Chapter 4. Lana's Party

"What the hell am I supposed to say to her?" I muttered under my breath, noticing that every pair of eyes in the room had turned to us. This situation was rapidly spiraling into the realm of pure awkwardness.

Desperate to break the tension, I impulsively reached out and enveloped her in an embrace, a smile plastered on my face. "Well, well, well, look who it is," I said, attempting to sound nonchalant.

To my surprise, she quickly pulled away with a look of shock on her face. I couldn't help but chuckle at her reaction. "Are you alright, Lana?” 

“Hmm… Did the doctors say anything about the side effects of the poisoning? Should we go somewhere quieter to talk?" I shook my head and smiled at her. 

“Let's go somewhere else to talk. 

Her concerned expression quickly turned into a mischievous grin. "Haha, you're such a joker, Ashlyn. But sure, let's get out of here."

I led her towards one of the nearby rooms in the mansion, away from prying eyes and eavesdroppers. It wasn't far from the party, but it had a sense of tranquility about it that was much needed in this moment.

Once we were inside, I took a deep breath, anticipation building up within me. "Lana... I need to apologize. I know I've done some stupid shit in the past, things that even I can't comprehend sometimes. But today, while I was in the hospital, I had this moment of clarity. I realized that despite everything, you've always been there for me. You've defended me against others and never allowed them to bring me down."

As I spoke, I couldn't help but reach out and take her hands in mine, locking eyes with her. I could see the emotions swirling within them, a mixture of surprise and something else I couldn't quite pinpoint. "I know it's not enough, but I genuinely want to say I'm sorry, Lana. For everything I've put you through, for all the wrongs I've committed against you."

Lana was silent for a moment, tears glistening in her eyes. "I never thought this day would come, Ashlyn. The day you would finally acknowledge me and not hate me for who I am. I'm glad you finally see me, little sis. Oh, and by the way... it's good to finally meet you in person, Reina."

My heart dropped as Lana's words washed over me. Reina? What did she mean? "Lana, what are you talking about?"

"Don't be so shocked, Reina. I knew it was you. Something about you seemed different. And when you apologized to me... that was a shock I couldn't help but cry over. So how's Ashlyn doing?"

"She's recovering. She needs the time to heal. But wait, you knew all along? You're our big sister?"

Lana nodded, a warm smile playing on her lips. "Yes, Reina. It's nice to finally meet you and have a real conversation."

The warmth that enveloped me was indescribable. Meeting my family and being welcomed with open arms was a feeling I never thought I would experience. I hugged Lana tightly, a genuine smile spreading across my face. "Let's go back to the party, big sis. We can catch up later. And save a dance for me, alright?"

Lana winked at me and slipped out of the room. I took a moment to compose myself before following her. Taking a deep breath, I whispered to myself, "Today, I have a lot of bitches to deal with. And I hope I don't run into that Cedar girl. She reminds me too much of Axel, and that's annoying as hell."

As I walked out, lost in my thoughts, I collided with someone standing near the door. I looked up and was surprised to see Axel, holding a woman in his arms. It was none other than Lilith Cedar herself. 

A mischievous grin crossed my face as I looked at them. "Oh boy, Axel, you've really outdone yourself. Ruining my moment with your disgusting display. Weren't we supposed to be playing the happy couple here? Looks like you backed out quite fast. Just as expected from an idiot like you. Shouldn't you find a room before climbing each other?"

Lilith stared at me in shock, clearly expecting a breakdown instead of my snarky comments. "We were just about to find a room, but you're in the way," she snapped.

I turned a nonchalant gaze towards Axel, my eyes practically daring him. "Axel, if you've decided to cheat, the least you could do is be discreet about it. We can't have rumors ruining reputations now, can we? I hope you're having a lovely time, Lilith."

With that, I turned and walked away, leaving Axel and Lilith stunned and speechless. I couldn't help but chuckle as I made my way back to the main hall. 

Just as I reached the main hall, a familiar voice called out to me. "Ashlyn!"

I turned to see my best friend, Daren, rushing towards me. A smile spread across my face as I embraced him. "Baby love! What are you doing here?"

Daren beamed at me, excitement shining in his eyes. "Darling, it's Lana's party! And I heard the news! I am so glad you're finally moving on and leaving the past behind."

"Oh, it was long overdue. It's high time I become more responsible and sensible," I replied, feeling a weight lift off my shoulders.

Daren raised an eyebrow, a mischievous glint in his eye. "By the way, what's Axel doing with that ugly thing on his arm?"

I pretended to be clueless. "Who?"

"Axel. Did he make you cry? Are you mad at him?"

I laughed, intentionally playing dumb. "Daren, my dear, I can't see anything. Insignificant people are invisible to me, remember? Now, do you want to dance?"

Daren gave me a knowing look and grinned. "Of course, my love. Sweep me off my feet and let's take over that dance floor."

I giggled as Daren effortlessly lifted me up into a princess carry and we swayed along with the music. As we danced, I couldn't help but marvel at the change that had come over me. The weight of the past was slowly fading away, replaced by a newfound sense of freedom and joy.

Meanwhile, Axel was seething with anger, still stunned by my audacity. "Get the fuck off me, Lilith," he growled.

"But baby, don't you want to continue?"

Axel's patience finally reached its limit as he forcefully pushed Lilith away. He glared at her with a mixture of rage and disgust before storming out of the room.

Lilith was left standing there, baffled and hurt. Determination flared in her eyes as she muttered to herself, "What the fuck is going on with him? Why does he care about that bitch?"


Reina smiled mischievously as Daren twirled her around the enchanting dance floor, the music filling the air with an infectious rhythm.

"Are you sure you aren't mad, honey? Are you ok" he asked, a concerned look in his eyes.

Reina couldn't help but laugh at Daren's sudden flood of questions. "About what?" she replied playfully.

"Axel. You seemed so calm when you found him with Lilith. Is everything okay? Are you upset? Do I need to take you to the washroom?" Daren continued, his voice filled with worry.

"Calm down, honey. I'm totally fine," Reina assured him, her smile never fading. "As you can see, I'm having a good time with you, and I have no reason to be sad. Nor will I ever have one."

Daren's curiosity sparked, his gaze fixated on Reina. "Hmm... Something's changed. I don't know exactly what it is, but I like it!"

"Hehe. I know you do," Reina replied, her eyes gleaming with a hidden secret.

As they continued to dance, their bodies swaying to the rhythm of the music, Reina eventually excused herself, claiming exhaustion and a desire to rest. She made her way to a nearby table, deciding to sit and order something to satisfy her cravings.

While waiting for her order, Reina overheard whispered conversations from a group of ladies seated nearby. They were clearly gossiping about her, their spiteful comments barely concealed.

“She really has no shame."

"I can't believe she's here."

"That woman is insufferable."

Reina's smirk grew wider as she soaked in their whispered words. They wanted to get a reaction out of her, and she was more than happy to oblige.

"That's it, you idiots... Take the bait," she thought to herself, plotting the perfect response.

As she sipped champagne from a passing waiter, Reina observed the group of ladies, now eager to see which one would approach her first.

One woman, with blonde hair, brown eyes, and an unmistakable air of wealth, made her approach. Reina recognized her immediately - the tension in the room made it clear that this lady and Ashlyn were no friends. She despised Ashlyn for having something she couldn't have. Reina struggled to remember her name...

"Hello, Miss Ashlyn," the woman greeted, her voice dripping with disdain.

Reina chuckled, her eyes dancing with mischief. "My, my... Looks like people can't tell who's single and who's married anymore, or have you been on your lonesome for too long?"

The woman's face contorted with anger, and Reina wondered if she would shatter the glass she held tightly in her hand.

"You--" the woman seethed, barely able to contain her rage.

"Oh my... Is something wrong, Miss..." Reina paused, challenging the woman to fill in her own name.

"Celeste," she spat.

Reina laughed, enjoying the brewing storm. "Such a pretty name for someone so blind and dumb... But anyway, Miss Celeste, it's 'Mrs. Axel' to you all," Reina taunted, relishing the woman's torment. "And by the way, your hands are shaking quite badly. Is something the matter?"

Celeste's anger intensified, and Reina couldn't help but find the whole situation amusing. The other ladies, who had been standing beside Celeste, looked on in shock. It seemed Ashlyn had let them off too easily.

"Oh, look at that! My order has arrived," Reina declared, her voice filled with mock politeness. "I'm absolutely famished. It was delightful catching up, Celestia. Enjoy the rest of the party."

Celeste stood there, seething with anger, but eventually stormed off in the direction of the washroom. She was clearly no match for Reina's audacity.

Reina took her seat at the table, grinning triumphantly. She decided to savor her meal in peace before seeking out Daren for another exhilarating dance. This night was proving to be far more entertaining than she had anticipated.

Unbeknownst to Reina, a mysterious figure watched from the shadows, contemplating the situation. "Something is definitely off about her. I should inform the Mistress," the figure mumbled and reached for their phone.

As the phone dialed, the figure spoke in a hushed tone. "Hello, Mistress. Something is amiss with the target. Ever since the poisoning, she's been behaving oddly. It's like a totally different person."

A voice responded from the other end, dripping with intrigue. "I see. Extend a lunch invitation to my son. It's time I said hello to him and his wife."

The figure sighed heavily. "Yes, Mistress. I wonder what kind of chaos she has planned this time."

As the call ended, a sense of foreboding settled in the figure's heart. The game was afoot, and they knew things were about to get even more interesting 

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