Chapter 3. Bianca’s Problems


I call Bianca again, hoping that she would pick up her phone.

She has been ignoring me for a while now, and honestly, I don't fucking blame her.

It's all my fucking fault, I treated her like shit.

Bianca and I have been friends right from a very young age, and we did everything together, even when she had a boyfriend. I took her to every single company and family event as my date...a friendly date.

About a month ago, I went to a club with Bianca and some other close friends of mine. We all got drunk and everything was perfectly fine until Bianca suddenly confessed her love for me and attacked me with unwanted kisses. I would have been flattered and turned her down nicely if her fiancé wasn't there.

I left the club with a bruised face because the finance thought that I had been sleeping with his fiancée.

In anger, I said some things I didn't mean to her.

I knew I should have kept my mouth shut when she confessed her love to me, but I couldn't help it. I said some nasty but true things and now, she hates me.

I can't believe I had to ask a fucking maid to be my escort to an event, especially one that is as important as this.

I mean, Vivian is pretty and all, but she is nothing but a fucking maid. Someone that is way below my class.

If anyone finds out that I brought an ordinary maid to the ball, then I may die of embarrassment.

It is not like I have a fucking choice though, Bianca is the only female friend I am close enough with to take out, and now, I lost her.

I dial her number again, hoping that she picks up my call. I am even surprised that she hasn't blocked me yet, with the number of times I have called and messaged her today.

I am about to give up when she finally picks up my call.

“What! What the hell could you possibly want from a desperate whore like me." She hisses.

I wince, regretting calling her something as horrible as that.

I am the biggest fucking jerk in history.

“Look, Bianca, I am truly sorry about all the things I said, I didn't mean any of them." I sincerely apologize.

I hear her scoff from the other side of the phone.

“If you are sorry, then you should have called and apologized the moment you realized your fucking mistake."

I probably should have called and apologized, but I had more important things to do than trying to earn her forgiveness.

“I admit, I should have apologized immediately, but you should understand that I am a very busy person, I had a lot of things going on and you were the last thing that came to my mind. Besides, you know I was drunk when I said all those shit right?"

“Yes, you were drunk, but I also believe that drunk words are sober thoughts." I massage my head as I feel a headache approaching.

“Can we talk about this in person?"

She is silent for a while and I start thinking that she hung up on me.

“Fine." She sighs.

I sigh in relief, grateful that she accepted, and that I wouldn't have to take a mere maid to the annual ball.

“Great, I will meet you at the annual ball by 7 pm. My driver would come and pick you up. Don't be late."

She suddenly starts laughing as if she is one crack, and I have to double-check the name on the number I dialed to make sure I am not talking to the wrong person.

“I am so fucking stupid. I should have known that you called not because you felt sorry about what you said, but because you need my help."

“I swear, I would have called you anyways. Maybe a little bit later, but even though I need your help, I still want you to forgive me."

“Go fuck yourself dick." She does not wait for my response before she cuts the call.

I guess I should have approached her in a better way.

What is done is done, and I won't let myself dwell on the fact that I just lost my best friend.

Dialing Aunty Ginna's number, I summon her to my office.

“What can I help you with young master?"

I roll my eyes at the name she keeps insisting on calling me.

“I told you to call me by my name Aunty Ginna." I playfully scold with a small smile.

She gasps dramatically. “How can you expect me to call my employer by his name, that is against the rules of the employer-employee contract I signed."

“I don't remember you signing a contract like that." I frown.

She just smile at me gently, letting me know that she was just joking.

“Could you please make sure that the maid looks presentable enough for today's ball? It is really important to me and I can't afford for her to fuck everything up for me." I plead.

“First of all, ‘the maid' has a name, and secondly, what have I told you about cursing?" I bow my head, knowing that she is about to scold me for cursing.

Aunty Ginna is like a mother to me...she is a mother to me. She trained me while my Grandfather was too busy trying to make a name in the business world. She is the only mother figure that I have ever had in my life, and I hate doing anything that would make her scold me.

I avoid cursing in her presence as much as possible, but sometimes, I can't help it.

“Why did you even ask Vivian to be your date to the ball, I thought you always take Bianca." A confused frown is on her face when she asks.

“Bianca is angry with me."

“What did you do again?"

I unintentionally pout, not pleased with the fact that she is blaming me.

“I didn't do anything. It is not my fault that she is not in love with her fiancé."

She places her hands on both sides of her waist and shakes her head, glaring at me.

“Don't even think for a second that you can treat Vivian the same way that you treated Bianca, if you do, I will personally cut your balls off." She threatens.

“Aunty Ginna, why would you threaten my innocent balls for a mere maid? And don't worry, I will treat her as she is worth."

“And what is she worth?"

“She is my maid and would be treated like a maid. The only reason I am taking her to the ball is because Bianca bailed."

I didn't even notice that the door to my study was open until Vivian places my lunch on the table.

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