Chapter . No Choice

This was a gold coated tray. I picked it up from the floor again and turned it. There was an insignia just at the center of the bottom. I took it to the side of the gate were the window was closest to and squinted to see it properly. It looked familiar, I could tell that I had seen this insignia before. But I couldn’t remember where I had seen it and which pack it belonged to.

I held onto the plate for a while trying to force my mind to recollect what I could about the insignia but nothing was coming. I sighed and went to place the tray back at the spot beside the small opening and then went to lay on the bed. There was no point in all of this.

Whoever it was that was keeping me here was being extremely generous, and the generosity could fade at any time, in which case I’d be fucked.

He or she didn’t also have immediate use of me yet, if not I wouldn’t still be here. All I could do now was wait for the day my fate would be decided.

I closed my eyes.


I was tired so I went back to my room. It was yet another tutor trying to force me into what I’m not, into what I have no desire of being. At least I knew now that my dad didn’t care about me. He had left me here in the care of my uncle and my nanny without any prior notice. My nanny had said he was too busy to tell me, but what kind of father is too busy to tell his own daughter that he will be gone for long. I couldn’t remember the place where my nanny had said he had gone to. How could he do this to me?

I got back to my room. The mess I had made on the bed had been cleaned up and my sheets tidied. Madame Lupita must have come in and seen the state of my room and got it tidied up. I buried my head in my pillow face down and let out a muffled scream. I laid like that for a couple minutes then wore my sandals and headed downstairs. I was asked on the way countless number of times where I was headed to but I completely ignored the voice of the guards and helpers around me and continued walking. When I got to the garden I was sure my nanny had been alerted that I took a stroll.

Scoff. What rubbish

I took a seat at the garden and sat down. From the garden if I looked up I could see my room window. My room had suddenly become a place of captivity, forcing me to learn things that I would be better off not knowing.

I needed to leave, I knew it and I wanted it. But I felt like I needed to hang around to get the answers I was looking for. Something was wrong, with me, with my dad. He was the only one I had. I had grown up without a mother because she was gone by the time I was born.

I sensed a presence in the garden close to where I was seated and listened intently. Someone was around, probably watching me.

Scoff. Probably guards.

I pretended like no one was there and just admired how beautiful and trimmed the garden was looking tonight. After a while my nanny emerged from the trees behind.

“So you finally came out of your hiding place?”

“Yes. I wanted to come from behind and scare you away but you’re so alert now.” She sat beside me and put her hand on my shoulder. “I guess all the training you have received in the past few weeks……………..”

“Have been horrible and I hate it and I wish you would stop lying to me and tell me already that you’re trying to prepare me to go be with a man.” I cut her off calmly. I didn’t look at her face while I spoke, I just continued to stare into the distance. I felt her hand drop from my shoulder slowly.

“Lovette, I figured that by now you will already know that your uncle and I have arranged for you to move on to the next phase of your life, which is settling down and finally becoming a woman. It is not such a terrible thing I promise you and we will make sure you are prepared before you go………….”

“Where is my father and what does he have to say about you and uncle forcing me to do what I don’t want to?”

“He……………the Alpha is away on a long trip. I don’t have all the details but he would want for sure that his daughter is safely mated to a good man. “

“I don’t believe you, my father will never make me do something I don’t want to. If he were here he would punish you for even suggesting such a thing to me. You told me to trust you Madame Lupita and then you lied to me……….”

“Lovette…………please don’t……….’

“I cant ever trust you again. Please let me be. I want to be alone now.” I turned away again and backed her. We were quiet for some time and she didn’t go like I expected her to. I got up and made to leave her there when she held my hand. I turned and looked at her.

“You should know that your mate will be here in the morning and……..and it is very possible that you would be leaving with him same tomorrow.”


“Yes……..I tried to buy you some more time but your uncle has refused…….”

“You tried to buy me time?!” I pulled my hand from hers. I was suddenly filled with a resentment and anger at what she said. I had tears in my eyes instantly.


“Why are you doing this?” I screamed. “You know I don’t want this ………..”

“Yes but you don’t exactly have a choice in this. None of us does!”


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