it was starting to show too.

Gently, still keeping his hand on Heyon's chin, he lifted the face sculpted by non-human hands again. She kissed him calmly, feeling the taste of the tip of his tongue, still restless and scared, sliding over hers.

Slowly, the small hands stopped pushing him away. They tightened tightly around the older one's waist, whereupon his eyes squeezed shut and the kiss returned.

Hwang felt his body shiver.

The pace at which the kiss returned was the way for bodies to burn. Heyon pushed himself forward, standing on tiptoe as he hugged the vampire's neck, and Hwang returned to hold him around the waist.

The friction caused by touch made minds cram.

With a subtle movement, the Hwang lifted the smaller one. Heyon's mouth pulled away from his, projecting a surprised gasp, but her legs tightened around Saejin's hips.

The kiss returned. More thirsty, more wanting, Saejin walked with Lim trapped in him until they were seated.

His long, bony hands craved every inch of skin he was allowed to touch. It was like touching an angel, something rare and unique.

"We'll push you to the limit, okay?" he whispered, turning his mouth to Lim's chin.

Heyon nodded, closing his eyes, focusing on the fact that it was Hwang touching him there and that it felt good.

He let his hungry lips run down her neck, grazing the uncontrollable little fangs that soon appeared, and sighed when the bigger one reached his collarbone.

His chin was up, sitting on the vampire's lap, Heyon closed his eyes and reveled in the sensations that, for the first time, he allowed himself to feel.

He thrust his hands into his straight hair, prompting Saejin to touch him more there and he gasped when he felt the tip of the sneaky tongue tracing paths across his skin.

" Saejinie? " He called slyly.

The older one looked up. Heyon's hands still held him close, close for their eyes to connect. He looked for fear, for giving up or pauses, but Heyon just breathed hard, turning his eyes the most vivid orange.

His own fangs were on display. Her mouth full and red, she didn't ask him to stop, she just outlined the most perfect smile.

Twisting his fingertips, Heyon listened to the sound of the lock turning. The door was locked now. He smiled, thinking it was funny how the vampire created by witches also knew how to use magic.

He felt when Saejin rose from where they were and held on tightly, but all the bigger one did was switch positions, resting Heyon there, making him sit up.

"I still don't know what your limit is, but let me do something for you?"

The wide eyes, the color of fire, drove the vampire crazy. His own eyes burned. Heyon didn't answer, but he took a deep breath and watched as Saejin approached and slowly crouched down in front of him. The shameless smile, maybe it was to calm the smaller one, but it only made him even more nervous.

Long hands touched Lim's belly as his knees reached the floor and lifted the fabric of his shirt lightly.

Heyon gasped as he felt Saejin's kiss there.

The pale skin, clean of pain and unwanted touches, was now kissed with desire and passion.

Little by little, the vampire Lim's back sought support where he sat. His shirt was lifted a little higher. Hwang kissed above her navel and slipped down until she reached him.

Heyon had to gasp and briefly close his eyes as he felt the tip of his hot, rough tongue there.

He felt the vampire's long fingers reach his pants. At that moment, she had to look at him. The fiery eyes were connected, but Saejin was looking again for any sign that he needed to stop.

Heyon took a deep breath, blinking nervously, but nodded slowly, letting it go further.

Wanted to feel it, maybe. Understanding that not everything about her body was pain, maybe there was pleasure too.

She watched him touch the string that closed his pants and pull them slowly. The piece loosened. Lim's hardness was still noticeable, but the second Saejin's breath hit the few fiery hairs below his navel, following a path to his groin, it pulsed, causing a teasing, sly smile in the other.

Hwang lowered his pants slowly, seeing Lim help him by lifting his hips subtly and shyly.

Heyon wanted that, he realized and loved it, it was a pass for him to show that he was good at other things, but always with the smallest, he needed calm.

The pants came down to knee level.

Heyon looked like a little tomato, he was so red. Her puffy cheeks were like strawberries at harvest time and it made him graceful.

Hwang looked at the black underwear and then at Lim's eyes.

" It won't hurt. " He said, still keeping their gazes connected. " But if you want me to stop, I will stop, just ask. " He smiled, seeing Lim nod, still shy. "But if you want to continue, let's go until the end. If you want it that way, don't hold back, it's going to be nice to feel."

Heyon tried not to feel one step away from sticking his face in a hole, but he also couldn't look away from Saejin's eyes and it messed him up completely.

" Let's... continue. " He said, feeling himself ache with longing for the bigger one.

Saejin smiled, nodding.

He moistened his own lips again and went back to kissing the white skin. With each kiss, a sigh was born in Heyon's throat and let escape through the air.

The long tips of Hwang's fingers touched the elastic of the other's underwear, moving slowly down while his lips still pressed against every new inch of skin.

Heyon gasped, feeling the fabric brush and lower. His eyes closed when nothing else covered him, and again the temperature of Saejin's breath against his skin made him sigh.

Lim's sweet and fresh scent made Hwang close his eyes and appreciate what filled him. It was so perfect and unique. His eyes went just once more to Lim's, but he smiled to see them so narrowed as if he was about to feel an explosion, craving the radiance.

Decided to play. Her index finger brushed over the colored fur and she smiled at how beautiful it was. It went down smoothly, following the crotch with the path of smooth hair. He went down Lim's body, hearing the surprised gasp once more, and finally had him on his fingerprints.

It was delicate, not in every way, as some veins outlined it by the circular body and made it succulent, but by the detail of how the brownish tone was filled with some hairs that were still intruding and the color of fire.

It looked like a work of art carved by someone full of time and talent, every detail was unique.

She sighed as she brought the tip of her tongue to the wet slit and felt herself explode with pleasure just feeling and hearing Heyon react. The phallus throbbed again and right under her fingers, dripping with pleasure and leaving a singular aftertaste on the muscle of the bigger one.

Heyon's hands closed around themselves. His body was tense. Saejin circled his tongue for himself, making the path that drew him. Her feet retracted.

Saejin let his lips touch him like a passionate kiss for the first time.

Heyon groaned, that was unique in itself. He had never felt anyone touch him so calmly, with such care and importance. Her eyes opened. The irises were sparkling.

The image of the greatest devotee to himself and his intimacy, taking care to go slowly so as not to hurt his soul, made his emotional scream.

He moaned heavily when Saejin suckled him and let a tear run down his cheek.

His chest felt like it was about to explode.

Hwang's hand lifted, pulling her mouth away, and touched her damp cheek.

She brushed away the tear, seeing another one come down right after, and she worried.

" It's okay, Saejinie. " Heyon replied, tearful and sly. Hwang smiled, making a small smile appear on his plump lips, and touched him again with passion.

He didn't dare look away. He kept it attached to the other, seeing each time Heyon reacted with a groan, the color of the fire grew more intense.

His smile was born when Lim was already out of control. The small hand touched the straight hair again, seeping in and pulling at it. I was on edge.

Saejin blinked slowly, loving the pleasure-filled image of Lim. Their eyes were connected, but the very soul that burned. The mystical connection he had with Heyon seemed to react. Lim opened his mouth, feeling hot and on the verge of combusting. He squeezed his fingers tighter and felt Hwang increase the rhythm of his lips.

The white and scorching liquor erupted in the back of Hwang's throat.

Heyon moaned louder, wriggling his toes, feeling his insides churn.

Hwang's eyes turned red again. His core was sated. The pleasure he hadn't felt in millennia was satiated with something beyond what his infernal soul was used to.

He let his lips glide over Lim's phallus and drank every last bit of liquid. His tongue flicked over his lips and his eyes gazed the second Heyon's body came back to consciousness. His drunken eyes remained connected to Hwang's even as his briefs were lifted, and his pants returned to the place before.

His body was pulled away from where he was sitting and flinched as Hwang sat there, placing him on his lap.

Heyon smiled awkwardly, hugging Saejin's body, finally feeling the breeze hit again and their body temperature dropping again.

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