Chapter 4. The Event


If I knew that she was in my study, then I wouldn't have said those mean things about her.

Even though what I said was true, and I have every right to say it, I didn't want her to hear.

She is doing me a fucking favor, and here I am busy badmouthing her.

The hurt expression on her face didn't help with the guilt I am feeling.

Even though I want to apologize, I can't.

While growing up, my Grandfather thought me to never apologize to my employees. He believed that a boss is always right and that the employer should be the one to apologize for being the way they are.

This is how I have been acting with my workers at the company, but I never felt guilty about it.

I do not understand why I am suddenly feeling guilty about something that I have been doing for a very long time now.

I open my mouth to apologize but stop myself from doing so.

What the fuck is wrong with me, I can't apologize to a common maid like her.

Vivian leaves my study after placing my food on the table.

Aunty Ginna looks at me in disappointment. Shaking her head, she slowly walks out of my study.

“Wait! You are still going to help dress her up right?" She doesn't reply but bangs the door to my study in anger.

I shrug and go back to my work.


Where the hell is she? We are running out of fucking time.

I tap my foot impatiently, checking the time as often as possible.

We were supposed to be at the event thirty minutes ago, but Vivian hasn't shown up.

I have also been trying to reach Ginna, but her phone is switched off.

I hope Vivian won't bail on me because of what I said to her. If she does, then she can officially kiss her fucking job going by.

Just then, I spot her running towards the car in a beautiful Ball gown.

She gets into the car and my driver starts the journey, already knowing that we are late.

I am about to scold her for being late when my words get stuck in my mouth.

Vivian looks breathtakingly gorgeous. I almost choke on the air, shocked by how great she looks.

Even with a simple gown and light makeup, she still looks great.

She is going to be turning a lot of heads to herself today.

I am almost tempted to compliment her, but I restrain myself from doing so.

I scowl at her, ignoring how beautiful she looks. “You are so fucking late. Do you know how incompetent going to an important gathering makes me look?"

“I am sorry. Ginna was so busy that she couldn't help me dress up, and I don't have much knowledge about makeup. I had to watch some YouTube videos to be able to do this." She gestures to her face.

I know Aunty Ginna was not busy. She refused to help just because of what I said about Vivian earlier.

Knowing her, she must have tried to convince Vivian to not show up for the event.

It is very nice of Vivian to try to cover up for Aunty Ginna.

Since it isn't her fault that she is late, I have no reason to scold her, so I turn my face away from her and look out of the car window.

“, how do I look?" Vivian asks, looking genuinely curious.

She looks extremely gorgeous, and I know it, but I can't tell her that. She is just a maid.

“I hired a makeup artist, didn't she come?"

She fidgets nervously. “No, she didn't. Ginna canceled all your reservations. I had to do everything myself." She did I perfect job, but I would rather eat strawberries than tell her that...and I am allergic to strawberries.

“I can see that you truly did everything yourself," I say, giving her condensing look.

She looks away from me, blushing furiously in embarrassment.

The rest of the ride is done in silence, I am too busy making sure that she doesn't catch me checking her out to attempt to have a conversation with her.

“Whatever you do, don't embarrass me. And for the love of Christ, don't tell anyone that you work for know what, don't talk to anyone at all." I instruct her.

She nods her head meekly and smiles at me reassuringly.

Hand in hand, we walk into the large hall.

People immediately gather around me, greeting, and congratulating me on the success of my new hotel.

Not to brag, but I am the richest man in our state right now, and maybe even in the country.

My Grandfather was a very successful businessman, he handed over his business after his retirement to my dad, and my dad almost sold the business. My dad wasn't interested in running a company, the only thing he was interested in is art. Of course, he tried his best to make sure that the business kept floating, but it didn't work.

At the end of the day, my Grandfather stepped in and once again took over the business. After I graduated from college, I become the CEO and I can proudly say that the company has never been more successful than it is right now.

I politely smile at the people greeting me, shaking hands and hugging the ones I am close to.

Like an obedient and loyal little servant, Vivian stays by my side, smiling politely at everyone that comes our way.

Everything is going perfectly well until a business partner asks me who the pretty lady by my side is.

“His future wife," Vivian answers automatically like she has been repeating the statement in her head for a while and was just waiting for someone to ask her the question.

What the fuck is wrong with this chick?

I would have called out her bluff if I didn't want to make a scene in front of the important business partners.

“I never thought I would live to see the day that you would settle down Luke." Old Mr. Wilson says in surprise.

“I will surely settle down, but it won't be anytime soon," I say with gritted teeth, staring at Vivian pointedly.

“Oh come on babe, you don't have to pretend in front of these lovely people."

What the hell is she doing? Is this some kind of sick revenge for how I treated her earlier today?

I play along, just for the satisfaction of the observers. “I told you that we need to keep this private. You know how the press is always looking for juicy news to feed their readers."

“The more people know, the better right?"

My mouth opens in shock, my fist clenching tightly in anger and frustration.

I glare at her, praying that the behaves herself.

She gives me a cheeky smile and blows me a kiss.

She is definitely out of her fucking mind.

Scared that she would say something stupid again, I pull her closer to me and wrap my hands around her tiny waist tightly.

To my shock, she says something that makes my eyes widen in horror and fright.

“Babe, we can't do it right here, should we go to the bathroom." She innocently states.

Mr. Wilson's jaw drops to the floor and his eyebrows raise to the ceiling.

“Oh my, you guys are so in love. It reminds me of the days of my youth. Let me excuse you now, I don't want to be a cock blocking old man."

I patiently wait for Mr. Wilson to excuse us before gripping Vivian's hands tightly and dragging her to a deserted area.

“What the fuck is your problem?" I furiously yell at her.

“Wow! I see that you are going for aggressive sex." She purrs.

“We are not...I am not." I take a deep breath to calm myself down.

“Look, if this is your way of paying me back for the shit I said about you earlier today, then, I am sorry. You have to stop whatever the hell you are planning right now."

It was difficult for me to apologize, but I would rather let my pride be a little bit wounded than let this crazy chick embarrass me in front of these important people.

“I already forgave you, it is not like you weren't saying the truth anyway." I sigh in relief, thinking that she would finally stop her madness.

“Good, thank you for doing this for me by the way."

“It is fine, I will do anything for you, babe."

Oh my God! Why the hell does she keep calling me babe?

“Vivian, I know you have a crush on me and all, but I want you to understand that there is nothing between us, and there would never be anything between us."

She grins at me and places her hands on my lips, tracing them down, and the next thing I know, her hands are inside my pants, grabbing my dick.

I jerk away from her, concluding that she is out of her damn mind.

“Are you fucking insane? I am your boss." I exclaim.

“It won't even matter if you are a god and I am human, nothing can stop us from being together."

She must be out of her mind, literally.

“Come on babe, let's go to the bathroom, I will let you do whatever you want to me."

I scramble away from her, almost hitting a waiter carrying a tray of wine in the process.

I take two glasses wine from the tray, aware that I would need it to deal with the psycho in front of me.

I don't even notice when she moves towards me and grips the jacket of my suit.

“It is not very nice to tease Vivian."

Did she just address herself in the third person?

What the hell have I gotten myself into?

“Lucas, who the hell is she? And why the hell is she looking at you?"

I follow her fingers only to see that she is pointing at a random lady. A lady that is too busy kissing her boyfriend to pay me any attention.

Vivian takes off her shoes and throws them at the lady, causing her to move away from the man she is kissing.

“Why the hell were you winking at my man?"

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