Chapter 2. Will You be My Girlfriend?

"How would I comfort you?" I asked, confused.

Could it be that the kind of comfort Uncle wanted was the kind that adults sought?

"You're beautiful, Sasha!" Uncle whispered, leaning close to my ear. "I know you also secretly notice me, don't you?"

My face felt hot upon hearing Uncle's last question. How could Uncle possibly know that I had feelings for him?

"I am not a home-wrecker," I awkwardly replied, defending myself. Yet, my heart was racing uncontrollably.

Uncle Vincent smiled faintly. His eyes gazed at me with hunger as he brushed aside the hair covering my slightly exposed neck and chest. "You're not a home-wrecker, baby!" Uncle retorted, his gaze flat. "To me, that cheating bitch is no longer my wife."

Soon after, Uncle's lips were pressed against mine. He gently nibbled on my lower lip. I was confused. Perhaps because I didn't know how to kiss. Or maybe because of the lingering feelings of fear and guilt in my mind.

"Part your lips, baby! Just enjoy what I'm about to give you," Uncle whispered in a husky voice that bewitched and felt like a command.

Slowly, I parted my lips. Immediately after, Uncle's tongue invaded the inner recesses of my mouth, exploring every corner without permission.

"So sweet," Uncle whispered, groaning heavily in a restrained voice. "Your lips are so soft and sweet."

I no longer remember how Uncle managed to persuade me. But now I found myself in Uncle's embrace.

Effortlessly, Uncle carried me to a large room that I was sure belonged to him and his wife. Gently, with tenderness, he laid me on a large bed with a soft satin brown sheet that felt smooth against my skin.

My eyes wandered, taking in every luxurious corner of the room. However, nothing captivated me more than his handsome face, which was now only an inch away from mine.

"Uncle, I am scared," I protested, pushing against his chest, uncertainly.

Caught between wanting to stop and wanting to continue. Most of me wanted to continue. A small part resisted.

"Calm down! I'm not a clueless novice when it comes to pleasing a woman," Uncle reassured, moving my hand away from his muscular and solid chest.

What I remember is that both of us engaged in a forbidden romance between a man and a woman. He asked me for comfort but in the end, he did all the work. All the pleasurable touches he gave me were something hard to resist.

"You're beautiful, baby!" Uncle whispered amidst the wild play of his hands and tongue, searching for my sensitive spots.

However, all of it still made me scared and tense. I was certain that a horror shadow now loomed over my face. "Don't be afraid! The pain will only last for a moment. Trust me."

Somehow, Uncle's sweet tongue managed to make me succumb to his seduction. He was about to take my virginity like a piece of cake.

Somehow, all my fears suddenly vanished. I discarded all morality as Uncle's kisses and touches explored my virgin body.

That was when I realized I should have never been in that house. When the devil whispered, violations occurred in the name of love and lapse of judgment.

Unfortunately, that realization came too late. By the time Uncle had buried himself within me.

Time passed by without notice. I didn't know how long Uncle Vincent's hands roamed my body. I didn't know how many times he did it. What I knew for sure was that all the pleasure came to a halt when there was no more strength left to continue.


The next day, Uncle Vincent asked me to take a pill to prevent pregnancy. Uncle Vincent, who was quite drunk the night before, forgot about the dangers and risks.

Hopefully, I wouldn't get pregnant. I don't know what I would do if I got pregnant while in college.

How would I explain who the father of my child is to Mom and Dad?

"It's not that I don't want to take responsibility. But you're still in college, right?" Uncle said with a lazy, sleepy face.

I nodded and obeyed Uncle Vincent's request. It was all true because I couldn't afford to get pregnant and have a child out of wedlock.

"Sasha, will you be my girlfriend?" Uncle suddenly asked, startling me.

"That's not possible, right? I am Tara's friend, and..."

"Shhh, let's keep it a secret. No one will know if you don't tell anyone," Uncle persuaded with his excessive charm. He then took out his phone and tapped on the screen. "Here, what good boyfriend gives you pocket money?"

My eyes widened in astonishment as I saw ten grand transferred to my account. "How do you know my bank account?" I asked, bewildered.

Uncle's sexy lips formed a wide smile. "You think I haven't been paying attention to you all this time? If it weren't for this stupid marriage that I want to maintain, I would have dated you a long time ago, baby!"

My heart swelled with joy. So, all this time, my admiration for Uncle Vincent wasn't unrequited?

"So, you’ve liked me too all this time?" I asked again. "I'm not dreaming, right?"

Uncle Vincent shook his head. I jumped with joy and hugged the hot middle-aged man tightly.

"Consider Freya's affair a blessing for me because it means I'm free. I can date my beautiful Sasha now."

Uncle Vincent couldn't be happier. A bright face adorned his features. No longer was there a man who appeared defeated and sad overnight? There was only Uncle expressing his desire to have a serious relationship with me.

However, suddenly I became afraid again. If we loved each other, it meant that someday we would get married. How would I explain it to Tara?

"So, if we get married, what will happen, Uncle?" I asked.

Uncle fell silent for a moment. "Why are you thinking about that now?"


"Your only task, sweetheart, is this!" he interrupted. "Break up with your boyfriend, what's his name? Jason?"

As it turned out, Uncle Vincent hadn't lied about everything he said. He was really attentive to me. He even knew that I was currently dating Jason.

Uncle's attention which I had previously thought was suffocating had a different meaning. Uncle saw me as a grown woman. Uncle wanted the same things that I wanted.

So, after that, we started dating in secret. I further sank into a sinful relationship in the name of love.


Several weeks passed, but Tara still hadn't appeared. I went to university alone. I couldn't concentrate in class anymore because now my status had changed from being a best friend to my bestie’s dad’s sugar baby.

Not only that but now I felt like I was in a similar position as a mistress. A home-wrecker like. How could I not? Uncle was still married to Aunt Freya.

However, I tried to dismiss those negative thoughts. Hopefully, I would, one day, become Uncle's rightful wife and live happily ever after.

Uncle Vincent decided to rent an apartment for me near the campus so that we could have privacy. He also bought me a car for easier transportation.

Weeks went by, and our relationship continued. Our thrilling relationship. I started taking contraceptive pills regularly since he didn’t like using rubber.

"I broke up with Jason, Uncle!" I reported to him.

"That's good! I don't like it when other guys touch my beautiful girl," Uncle gently pinched my cheek.

I smiled. Since I started dating Uncle, I felt very cared for and pampered. Even my savings grew because he often sent me a considerable amount of money after being intimate with him.

"What about you, Uncle? When will you divorce Aunt Freya?"

"I don't know," Uncle Vincent replied as if it wasn't an important matter.

I could only resign myself to the situation. Did Uncle Vincent hide something about his relationship with Aunt Freya?

"Uncle, are you telling the truth?" I asked.

"About what?"

"Aunt Freya's affair."

"Of course. Do you think if she didn't cheat on me, I would sleep with you?"

I was stunned by Uncle Vincent's statement. I don't know, even though it was true, it still hurt to hear this statement directly from Uncle Vincent's lips.

"So, Uncle, do you love me or not?"


"Then why don't you immediately divorce Aunt Freya?"

"Divorce isn't that simple. We have assets to separate and many other things. It's not like dating!"

"I just want to know, Uncle. Do you love me or not?" I asked again, unable to hold back my tears. "If your wife didn't cheat, you wouldn't have been with me, right?"

Uncle Vincent didn't respond to my question. I immediately excused myself and went to the bathroom, rather than waiting awkwardly and emotionally.

"Don't take too long in the bathroom, baby! I want you!" Uncle exclaimed.

“Again?” I murmured.

It's always like that. That's all on his mind. He wanted nothing from me but sex.


On the weekend, my dad asked me to come home. He said there was something he wanted to talk to me about. However, since the class was rescheduled, I arrived early.

When I got home, it was already night. Dad was at home because his car was still in the garage. I entered the house since it wasn't locked. But to my surprise, I saw my dad grappling with a long-haired woman I knew in the living room.

"Freya, you're amazing!”

“Alan, faster please!"

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