Chapter 3. Cutting Ties

"Damn that bastard!" I muttered, frustration coursing through my veins. What was his problem? He was being annoying and causing me unnecessary stress. I plopped down on the bed, desperately needing a moment to gather my thoughts.

Ashlyn lived the life of a typical billionaire's wife, but she was too naive and easily manipulated. And to make matters worse, she had a boy toy? Well, I was breaking up with that pathetic excuse for a man immediately.

I picked up Ashlyn's phone, scrolling through her contacts. Ah, there it was. She had saved his number as "Zaddy." How pathetic. I dialed the number, anticipating an intense confrontation.

The call connected, and I heard a voice on the other end say, "Hello slut."

My blood boiled. How dare he speak to her like that? "What the fuck did you just call her?" I snapped, barely controlling my anger.

"Why are you wasting my time, slut? We aren't supposed to meet today," he replied.

I had to restrain myself from unleashing a torrent of insults and threats. Instead, I clenched my fists and demanded, "What the fuck did you call me, Zachary?"

"What? Are you trying to break my rules, slut? I own you. I own your body and speech as well. No nasty words from now on!" he sneered.

I had had enough. "Listen up, you bastard. I have no idea why I even entertained you and listened to your crap, but I'm calling to tell you one thing. It's over. Don't call me, don't approach me, and don't even think this is a damn joke. If you do anything stupid, I'll personally make sure you regret it," I warned, my voice dripping with venom.

"How dare you try to threaten me?! I will release those videos," he threatened.

Curiosity piqued within me. What videos was he talking about? I wasn't going to be shackled to an idiot, though. "I don't give a fuck. Release whatever you want," I spat defiantly, ending the call abruptly.

I needed answers, and I needed them fast. I called for Charles, hoping he could enlighten me. "What videos is he talking about?" I asked urgently.

Charles paused, knowing full well who I was referring to. He looked uncomfortable, unsure of how to answer. "By bastard, I'm assuming you mean the Master, ma'am. He is in the living room and hasn't left since you two met there," he finally replied.

An idea formed in my mind. "Is there a computer cafe nearby?" I asked, already planning my next move.

"Yes, ma'am, there is one in the next building," Charles informed me, curiosity evident in his tone.

"Take me there, please. I need some time alone," I said, determined to get to the bottom of this.

We made our way to the cafe, and I found a vacant computer. As I sat down, thoughts raced through my mind. What kind of videos did Zachary have? What had Ashlyn gotten herself into? And why did it feel like he had the upper hand in this situation?

With a calculated click, I hacked into Zachary's phone, determined to uncover the truth. As I navigated through his data, an idea struck me. Wiping his phone alone wasn't enough. I needed to hit him where it hurt the most.

"Idea," I murmured to myself. "What if I wipe all the computers in his company clean?"

The decision was made, and I proceeded to erase all traces of data from Zachary's company. They would crumble within weeks, and he would have a whole new set of problems to deal with. I smirked, satisfied with the power and revenge I held in my hands.

But before I could revel in my victory, exhaustion washed over me. It had been a long day, and I needed some rest. Besides, I still had loose ends to tie up here. I made a mental note to deal with any remaining threats and walked out of the computer cafe with a newfound sense of determination.


Reina stepped out of the computer room, her face beaming with satisfaction. 


"Yes, mistress."

"Is the bastard finally gone?" 

Charles hesitated, well aware of who Reina was referring to. He felt uneasy about how to respond. 

"When you say 'bastard,' I assume you mean the Master, ma'am."


"He is still in the living room, ma'am. He hasn't left since you both met there."

"Hmph. Is there another entrance to the house? I can't stand his face."

"Yes, ma'am, but it will take some time to get the keys as the Master himself holds them."

"Oh, why do I have to be so unlucky?" 

Charles chuckled and led Reina to the front door of the mansion. She hesitated for a moment, gathering her determination before stepping inside.

"I can do this."

Reina made a conscious effort to avoid looking towards the living room, but Charles tapped her shoulder, causing her to turn and find Axel standing right beside her.

"When the hell did you get here? And where is Charles?" 

Axel looked amused but quickly composed himself. 

"Get dressed. We're leaving for Lana Mctokins' party in an hour."

"Who the hell is Lana?" 

Axel gave her an amused look again and replied, 

"Don't act clueless. You have an hour to get ready. I'll have the head maid attend to you."

Reina watched Axel walk away, clenched her teeth in frustration, and muttered, 

"I just got here and now I have to deal with this bastard and some unknown person. Who the hell is Lana?" 


I entered my room for the third time that day and surveyed my closet. I had plenty of elegant dresses, but I had no idea who this Lana person was or what kind of party we were attending. I felt helpless and frustrated, and eventually gave up, collapsing onto the bed.

That's when I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in, Charles."

"My apologies, ma'am. It's not Charles. I'm Lilith, the head maid here."

I stared at her and memories came flooding back. Lilith, the head maid, had once sabotaged Ashlyn, feeding her sedatives and causing her harm. She was dangerously obsessed with Axel, displaying pictures of him all over her room. I had to be careful around her, but I also had to beat her at her own game.

"Oh, Lilith. It's been a while. I was actually thinking about what to wear to this party."

"Axel mentioned it's a birthday party, ma'am, and that he would be escorting you. So you'll need to look your best."

Axel? She addressed him so informally. It was strange, but I couldn't let it bother me. If I were Ashlyn, she would make a big fuss, but she hadn't realized Lilith's true intentions yet. She was playing a dangerous game.

"Since 'Axel' will be escorting me, is it possible for me to get a new dress? The ones in my wardrobe are too frilly and annoying. I need something... I paused to think about it.

With my striking red hair, I couldn't really wear anything too colorful. So I decided to go for a simple, yet elegant black dress. I didn't want to attract more attention than the birthday girl herself. Something told me this evening was going to be eventful.

"Make it black and exciting. I have a feeling I'll need a dress like that tonight."

I knew I was in for an exciting time.


"What do you think, Charles?" 

I stepped out of my room and twirled around for Charles, who was waiting at the door. 

He looked at my dress and I could tell he was pleased.

"It's simple, yet beautiful, Mistress."

I beamed at him. 

"Why, thank you, Charles."

"I am merely stating a fact, ma'am. Oh, by the way, where is Miss Lilith?"

Hehe, the little troublemaker had gone too far.

"She's sitting in a chair, whimpering. I have no idea what's wrong with her. But I hope she's okay. Can you check on her for me? I'm worried."

"Of course, Mistress."

I smiled and walked down the stairs, ready to meet Axel and get this afternoon and evening over with. I was curious to see what the rest of the day had in store.


Axel watched Reina's figure from the top of the stairs, perplexed by her uncharacteristic calmness. 

"This is so unlike her. What is she up to?" 

He struggled to believe Ashlyn's transformation.

"She also seems... different, colder somehow." 

Axel approached Reina and stood in front of her, trying to gauge her intentions. 

Reina groaned in exasperation. 

"I don't know why you have to ruin my mood with your foul face."

Axel remained silent, taking in Reina's appearance. She wore a long, elegant dark blue body-con dress that accentuated her figure, with a daring thigh-high slit. She wore a simple diamond necklace and her hair was styled in a French twist, with a few loose curls framing her face. A dark blue butterfly pin adorned her hair, and she completed the look with ankle strapped heels.

"You look alright. Did Lilith dress you up this time?"

"I believe that's none of your business, Axel. Can we please just leave?"

Axel said nothing as he walked past Reina and headed towards the door.

Husband and wife got into the car, the tension between them thick enough to slice with a knife. 

"I advise you not to do anything rash this time, Ashlyn. We have to act like the loving couple we are. Don't make things difficult. Lana adores you, despite your flaws."

Reina turned to Axel, her face a storm of fury and composure. 

"Flaws? Tsk, tsk, I seriously wonder who the foolish one is if you can't even see certain things. And we have to act all lovey-dovey? It's common knowledge that we can't stand each other. Your former proteges will be there, even the current one, Lilith Cedar. Funny enough, she has the same name as our head maid. Speaking of which, I'd like a new head maid. The current one is terrified of me for some reason. And as for acting all lovey-dovey? That ship sailed the moment we said our vows. To hell with what you say, Axel. You go in on your own and I'll do the same."

Reina took a deep breath, staring out the window for the rest of the car ride, not giving Axel any more attention.


That bastard! Acting all lovey-dovey? I won't stand for this bullshit. No way in hell was I going to pretend with him.

I glared out the car window, ignoring Axel's piercing gaze. The bastard irritated me to no end. It was sad that the same person who had hurt Ashlyn so much was right in front of me, and there was nothing I could do about it.

I hoped this drive would end soon. I was on the verge of losing my cool and hitting someone.

"We've arrived."

"Thank god. There definitely wasn't enough space in that car for the both of us."

I quickly got out of the car, leaving Axel behind. I apparently found myself right in front of the party residence when a rush of memories came flooding back.

Damn it. Was Ashlyn always this bitchy? I remembered her trying to insult Lana, and yet Lana would smile and defend her when others talked her down.

Sigh... Why did things have to be so messy? Well, for now, I would avoid her and apologize later. I needed to gather my thoughts.

I stepped into the house and was met with a deafening silence. All eyes were on me, and I could feel their gaze burning into me. How did Ashlyn manage to fall out of favor with all of these people?

A red-haired woman made her way towards me, her eyes brimming with emotion as she tightly hugged me.

"I'm so glad you're alive, Ashlyn

Crap talk about rotten luck. I just had to run into her here. 

I forced a smile as she wrapped her arms around me. 

It was none other than the celebrant and star of the day that Ashlyn had always mistreated, Lana Mctokins. 

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