Chapter 2. Reality Check

“Excuse me,” said the doorman. “You must be mistaken. Mr Beaumont is not married.”

“Yes, he is and I am his wife,” said Emilia firmly. “Please, let me in.”

As she stepped forward, the doorman put his hand out to stop her. The security guy who came with her stepped out of the gold Bentley parked in front of the building and came to join them.

“Let her in,” he said with authority. “Or you can ring up and let Mr. Beaumont know that his wife is here to see him.”

The doorman recognized the security man and he was stunned. “I – I’m so sorry. I didn’t realize – “

Emilia pushed past him and entered the building before he could finish speaking. She went straight to the reception area and introduced herself to the attendant. The lady was stunned too.

“I wasn’t aware that Mr Beaumont is now married,” she said with a nervous laugh.

“Now, you are. Which apartment is he occupying?” Emilia asked crisply.

She was following Lillian’s instructions perfectly. Everyone must recognize her authority and respect her.

“That’s 604b. But ma’am, I think he’s with a….guest.”

“I know,” she replied and catwalked confidently to the elevator. Her heart was beating wildly in her chest but she pretended to be calm.

When she reached the apartment labeled ‘604b’, the door swung open before she could even knock on it. Kane stood there, glaring at her like an angry beast.

Emilia drank in his gorgeousness like a thirsty horse. His muscled 6-foot-2-inch body was sweaty and bare except for a white towel that was tied around his lean waist.

“Yes?” He growled at her.

Her confidence evaporated like smoke.

“Will you talk or are you just going to stand there and gawk at me like a deer caught in headlights?”

“Well, I – I wanted to find out why you haven’t been home since… since our wedding night.”

He smiled from one corner of his mouth. “Oh, I didn’t realize that you were missing me.”

“Not exactly, I mean, I just wanted to know if you’re ok.”

“You could have called.”


“Who’s it, baby?” A woman’s voice called out from inside the condo.

“The janitor,” he replied.

Emilia’s face turned red. How dare he disrespect her like this? She was his wife, goddammit!

“What is wrong with you?” She asked him angrily. “I didn’t force you to marry me. You and my father made a deal and now, I’m the one paying the price.”

“That doesn’t sound like the janitor,” said the woman inside and she pulled the door wider to see who Kane was talking to.

She was a tall lady with messy blonde hair and sharp grey eyes. She wore an oversized T-shirt that left her thighs and long legs exposed. Her nails were painted a bright red that contrasted with her fair skin.

“Who’s this?” She asked with a raised eyebrow.

“His wife!” Emilia replied sharply.

Kendra Banks slowly ran her eyes over Emilia from head to toe and back again, and then she threw back her head and laughed very hard.

It was the most irritating sound that Emilia had ever heard in her life.

“OMG, Kane. Are you serious? Is this the mouse you married?”

“Stop it, Kendra,” he said but Emilia could see that he was struggling not to laugh.

“Why are you here, wifey boo? Wanna have a threesome with us?” Kendra asked her with a naughty wink.

“Excuse me?” Emilia was shocked.

“Go home,” said Kane. “And don’t ever come here again unless I invite you.”

He shut the door in her face but she could still hear Kendra laughing inside the apartment like a mad woman.


“That didn’t end well. Sorry.”

Emilia glared at Lillian. That embarrassing episode had been her sister-in-law’s idea and now here she was admiring her perfect manicure.

She was back at the mansion and they were sitting in the art room. It was a large room filled with a display of paintings and artwork. It was Lillian’s favorite room in the house.

“You know, what? I like you, Emilia and that’s why I’m going to be straight with you.”


“You need to find a way to cope in this marriage.”

“What do you mean?”

“Find a hobby, do something to take your mind off Kane and that giraffe he’s hanging out with. You’ve seen her, haven’t you? You can’t compete with that, so don’t bother.”

“So, I’m meant to be miserable forever?”

“There’s no perfect marriage, my dear. Not even the ones built on love, and I’m speaking from experience. Our father had mistresses too and our mother didn’t die because of that. Instead, she outlived him.”

“I see.”

“Find a way to cope.”


“Go shopping.”

“We did that three days ago.”

“Don’t be ridiculous, darling. You’re married to a billionaire and there’s no such thing as too much shopping. Travel, hang out with your friends, and do exciting stuff. You won’t even have time to worry about Kane or whatever he’s up to.”

Emilia thought about it. Maybe Lillian was right. She needed to distract herself and keep busy.

“I could go back to my teaching job,” she said excitedly.

Lillian was horrified. She stared at Emilia with wide eyes.

“No way, darling. That is not allowed. The Beaumont women don’t work like that. We host grand events and support charities. That’s what we’re cut out for.”

“But you have a university degree, don’t you? What do you use it for?”

“Please, don’t interrogate me, Emilia. It’s not ladylike.”

“I don’t get it.”

“Don’t mention that work thing to my mother, by the way. It will annoy her.”

Lillian flipped her long black hair that’s always styled in a sleek ponytail and then checked her wristwatch.

“Ooh, it’s almost Crystabel’s bedtime,” she said and got on her feet.

She was nearly as tall as Kane and had the same features as him, except for her brown eyes which she shared with their younger brother, Jack.

“Think about all I’ve said, dear. And please, stop frowning. It will give you wrinkles.”

She kissed Emilia on the cheek and sashayed out of the room. Lillian was by far nicer than her older brother who had spent the past couple of days treating Emilia like trash.

She hadn’t counted on being this unhappy when she agreed to this marriage of convenience.

“Lillian said I’d find you here.”

Kane’s deep voice brought her back to reality. He was dressed casually in a white polo shirt and navy pants. His wavy black hair was neatly combed and he smelled like expensive wine.

He looked like a model on the cover of a magazine and Emilia’s body immediately reacted to his beauty.

“I see you finally managed to tear yourself away from your lover. I hope it’s not because of me.”

“No. She’s hosting a gig at a nightclub tonight.”

“Good for her. At least, she gets to do what she enjoys, besides sleeping with a married man.”

“Don’t be dramatic, Emilia. What do you want?”

“Me? Nothing. I’m just happy to be your latest collection in this room right now. Lucky me!”

He chuckled. “Sarcasm. I love it,” he said and began to approach her slowly.

“I know what you want, but your pride won’t let you say it.”

“And what’s that?”

“This,” he said and leaned down to kiss her.

Emilia melted like butter. If she truly had any pride, she would push him away and tell him to get lost, but she didn’t. She couldn’t.

“Let’s continue this in the bedroom,” he murmured against her lips.

She was tongue-tied. Desire had her in a chokehold and she couldn’t fight it. He held out his hand to her and she accepted it and followed him.

Emilia couldn’t tell if she walked flew or floated beside him. All she knew was that they ended up in his bedroom and he was peeling off her clothes like a desperate man.

“Wait, I don’t know how to do this stuff,” she said nervously.

“I’ll show you,” he said and began to undress too.

When Emilia saw his full unclothed body, her breath ceased. He was a beautiful man in every sense of the word.

“Wow…” she whispered.

“Thank you,” he replied confidently. “You’re beautiful too.”

He freed her long chestnut-colored hair from the bun it was tied in and ran his fingers through the strands. He then drew her close and kissed her. She was a petite woman and she fit snugly in his arms.

Emilia didn’t know that a kiss could make her feel the blast of fireworks going off inside her body right now. She had been kissed before, but it never felt like this.

“I like how you respond to me,” he drawled.

“I don’t have a choice,” she responded.

He touched her and she shivered with excitement. Any apprehension she ever felt about making love for the first time disappeared in that instant.

She wanted him and she wanted him now. She let her hands roam over his chest and back, feeling his taut muscles and liking how he moaned in response.

“Come here, I need to feel all of you,” he said and carried her to the bed.

He did things to her that made her sigh with pleasure and blush in equal proportions. When they joined together, the beauty of the moment overshadowed the slight discomfort she felt from his first entry.

“You’re amazing, Emilia,” he sighed as they rode the waves of ecstasy together.

“I love you,” she said.

He kissed her and held onto her as they climaxed. It was by far the most delightful intimate experience of Emilia’s life.

She snuggled into his arms when it was over. He may not love her or be in love with her, but this moment was priceless.

“Go to your room,” he said drowsily.


“I said, go to your room.”

Emilia was confused. “I don’t understand. This is my room too.”

“No, it’s not. It’s mine and it’s my private space. We’re done for tonight, so you can leave now.”

Humiliation washed over her. Was a husband supposed to talk to his wife like this? A ten-year age difference didn’t give him the right to talk to her like a little brat.

“Sometimes, you act like an asshole!” She fired at him and got up.

He grabbed her arm and pulled her against his chest. Their faces were only inches apart.

“Don’t you ever call me an asshole again,” he said through clenched teeth. “Is that clear?”


“Say yes!”


“I’ll remind my mother tomorrow to get someone to start tutoring you on how to act respectably and speak properly like a lady.”

She snatched her arm away from him and got off the bed.

“I’m not a charity case for you and your family. I’m fine just the way I am.”

“I don’t agree but I won’t argue with you. Get out of my room.”

“Now, who needs to be tutored on good manners?”

“Don’t make me lose my temper, Emilia, get out!”

“To hell with you!” She lashed out and began to pick up her clothes from the floor.

“Don’t ever come near me again, you hear. If you want to have sex again, go to your lover.”

“I didn’t need your approval for that, but thanks anyway.”

She marched out of the room through the adjoining door and slammed it hard. Oh, how she hated Kane Beaumont.

This will be the last time she’ll let him humiliate her like that. Never again!

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