Chapter 3. The Interview

Gladys walked inside the compound, as expected it was a fashion aura she felt, and seeing ladies like her dressed so fashionably made her feel inferior.

She walked shyly inside the company and security asked about her appointment and she as well replied she was there for a job.

"Okay ma'am, please go to the hallway to your right, there is where all interviewees will be interviewed" The security man informed her and Gladys nodded walking with some ladies to the directed hall.

They climbed up on some staircases and on getting there it was full of a crowd, mostly ladies and all looking elegantly dressed.

"You put that on, knowing well you're coming to a fashion company?" A lady said sarcastically and Gladys stopped on her track.

"Dressing like a suit's all that matters." Another lady says mockingly as Gladys turns to them.

She smiled a bit walking a bit closer to the three ladies.

"Better than who dressed like a whore." She fired and the second lady snoot walking closer to Gladys.

"You won't wanna compare yourself with us right." The lady says.

"Oops, does it----"

"You don't need to exchange words with ' em. You don't need it." A short bulb hair girl interrupted and Gladys glance at her.

"I'm Naomi by the way." She introduced herself with a smile and Gladys smiled shooting a dreadful glare at the two ladies.

"Let's go take a sit, I'm number 14." Naomi chipped in.

"Oh great, I'm Gladys no 15," Gladys added and they chuckled walking to take a sit.

"It has been my dream to work in Morrow's fashion company you know," Naomi told Gladys beaming with a smile.

"Oh, I bet you're going to get in," Gladys assured.

"You too," Naomi says to Gladys...

"I don't think so," Gladys smirked.

"Why? You look just like a fashion company employee."

"I'll take that as a compliment." Gladys appreciated

"Attention everyone." The man who walked in shouted, getting everyone's attention.

"The interview will start within a minute and as you all know only ten employees are needed so if you did get the job, congratulations, and if you didn't we offer our sincerest apologies and hope you try later." He stated.

"Number one to three please go in." He adds in and the numbered young ladies quickly walk in.

"We've got this okay," Naomi assured widening her eye and Gladys muttered a yes. 

Hoping at the littlest bit that she would get the job even if she ends up being the tenth chosen employee

The calling of numbers went on and on and Mr Alfred walked out of where the interview was taking place and he finally called out number thirteen to fifteen.

"Oh, we're going in together," Naomi said happily and Gladys nodded.

She smiled a bit to clear the nervousness she was beginning to feel which always happens whenever she was going for an interview.

With a little sigh, she walked in with Naomi and the other guy who she assumed to be the number thirteen.

"Take your seat accordingly." Mr. Alfred says to them as Naomi hurries to sit in the middle and Gladys walked slowly bowing her head, and sitting beside Naomi.

As soon as she took her seat she assured herself that she could make herself proud and she raised her head.

"You may introduce yourselves." The guy in the middle sitting opposite them started and Gladys glance at him and she recognized him at once to be the guy she met earlier the morning on her way.

And what she didn't expect was how she reacted 

"What!" She screamed unknowingly and Naomi look at her with everyone in the room not exceeded, as they all stare at her.

"Are you okay?" Naomi whispered and the attention Gladys got made her feel more uncomfortable with Caden pretending not to have met her before.

"Are you okay Miss?" He asked and Gladys bowed a bit biting her lower lip and wishing she could just disappear.

"We can continue." He added.

"I'm Naomi Gabriels." Naomi introduced herself, still with a smile.

"I. I'm Gladys, Gladys Morgan." Gladys chipped in.

"If you're going to act like an antisocial*, then I bet you're not ready to take this job." Caden say strictly and Gladys felt embarrassed breathing out silently muttering ' I can do this

She slowly raised her head and his shining golden brown balls met with hers.

She became trapped in that eyes of his.

She wanted to stop, but she couldn't, his eyes were just too beautiful to ignore and she just wanted to enjoy the free moment of having to see such clean brown eyes.

The eye contest stopped with him having to ask about their qualifications and the interview began.

It was steaming, still memorable for Gladys, she could feel his eyes on her and her eyes were also all over him.

He was asking questions and would knowingly give her more time to answer his questions and express herself which made Gladys filled with hope.

The interview went on and Gladys was able to let go of her naiveness.

Sometimes he would be strict with her and other times he would be lovely and she came to like him.

She didn't know what position he held in the company, still, she was curious about him.

 "We'd be rounding off the interview with having to hear you guys answer this question." A man beside Caden announced.

"If you were to suggest a design our company should launch, what would be your opinion?" Caden asked, guessing that Gladys wouldn't have any sense of fashion ideas since all the questions he had been asking her were not well answered.

The guy beside Naomi said his opinion which the interviewers appreciated and it was Naomi's turn and as usual, she was bright with a smile.

"I would suggest a baby's coat," Naomi answered and Caden smiled at her making Gladys think he was a womanizer.

"You." He snapped at Gladys.

"I. I think..." Gladys stuttered. "Men's pants." She blurted and the guy who was beside Naomi was the first person who started laughing.

Okay, what was she thinking?

Gladys snapped back to reality realizing the shit she just blurted. Naomi gave her a surprised look and Caden's face wasn't at all friendly.

"I guess you've got something with men," Caden said sarcastically at her and she just managed to shake her head negatively.

"I don't think you're ready on taking this job though." He concluded and she was back to her dull mood.

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