Chapter 2. My Name


I wake up as early as usual.

With a smile on my face, I move to the bathroom to take my bath.

I have been working in the Knight's mansion for two years now. Every day, I wake up and prepare to serve my master, Lucas Knight.

My life has been perfect, and it will continue to be perfect as long as I am near the love of my life.

I sigh in satisfaction and scream into my pillow, the thought of seeing Lucas's gorgeous face again exciting me.

Knowing that I can't afford to be late, I jump off my bed and run to my tiny bathroom to have my bath.

After taking my bath, I head to the kitchen to make Luke's breakfast, and as usual, I make it with love.

Pure love.

Just as I finish making breakfast, Luke comes into the kitchen for his coffee.

Unfortunately for me, I am not allowed to make his coffee. Apparently, he only drinks coffee made by himself.

“Good morning Master Knight." I politely greet him.

As usual, he doesn't spear me a single glance. I sigh in disappointment.

He has never looked at me twice. I won't be surprised if he doesn't even know what I look like, not to talk of my name.

“I made your favorite, Bacon and egg. I also made you lunch." I tell him.

Hopefully, he will notice me and appreciate my work.

He doesn't reply, and I dejectedly leave him to enjoy his breakfast.

Sometimes, I feel like I am invisible, he has never acknowledged my presence, no matter what I do.

I make my way to the kitchen and see Ginna making breakfast for the house helps.

“Hey, Ginna."

“Hello dear, could you please help me with that?" She points to the onions.

I immediately go to work, chopping the onions into tiny little pieces.

“Can I ask you a question, Ginna?"

“Sure dear, what is it." She stops what she is doing and pays close attention to me.

“Am I ugly?" I inquire.

It isn't until the question comes out of my mouth that I realize how stupid it sounds.

I know I am not ugly, and I have been told many times that I'm pretty.

With the grey eyes I inherited from my father and the skinny but curvy shape I inherited from my mother, I could be mistaken for a model.

I got many modeling job offers while growing up, but my shyness prevented me from actually taking up the job.

“Of course not dear, your eyes are the most gorgeous thing I ever laid my eyes on." I blush at her compliment, feeling shy and embarrassed at the situation.

The way Lucas Knight treats me makes me wonder if I am truly beautiful.

As if she could read my thoughts, Ginna smiles mischievously. “It is because of the young master right? You think you are not beautiful because he doesn't notice you?" I become even more embarrassed for being caught.

Great, now she knows I have a crush on him.

“Don't worry, the young master is too busy trying to make his Grandfather's company successful to pay any attention to all the gorgeous girls throwing themselves at him. Once he makes enough money, I am sure he will pick one of you to settle down with."

Her words are meant to reassure me, but they do the exact opposite.

Her words make me realize that I have competition. I am not the only girl that is desperate for Lucas Knight's attention.

“Do you think he is gay?" I curiously ask.

“Why would you think that I am gay."

“Ummm...I don't know, maybe it is because a lot of beautiful women are basically throwing themselves at you, but you don't pay them any mind."

“And because of that, you think I am gay?" Ginna's husky and smooth voice asks.

“Yeah, at least pick..."

Wait, Ginna doesn't have a husky and smooth voice.

I gasp in horror and stumble backward, almost crushing Ginna in the process.

“I wasn't talking to you was I?" I nervously ask, already knowing the answer.

“Sorry dear, and thanks for the onions." Ginna takes the chopped onions from my side and winks at me mischievously.

Slowly, I turn to face my hot boss.

“Mr. Knight, I didn't...I...I didn't know you were in the kitchen." I mentally curse myself for stuttering.

“Don't try to change the subject. You were telling me how gay I act last time." He impassively says.

“I...I...I...don't...I don't know what you are talking about."

Denying it is probably the most stupid thing to do, but I don't have any other option.

He raises his brows at me and rests on the counter while crossing his arms.

“Do you think I am a fool? We just had a conversation about me being gay, and now you are saying that you don't know what I am talking about."

I chuckle nervously, looking at anything but his face. “ Yeah, about that, I was actually talking about a friend of mine. Funny enough, he has the same name as you. What a coincidence.

He doesn't seem to buy my excuse, he just rolls his eyes at me and chose to ignore my stupidity. “What is your name?"

How ironic is that question?

I have been working with him, and making his breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the past two years, and he doesn't know my name.

I poured my heart into every single thing I have been doing for him for the past two years, and he doesn't even know my name.

My eyes water at his question, and I am tempted to ignore him.

But I can't, because I love him too much.

“Vivian Addams."

“Well, Vivian, I want you to be ready by 7 pm tonight, my regular escort bailed at the last minute, and I need someone to accompany me to an event. Here's my credit card." He hands me his credit card. “Ginna would accompany you to the mall to get something presentable to wear. The makeup artist would be here later." He turns his back to me and leaves, not sparing me another glance.

I blankly stare at his retreating figure, not quite sure if I should shout for joy or cry in sadness.

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