Chapter 2. Secret Marriage

His name is Sagara Syailendra. His daily life is only as an employee. He is in charge of a project. He lives alone. Sagara has no father, mother, or siblings. However, he is never lonely because he is the primary donor of an orphanage.

His name is unique for a modern man of today. Sagara means sea, and Syailendra means the dynasty of kings who ruled the Medang Kingdom of Central Java Indonesia since 752 and controlled Srivijaya on Sumatra Island since the leadership of Balaputradewa of Central Java Indonesia. So indirectly, Sagara Syailendra means the king who rules the ocean.

He is about 180 cm tall and has clean skin, blue eyes, and straight and slightly blonde hair. Many brands would want to work with him if he entered the modeling world, but Sagara didn't care. And for Ratu, Sagara's face was standard. Not handsome, not ugly.

And the more Ratu thought about it, the more she was disgusted with her mind. She, Ratu Purbaningrum, who even rejected the proposal of an oil company CEO, would instead become the wife of a contractor? Seriously!

"What's with this, Dad? I'm getting married in a month, I don't know. It's me who wants to get married!" protested Ratu. She put down her fork and knife. The delicious steak in front of her didn't tempt her anymore.

Danaswara laughed instead. "So, have you met Sagara?" he asked as he drank water.

Ratu didn't answer. She threw an annoyed look at her father. "What's the point, marrying me to a young man with no clear origins like that? He is not rich and not handsome; his intelligence is also questionable. What did you think until you concluded that I should marry him?" Ratu rebelled.

"You'll find out later," Danaswara replied briefly.

Ratu also chuckled. She looked at her mother with an expectant gaze. But Mrs. Danaswara only frowned. "I agree with your dad. There is nothing to discuss for this."

Ratu was getting emotional. She then chuckled and thought. If she could not cancel the wedding that would held in one month, she could control how the wedding went. Immediately, an idea popped into her head. Ratu's sullen face instantly turned into a sly look. She smiled very meaningfully. Her eyes also lit up; she was ready to issue an injunction.

"Okay. Suppose that's what Mom and Dad want. But I have one small request."

Danaswara looked at his daughter in disbelief. He smiled and toasted his wife. "Whatever the conditions are, I will fulfill them!" he said.

"Marry us secretly—just you, Mom, and two witnesses. No more than that," she chuckled, smiling. She then raised her glass and drank the water in it.

"Are there no other requirements? A honeymoon in Switzerland, for example? I can pay for however long you want to stay there?" suggested Ratu's father.

"Or if you want to travel anywhere, we'll let you. Let Daddy and Mommy take care of the company you manage, okay?" continued Ratu's mother.

Ratu was still smiling. This time, she smiled sweetly but with a stern look on her face. "Obey or just release your property to the social service. I can still live even with my own company," said Ratu. She left the dining table. Ratu knew her father's character. Although she feared that her father would give all his property to the social service, she did not want to submit to anyone. She was the Queen, and it was appropriate for everyone to bow to her. Not the other way around.

Danaswara was wringing his head. He couldn't believe that his daughter was threatening him back. Danaswara could now only sigh. Ratu had inherited all the characters from himself—firm and undoubtedly stubborn.

"How is it, My Dear?"

Danaswara could only look at his wife. He had to comply with Ratu's request, even though it felt a little embarrassing for their family. Inevitably, Danaswara had to cancel the wedding organizer he had hired, including canceling the building, catering, and all wedding preparations, except for the wedding dress. If Ratu had asked for a secret wedding, she would have wanted to get married in this house.


And finally, it was like what Ratu wanted. Many people didn't attend her and Sagara's wedding. They got married at home, even very simply. Ratu wore a T-shirt, while Sagara only wore a hem. Then Sagara shook Danaswara's hand. After Danaswara signed the contract and was answered by Sagara, two witnesses, who were none other than her father's subordinates, pronounced the law. Sagara and Ratu became husband and wife.

Sagara smiled at Ratu. But Ratu didn't. Even when Sagara raised his hand to put the ring on Ratu, she took the ring and put it on her hand.

"Already, right? I want to go," she said. Then, without waiting for anyone's approval, Ratu left.

Ratu's behaviour dumbfounded everyone. They understood that this marriage was not only secret but also forced. But did she hate Sagara so much that she didn't want to exchange rings with him?

Sagara took his ring. He looked at the ring for a long time. It had never occurred to him that his wife would not put the ring on his finger.

"Looks like you have to be patient, Gar!" said Danaswara.

Sagara smiled. He took off his synthetic leather necklace. He then put the ring on it.

"Dad, take it easy. Ratu is now my responsibility. I will ensure she wears this ring on my finger," Sagara said optimistically. He then greeted Danaswara and kissed his hand. Danaswara stroked his new son-in-law's head.

"I believe in you, Gar. Just like I trusted your late father," said Danaswara.

Meanwhile, Ratu took off the wedding ring she was wearing. She wanted to throw it away, but she couldn't. The only value in her marriage today is the ring she wears. The ring, which has a design similar to The Blue Moon of Josephine, has a price of around 134 million USD. This ring is so beautiful with a 10-carat flawless blue diamond. Although she hated the marriage, she was no fool. She didn't lose her temper and throw away the fantastic ring. And what's more, this was a ring passed down from her family. Danaswara must have deliberately chosen that ring as Ratu's wedding ring.

Ratu shouted. She couldn't understand why her father married her to a poor man who only worked as a project employee. There was not a single logical reason that Ratu could think of. But one thing was sure: even though this marriage had already occurred, she would never fall in love with Sagara.

A misguided thought emerged in her brain. Her father would still give all his assets to social services if she sued for divorce, but what if Sagara sued for divorce?

Ratu smiled at the idea.

"Watch out you Sagara Syailendra! Although your name means King of the Ocean, you will never conquer me!"

Ratu played the rock song loudly. She shifted gears and picked up speed. Tomorrow would be her first day to make Sagara file for divorce against her. And she could become a single woman bathed in wealth, including her father's.

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