Chapter 3

After a week of locking myself in my room, I decided to go out again and socialize with my brothers. Because if I keep thinking about the man destined for me that I know I will never be with, my chest will only get tighter.

I'm a royal vampire, and he's a wolf; there's no way we can be together. And I, as a well-known and respected princess of this empire, have no intention whatsoever of going against the rules that I am aware of.

I can't be a disgrace.

but I still couldn't help but wonder if the wolf had been able to feel my presence. Did he recognize me as a vampire? How does he react when the girl he's destined for is probably a vampire? Did he think like me?

I shook my head and started to open my bedroom door.

I should stop thinking about this sh*t sin. I am Princess Lily Esmeralda Gazellian, and loving an enemy and bringing my life into a mess is not part of being an ideal princess.

I stepped out of my room, and when the palace followers saw me, they started bowing to pay respect to me.

I raised my forehead more as I slowly walked towards the room where my siblings and I often gather. I am known as a very good princess, admired by the whole kingdom, and loved by the citizens. And making a mistake in front of hundreds of vampire eyes all over Parsua Sartorias is the last thing I'll do.

I can't disappoint my people, and I can't disappoint my family. I can't disappoint myself.

I stopped walking and stared at a follower who was bending over me. I came closer to him; he thought I was going to touch him, but my right hand went to the horse statue.

"It's still too dusty; repeat the cleaning." I said coldly.

"Yes, dear princess..." I didn't answer and quickly turned away from her.

I am not your ordinary, soft-hearted princess. I only smile once, and vampires rarely witness it. Maybe without Caleb, Evan, and Finn, my lips wouldn't be able to taste a smile.

I am known as the blunt princess. I don't filter my words. And I don't have any vampire picks, be they royalty, council, or notables with positions in a kingdom. If I knew what I believed was right, I wouldn't hesitate to speak up and slap a vampire with the truth.

My words can slaughter any living vampire in this world. Most of the powerful vampires look up to me, which makes me really proud.

I lived looking up; I lived with my head down; I lived looking up at all the vampires. I'm not going to let it all go away just because I was set up with the wrong guy.

While I was walking, I just felt that someone was walking with me. Two of my brothers, Evan and Finn, seemed to have a good night again because of the wide grins they gave me.

"You should try to ask her nicely." Evan said to me

"What?"  I gave him a short answer.

"That servant—don't scare them, Lily." I raised my eyebrows at what Evan said. I didn't scare the follower; I just told her the right thing.

"Did I push her? Did I raise my voice at her?" I asked Evan. If he is referring to the way I told the follower earlier, I don't remember anything wrong with what I did.

"It wasn't like that, Lily. But you should at least smile. You're beautiful when smiling." Finn answered me. I slightly turned toward him and stared at him for a few seconds.

"I can be beautiful without smiling. I am always like this; nothing will change about me." I answered them coldly.

"No, you're not like that, Lily. You used to give us smiles back then." Caleb spoke softly from behind us.

Maybe I wasn't like this then. I used to smile like them too, but this all changed when a big mess broke out all over Parsua Sartorias.

Our father, the king, was killed, which was a big blow not only to his entire kingdom but also to our brothers and sisters. With our father's death, it seems that our queen mother also died of grief, which prompted her to lock herself in a mysterious room that no one can open.

Eight of us siblings were left with the burden of responsibility for the entire Parsua Sartorias. Dastan, as the first prince, soon became urden of responsibility for the entire Parsua Sartorias. Dastan, as the first prince, soon became king.

While Zen, who is the second prince, was waiting for the destined woman from the other world, his thirst flared up even more. while the rest of us Gazellians remained shocked and groped at the way the entire kingdom was run. The whole Parsua Sartorias had almost collapsed by then, and I couldn't blame myself anymore for why my smiles had disappeared from my lips because of these experiences.

"How is Zen?" when I change the subject. We decided to lock Zen under the palace out of fear that there might be more innocent vampires. It has already killed two women because it was able to consume their blood with the intensity of its thirst.

"He's starting to refuse blood; he's going to die if the designated woman doesn't come." Caleb said, I just held my breath.

"Didn't he say this last year too?" Evan laughed.

"But this time he looked so serious. When will the appointed woman arrive? Zen is dying," answered Caleb. It's been a month since I last visited Zen under the palace.

When I last visited him, he also told me that he would die if we didn't bring the girl from the human world. But as far as I know, the girl destined for him is not yet at the right age and will not be able to cross this world yet.

"Why don't we tell this to Dastan? We can ask his opinion about this." I just said They just nodded to me, and we continued walking until we reached the room where the twins Harper and Casper, as well as Dastan, were waiting for their seats.

"How are you feeling, Lily?" Harper asked me with a smile. Caleb's chair pulled me in.

"I'm fine, thank you." I answered shortly. When we were all seated, Dastan slowly took a sip and put his hands on the table.

"I have called you all for a meeting." We remained silent and listened to him.

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