Chapter 2


The meeting went well. They were able to grab the deal. This deal was quite beneficial for the company’s reputation. Rai Bahadur’s assistant, Priya, did a good job. The presentation was quite appreciable. Viren would personally look after the project.

Someone dabbed on his shoulder, and Viren turned to find his best friend Ajay standing there.

“Hey, why are you standing in the middle of the corridor and thinking? This time Uncle didn’t allow an office or what?” Ajay chuckled.

“Hey, Ajay, when did you come? I didn’t see you.”

“It was because you were in your dreamland.”

“Come, move your ass to my office.”

“What were you thinking? Is it someone in particular? Is it your girlfriend, how is she? Tall, fair, or plump, with a dusk complexion? Leave it, just show me her pic.”

Viren smacked his shoulder playfully. “Control your horses, nothing like you were thinking. It was about the deal we had grabbed. How is your work going on? Did you find someone?”

“That is what I had come for. Do you remember Vidhushi, my sister’s friend?” On getting an acknowledging smile from Viren, he continued. “I didn’t realize when I had fallen for her. Our parents agreed, and we are getting engaged tomorrow evening. I had come here to invite you and Uncle to the function. I have given the invitation to Uncle and thought of inviting you personally, as Uncle told me that you are back.”

“Congratulations, buddy.”

“You are supposed to come early and bring with you someone special if any.” Ajay winked at Viren.

“Very funny. I will come all alone.”

“Ok, as you wish. I have to make a move as some of the invitations are left. See you tomorrow afternoon. Bye.”


Viren was waiting for his father when he heard a girl shout for help. He ran in the direction of the voice. A man was dragging a girl.

“What is going on there?”

Seeing that the man was distracted, the girl ran and hid in Viren’s posterior.

“Who are you to meddle in my affairs? She is my wife. You may leave.” He tried to punch Viren, but he dodged.

“Please, don’t leave. He is trying to force himself.”

Hearing the commotion, Rai Bahadur came with the security officer.

“Viren, what is happening here?”

“Dad, this man was misbehaving with this girl.”

“Sarita, what is all this?”

“Dad, do you know her?” Rai Bahadur waved his hand to Viren to keep shut.

“Boss, this is my husband. He is a drunkard, and he wants money from me, that is why he is abusing me,” a disoriented Sarita spoke.

Viren punched the man hard in the face. Security chased the man away.

“Sarita, from today on, you will live in the company’s quarters. You go there and ask Mr. Sharma to accommodate you for today. Tomorrow I will assign an official order. It will be safe for you.”

“Thank you, boss. How will I ever repay you?”

Rai Bahadur waved his hand and went with Viren to the car. “Dad, does she work for us?”

“She is the head of the HR department. Once before, I had seen her in a pathetic condition. I had asked her to shift, but she was adamant. Thankfully, she agreed today.”


[Following morning]

“Dad, I won’t be coming to the office today. Firstly, I have to buy a gift for Ajay, and then I have to go to his place as he has asked me to arrive early.”

“Fine, I will join you in the evening. Buy a nice gift.”

They both had their breakfast in silence and went on their respective ways.

Viren then went to buy an exclusive gift for the lovebirds. His eyes landed on one of the shelves, and he thought that it was the best gift. Immediately he bought it, got it finished, and gift-wrapped it. It took almost an hour to get it completed. He then landed at Ajay’s house.

He bowed to touch Ajay’s parent’s feet and received their blessings. Ajay’s mother treated him the same as Ajay.

“Viren, how are you, son? When did you come back? How is life back there?”

“Mom, mom, please hold on. Ask your questions one by one, but first, let him sit.”

“Oh! I was so excited to see you that I forgot my etiquette.” She facepalmed herself. “Come, son, have lunch first, then we will chat.”

After lunch, they all sat and had a chat, wherein Viren told them about his life in NYC. Everyone was surprised to hear that he didn’t have anyone special back there. Ajay’s mother explained to him the importance of having someone beside him. Viren dismissed the subject by saying he would think about it.

“Son, I think you both should go and get ready. Otherwise, we will be late on reaching the venue.”

Both of them proceeded to Ajay’s room. There were two sets of traditional clothes, a churidar and kurta, and a jacket. Ajay bought one for himself and one for Viren. They both got all decked up for the occasion.

The venue was nearby so it didn’t take much time to get there. Ajay’s parents were there to welcome the guests.

“Viren, take him to the stage.”

As soon as they reached the stage, their friends came and gathered. They started joking and teasing Ajay. Viren was oblivious to it. Ajay’s breathing hitched in his throat at the view in front of him.

“Ajay, breathe, should I call my brother for you? He is a heart specialist,” one of them chuckled while speaking.

In front of them was Vidhushi all decked up in orange and green lehenga. A chunni was covering her head. She was wearing traditional jewelry, looking like an angel who descended from heaven.

She came forward, the nearer she was the more Ajay’s breath was rugged. Viren was looking all around when his eyes fell on the girl standing next to Vidhushi, and he was surprised to see her.

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