Chapter 2

She rolled her eyes.

“Did Toci break up with you? Are you planning to make him jealous with a nerd guy? You know that won’t work rig—”

“No! Of course not! It’s just easy Bea, just say what you know.”

“Ugh! Fine. All I know is he is a STEM student.”

“That’s all?”

“I’m still thinking Celiza… Oh! And he is running for valedictorian.”



“Nothing, let’s go first to class. I’ll just powder.”

“You don’t need to go to the bathroom just to powder—” I didn’t let her finish talking because I might not be able to reach that nerd. Unfortunately I didn’t really catch up with him.

I stopped in front of the boys bathroom.

I looked around but I couldn’t find him. I look in every way. The next day is the exam, I need to prepare otherwise I will fail!

I sighed.

But first I let my heart beat calm down. I was tired of chasing him!

I didn’t even catch him up!

I closed my eyes tightly and took a deep breath.

Don’t be stressed, Celiza. I can’t be haggard. My forehead furrowed as I was exposed to a test paper on my foot. I picked it up.

I smiled to myself when I found out who it belonged to.

He is good, he perfected the exam.

I turned to the boys’ bathroom.

I looked around before entering. Every cubicle has its own doors for privacy. There’s no open cubicle, unlike other men’s bathrooms. This one is not smelly, it actually has a masculine scent that is appealing on my nostrils.

“Ahhh…” My eyebrows met.

Where did that moan come from?

“Ohhh…” I slowly walked towards the direction of that growl.

“Oh my!” I screamed but it turned to laughter in the end. The man immediately turned away from me so that I could not get a good look at what he was holding between his thighs.

He is hesitant to face me. His hand trembled as he adjusted his glasses.

“Y-you shouldn’t be h-here Miss. T-this is a men’s room.”

“And you shouldn’t be doing that here.” I smirked.

I looked down at his pants tomorrow, still peeking at his red boxers. Red is all over his face. His body curled. I watched his Adam’s apple move. His eyes are finding something to stare, in the end the floor has his attention. He didn’t seem to have any intention of speaking so I presented his paper in front of him.

“T-thank you. Y-you don’t have to c-come in here just to give it to me—”

“I didn’t come in here just to give you that.” I smiled as his eyes widened.

“W-what do you need from me?”

“I want you to answer my assignments and quizzes.”

His brows furrowed. He tried to walk past me. Even before he could get out I blocked his hand. I saw him glance on my chest.

He swallowed.

“I-I won’t do what you want me to do.”

“Are you sure?” I said and I leaned forward, giving him a view of my cleavage. I saw his eyes widened but then he looked away.


“I doubt that…” I paused and leaned forward.

“Listen, you will do everything I say, do you hear me?”

“I-I’m not your p-puppet Miss.”

“Of course you’re not.”

Fuck this nerd!

Hard to convince!

Isn’t he attracted to me?

Why can’t I make him do what I want?


Probably because he is smart.

Come on Celiza!

You have to think of a way otherwise you will not graduate!

“Well then…” I stepped back.

“I can’t do anything If you don’t want to help a gorgeous girl like me,” I paused,

“I-I mean it’s fine.” I gave him the most bitter smile that I could give.

“I’m sorry for bothering you.” I fake wiping my fake tears under my eyes. I sighed and turned around. I slowly walked towards the door. This is the slowest walk I did.

Oh come on Magnus!

Tell me you’ll help me!

“W-wait …” Finally!

“Yes?” I immediately hid the smile on my lips and lowered my voice again.


“I won’t answer your e-exams but I … I will help you with y-your lessons.” I grinned.

“Then I’ll be your student.” This is gonna be fun.


“It’s a miracle Ms. Carosca.” Smiling, my teacher told me I was embarrassed the other day. Because he said I couldn’t answer what he was asking. He can teach first before graded recitation and maybe I can answer his question.

Many of my classmates also couldn’t answer but he scolded me.

It seems like in the past it was bad if he underestimated me, now he smiles at me.

How come he doesn’t smile that I just perfected the long test he gave yesterday because of Magnus.

Thanks to him.

If it wasn’t for him I wouldn’t have passed.

He keeps on saying words that don’t come out as words to me. It is all nonsense.

The word that comes out of my professor’s mouth changes when it reaches my ear.

Maybe I’m bored, earlier he explained what was on our board. But I don’t really understand it. I’m not trying to understand it anymore. I know I’m not good with academics. I accepted it already. All I know is I’m pretty and that is enough to pass and convince my professor to change my grades.

I turned around and almost everyone was bored like me. The others were still asleep, when the last subject we were really almost all lazy and wanted to go home, but not the man next to me, he was very focused on listening to the professor.

This is my classmate, Jade.

Is this a lesson today? As far as I know, it is also lazy to study like me.

A head came to our classroom to grab my attention, so everyone was stunned, even my sleeping classmates woke up because of the touch of those on the side.

My forehead furrowed as I caught sight of the one standing in the doorway.

You will know immediately who it is, Ms. Dimaawa.

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