Chapter 3

-=Gabby's Point of View=-

My face broke into a triumphant smile while I was riding in Jayden's car, and when I checked on him, I saw that he was still deeply asleep.

I mean, how is it possible for someone to function normally after consuming bottled water that has d***s in it?

Who would have guessed that it would be this simple for Jayden to fall into my trap and that all it would take to fool him is a pretty face?

I could still remember what happened earlier. After a few minutes, when he drank the water I handed him.

"Are you alright?" I asked, trying to sound worried, when I saw how drowsy he looked.

I could tell that he was making an effort to fight off the sleepiness that he was experiencing, but I also knew that he was already losing the battle.

He responded, "Yeah, I'm fine; I'm just a little dizzy," while he was still attempting to keep himself awake.

He was probably under the impression that it had something to do with the hard liquor he consumed in the bar, but he was completely mistaken about that.

"I think you should stop the car, and take a rest first, it would be dangerous if you force yourself to drive in this condition," I said, pointing to the side of the road.

"I guess you're right," he responded, and then he decided to park the car on the side of the road.

"Just give me five minutes, and for sure, I will be ok," he said, and he didn't wait for my response as he finally closed his eyes, intending to take a nap.

I gave him a gentle shake of the shoulder after a couple of minutes of waiting before I attempted to wake him up, but he didn't even budge.

"Jayden? Jayden?" I tried calling his name several times, but he still isn't waking up, which makes it absolutely clear to me that the d**g I used finally worked, and there's no way that he could wake up any time soon.

"Perfect," I muttered.

I quickly got out of the car and went to the driver's side, where I attempted, with a great deal of difficulty, to move Jayden from the driver's side to the passenger's side. This was quite a challenge because Jayden is quite large in comparison to the size of my body, so it was difficult for me to move him.

If the information provided by my d****r is accurate, Jayden will probably be asleep for at least six hours, which will provide me with sufficient time to drive to my destination, which is only a four-hour drive away.

"Don't blame me, Jayden Andrada; you brought this on yourself," I said as I reached for the back of the steering wheel.

After wasting no more time, I went ahead and started the ignition, and after a few minutes had passed, we were finally on our way to the place where my plan would be carried out.

I continued driving until the sun finally showed its first rays of light. At that point, it had already been a couple of hours, but Jayden was still sound asleep and showed no sign of waking up just yet.

To tell you the truth, I was having a wonderful time on my drive thanks to the breathtaking scenery and the fact that the temperature wasn't particularly hot. Because of this, I made the conscious decision to roll down the window glass so that I could take in some of the cool, fresh air.

We hadn't been to Zambales in a long time because Aunt Annette's family, my mother's sister, has a house there but no one lives there because her family migrated to the United States two years ago, so I thought of using that place to put this monster who was still unconscious, still unaware that I had duped him to make him pay.

As I drove on without making any stops, I kept thinking to myself, "No one can mess with my sister and get away with it."

It had been such a long time since we went to Aunt Annette's resthouse that it was challenging for me to remember the way to their land.

Several times, I decided to stop and ask for directions. I was worried that someone might recognize Jayden, so I decided to hide his face by putting a piece of clothing I found in the car over it.

When I saw the brand of the shirt I was going to use to cover his face, I couldn't help but smirk. The price of this shirt is almost exactly the same as my monthly salary, which is something that really irritates me.

I really despised wealthy people, especially those entitled ones. I have worked in a bank for a couple of years now, so I have worked with a variety of wealthy people, and the majority of them are either snobs or self-conceited, and they act like they own everything and are above everyone else.

I had some wealthy suitors, but I would always reject them on the spot because I don't trust them and I know that the only thing they wanted was to spend one night with me, which would never happen.

For me, rich people are meant for rich people, and the same is true of poor people; they are meant for poor people as well.

My sister had made the fatal mistake of falling in love with a wealthy man, and I didn't want to repeat her mistakes.

"Where are you, Melchora?" I couldn't stop myself from being worried for my sister.

She's been missing for five days after she told me how her boyfriend played her for a fool.

She preferred to be called Mel, rather than Melchora, because, as she explained to me, she felt that her given name sounded too heroic.

Because her name was derived from that of one of our heroines who lived during the time of the Spaniards, Melchora Aquino, she decided to go by the name Mel instead of Melchora.

My mother was opposed to the idea of giving me the name Gabriella, which is the name of another notable woman from our past, Gabriela Silang. As a result, my name was changed to Gabrielle, which I consider to be a more contemporary form of the name than Gabriela.

Well, going back to my sister, we're both different people in terms of our preferences and choices in life.

I'm just a regular girl who isn't interested in rich people or their possessions in any way, but Mel isn't like me in that aspect at all.

As much as I hate to say this, Mel is quite ambitious and wanted to be married to someone wealthy.

Because of this, she decided to quit school and concentrate on her modeling career, where she knew she would have the opportunity to meet extremely wealthy men.

I tried to talk her out of it and show her why it wasn't a good idea, but she didn't listen and kept on her way to becoming a model anyway.

She started when she was eighteen years old, and now that she's twenty-four years old, she has become more determined to find a rich future husband.

She explained to me that being a model doesn't last very long, so to secure her financial future, she needed to find a wealthy future husband as quickly as she could.

I remembered that when she went home the previous month, she was so ecstatic because, according to her, she had finally found the man whom she wanted to marry.

Even though I tried to force her to tell me the name of this man, she flatly refused, telling me that it was not yet the perfect time to ask her about him.

At that very same time, she decided to finally move out and live with her boyfriend, and since she was older than me, I had no choice but to give her my blessing.

I thought her relationship was going well because she didn't show up or call for almost two weeks. So I was very surprised when she came home very drunk and kept saying her boyfriend had played with her and cheated on her.

It was really difficult for me to understand the name that she kept mumbling, so I asked her several times to tell me the name of her boyfriend because it was really hard for me to understand the name until finally, I was able to decipher the name. At least I think that's what it was.

"Aidan... Aiden... Jayden Andrada!" She shouted, followed by a series of cries.

I couldn't help but feel bad for my sister because I'd never seen her in such a depressed state before, and it was all because of that jerk, Jayden Andrada.

"Jayden Andrada," I muttered, feeling like I heard that name before, and then it hit me.

I find it hard to believe that Mel's new boyfriend is the billionaire, Jayden Andrada since almost everyone has heard of him, especially after a well-known lifestyle magazine in the Philippines featured him in an article about eligible bachelors.

Among the individuals whose names appear on the list are Xavier Fajardo, who recently tied the knot with the stunning Ayesha Santillan, and Romano Santiago, who recently tied the knot with Atilla Cervantes, the sister of another billionaire named Henry Cervantes.

After a while, I noticed that she had fallen asleep because of her grievance, so I just let her rest, but I was very surprised the next day when she was no longer in his bed and only left a short note saying that she would look for her boyfriend. This should not be too difficult to do because almost all of the press followed Jayden's movement wherever he went.

It's been a week since then, and I still can't reach Mel via her cellphone. Because I was so worried about her well-being, I decided to plan an abduction for her boyfriend, Jayden Andrada.

I spent two days getting ready for this plan, and it was a stroke of luck when I happened to become acquainted with Jayden's secretary, Amy, who also happened to be my client.

As soon as I learned that Jayden Andrada was dating my sister, I began questioning Amy about her boss, inquiring about his preferences and the kinds of things he typically does.

She was completely mistaken in her assumption that the reason I was asking those questions was that I was interested in her boss. However, I chose not to correct her because I was concerned that she would refuse to provide me with any information if she realized that I was conducting this questioning to carry out my plan to kidnap her boss.

It was because of Amy that I learned about the bar where I met Jayden. She told me that Jayden usually goes to that bar before leaving the country for a business trip.

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