Chapter 2

Alice opened the door to her apartment that only had a bedroom, living room, kitchen, and bathroom. Jocelyn rushed inside and jumped on the couch while laying behind her back.

“Wash your hands and change your clothes first.”

“Story first!”

Alice sighed, “Why did you hit the kid?”

“Because he made fun of my dad,” Jocelyn whispered as she pouted and looked at her mom, “He’s not a bad person, right?”

Alice was stunned when she looked at those eyes. This little girl got them and even the hair color from her father, and she was too familiar with those pair of eyes staring at her like this. Every time her child would glance at her, she would almost return to the past and remember those days with that person she wanted to forget.

She blinked out of her memories and smiled, “He’s a good person.”

“Who is he?”

Alice’s body stiffened as she chuckled nervously, “We have already talked about this. You shouldn’t ask his name.”

“Why not? Everyone’s daddies would come, then why don’t you call my dad too? I want to meet him! Mommy, you promised you’d tell me about him. Then start with his name!”

Alice’s temper rose as her daughter continued to speak. Jocelyn’s mother was standing right there, but the little devil continued to think about a person who didn’t exist in her life anymore! She was doing everything she could to make her life better, but it seemed that she wasn’t getting any appreciation! She glared at the red-haired girl and said, “If you don’t take a bath within ten minutes, no food for you. And you’re grounded!”

Jocelyn turned over and hid her face on the couch as she mumbled, “Great. I didn’t want to eat your oily and greasy food anyway.”

“You-” Alice opened her mouth to scold the girl when she saw Jocelyn’s shoulders trembling as if the girl were crying silently. She sighed and said, “Forget about it. You can go and spend some time with your aunt, Tracy, for the night.”

The girl said nothing as Alice called her sister, who said she would pick the little one up within ten minutes. Alice sighed and walked inside the bathroom to wash up. After half an hour, she got dressed and said to the girl who was still hiding her face on the couch, “I’m going out. You better be good to your aunt.”

Alice knew that she should have stayed with her daughter when the girl was crying, but she couldn’t. The words that her little one would speak made her feel suffocated. She almost wanted to doubt her decision to raise her daughter all alone every time they had a fight.

She entered the elevator and dialed a number. The other person soon picked up, “Alice! What’s up?”

“Leona, let’s go to the bar.”

“On my way, girl!” the girl paused on the call, “Should I call the others?”

“Sure,” Alice didn’t mind the company of her friends at this time. She smiled and sighed, “I just want to unwind.”

“Did you eat something?”

“No. I’ll have something at the bar.”

After half an hour, Alice got out of the cab and paid the fare before heading toward the bar. She showed her ID and entered as the guard let her pass. As soon as she got into the place, loud music echoed in the background that was enough to vibrate the entire floor beneath her feet. She frowned as if she didn't like hearing such a loud noise, but she said nothing while glancing across the hall filled with drunk people moving awkwardly on the dance floor.

Colorful lights covered the entire area, and even the DJ was fired up, but Alice was in no mood for that. She immediately spotted Leona talking to the bartender. The girl had natural medium black hair that waved behind her back with golden highlights.

Alice smiled and walked over as the conservation filled her ears.

"You did what? I can't believe it!"

"Then don't!" The bartender laughed heartily as he poured a glass of drink and handed it to a lady before coming back to Leona to chat. He leaned on the bar and glanced at the woman with a hint of amusement in his eyes. "Say, if I were the one instead of your boyfriend, would you also do that to me?"

"Hah, you really want me to pour this drink on you, don't you? You flirting b*stars!" The woman turned with anger in her eyes that vanished as soon as she noticed Alice's presence. Her eyes lit up as she grabbed the latter's wrist and dragged her to the barstool, "Alice! There you are! Here, have this drink."

Alice shook her head and said, "You continue to have that. I'll find something else."

Leona pouted, "We're best friends, aren't we?"

Alice nodded and glanced at the bartender who was watching them with a curious glance, "Frank, one mimosa, please."

"You old woman!" Leona spoke as she sat on the barstool, "You will never change, will you? Again with that old woman's drink."

"I like it, okay? Don't yell at me," Alice suddenly felt like coming to the bar wasn't a bad idea. The bartender handed her the drink, and she started sipping it slowly.

The music changed as a soft one made all the couples on the dance floor scream in delight. They put their arms around one another and danced as Alice watched the scene in front of her eyes.

This reminded her of a certain memory of the past. Back then, she would similarly dance like this with that person on the dance floor without caring about the world. She also used to be one of the people here who liked swaying their bodies along with their lovers.

Not anymore.

Don't think about it.

Alice suppressed her emotions and forced a smile on her lips. Even after all these years, that person still had a hint of shadow in her heart. She couldn't forget him, no matter what she did, but she had no desire to get back to him.

Single life was perfect for her.

But why did she feel like crying when thinking about it? Alice took a deep breath and looked up, "I'll be back."

Leona nodded as if she had noticed complicated emotions floating in her friend's eyes. She waved her hand and said while drinking, "Go and calm yourself down."

Alice smiled knowingly. This best friend understood her in every situation, never asking why she even made such a crying expression in the middle of drinking. She nodded and got up from her barstool as she walked toward the washroom area.

Since Alice had been a regular customer of this bar, she knew where the washroom was, and she made her way to that area without hesitation. She walked in brisk steps, avoiding couples kissing in the corridor. Just as she turned left, she hit someone's hard and firm chest.

"Careful," a familiar voice rang in her ears.

The man held her arms to keep her steady, but Alice was no longer stable. Her heart thudded in her chest after hearing that deep, cold voice again. This was the same voice that had proposed to her, and this was the same voice that had begged her for a second chance when she broke up with him ruthlessly.

This was the same voice that ended up giving her nightmares several times because of her choices.

Alice's heart kept jumping as if there was a rabbit hidden inside. She instantly looked up to see the man she had wanted to meet for six years, but at the same time, she didn't want to face him again. For some reason, his skin complexion was pale as white, as if this person hadn’t seen the face of the sun for years. She could feel his hands cold against her body, making her shiver.

This person was indeed the father of her child. She couldn't help but freeze upon staring into those emerald eyes. She almost felt like she would be sucked into them, making her feel like she was losing her breath. Her lips licked as she continued to stare at that face after such a long time.

In the end, the man also froze and stared at her and finally opened his mouth, "....Alice?"

They both stared at one another before Alice remembered what she came here to do. She wanted to head over to the washroom to calm herself down. How the f*ck did she end up bumping into her ex she wanted to avoid all this time?!

Her heart wasn't calm anymore, and she didn't think any amount of alcohol would relieve her. She wanted to ask him how he was doing. She wanted to know whether or not he missed her. But after a while, she lowered her head and swallowed those words as she spoke, "Excuse me."

After saying that, she moved away and walked toward the washroom section. Only when she entered the cubicle did the expression on her face c****. She held her forehead as she sat on the toilet seat and whispered to herself, "What the heck is he doing here?! I traveled to this place just to avoid him!"

To think that she would end up seeing him today out of all days! Her mood was already off for God's sake! She rubbed her aching temples as she took deep breaths to calm herself.

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