Chapter 3

The police force him to give the bag.

The girl stepped away from them, but the head of the campus stopped her.

“No, you stay. You’re a witness to this transaction. I cannot believe you will do this, Mr. Calazar. It’s a shame to your parents.”

He glared at the girl. Who would even speak out that it’s not freaking d***s!

She saw everything! She knows what it was, it’s not what they’re thinking about, and she’s not even doing anything!

His face started to get red, and he could feel himself heating up inside because the police were about to pull the thing inside his bag.

He closes his eyes tightly. How shameful it is to him for them to find out what it was.

“Where’re the d***s?” Mrs. Gano asked, confusion written all over her face.

The sour face of the policeman turned to Mrs. Gano and glanced at him.

He faced palm as soon as the police raised his hand with it.


“Viagra? You’re buying Viagra from your classmate Mr. Calazar?”

He swallowed and glared at her.

He needs it! He doesn’t have the sex drive he has back then. Nothing seems to make him aroused. Nothing! Even sexy girls! Maybe he has too much of it, that’s why he’s feeling like that, and he’s not used to it because his sex life is active! He’s enjoying his bachelor’s life before his father passes the business to him, which will stress him for the rest of his life.

It’s not fun for him anymore, and I don’t know why there is something empty, but he’ll end that missing thing.

He cannot take it anymore.

“Yes, it is, and it’s not d***s!” His jaw clenched.

“Seriously?” She laughed.

“I can’t believe it as well. I can’t comprehend it. Seriously.” Carlton said.

He glared at him, and Carlton pursed his lips. He grabbed the Viagra from the police’s hands and glared at him because he was taller than him.

He glanced at Mrs. Gano.

“You’ll be fired,” he said before walking past her.

“Just for Viagra?!” Mrs. Gano laughed.


He cannot believe it! It isn’t enjoyable! He hides it inside his bag.

Just for this! He is sure they think that he is not good in bed and he can’t even make his manhood hard! That news will go around and reach everyone everywhere on the campus.

He still his feet while strolling on the empty campus hallway, his footsteps echoed, he’s still mad, but that’s not what’s bothering him. It’s the other footsteps coming behind him.

He glanced at the back of his shoulders. His eyes are drawn to the round glasses of the girl. He shook his head and continued walking. It’s probably one of the girls obsessing over him.

He groaned. Why can’t girls leave him alone? He cannot entertain them at this point, especially in his situation though he cannot blame them for chasing him.

This thing is not new to Widler. He is used to girls following him around or outside the campus. He’s not even safe on every girl’s radar. He can’t blame them. His looks are a head-turner. He is handsome, and everyone knows.

‘Geez, she won’t stop following me around, would she? Doesn’t she have a class to attend?’ He kept on asking himself because he didn’t want any trouble anymore.

She’s not even content. Now she is following him, even in his class!

“Geez, what’s wrong with you?” he irritatingly asked her. She flinched, and her eyes turned round, startled by him.

Wilder’s eyebrows furrowed when he scanned her. He couldn’t believe his eyes staring at the long baggy gray long sleeves of her that hid her hands, the furbelow-the-black knee skirt paired with long white socks and worn-out plain flat shoes.

Her curly dark locks covered almost his entire face.

It flows everywhere the girl goes, no matter what he does or where he goes. Even this one didn’t pass the chance to get close to him. This one is different because she’s not the typical fangirl that he has. She is not a cheerleader or a hot chick.

Even if this one is a hot chick, he won’t entertain her even if this is the girl that she saw in the bar and the reason why he couldn’t sleep last night. He will not give her any attention.

“Uh—” He cut her off.

“Will you stop following me?”

“Wait… Aren’t you that girl?” It’s the girl from the bathroom. He didn’t notice her because he didn’t care about her.

Don’t tell me she will use what she saw to make her go on a date with her?

Geez she’s desperate.

“You know it’s not d***s but you didn’t speak out. You just let them embarrassed me and now you’re following me around? Geez, leave me alone!”

He didn’t let her utter a word. He fastened his steps towards his classroom.

He has a lot of things going on his mind and that nerd is making him more frustrated.

“Mr. Calazar, you are early for tomorrow.”  Mr. Pasyaw said to his professor is in his mid-40’s. He is one of the strictest professors on campus.

Laughs echoed in the room.

“And it looks like someone will lose his job today, Sir.” He smirked.

His day didn’t start well, and now he’s being laughed at.

“You can’t scare me with that, Mr. Calazar, I know you’re the son’s owner of this campus, but that wouldn’t change the fact that you are my student. I won’t treat you differently from them.”

“Tsk.” He uttered and sat on his desk.

“You are still not used to Mr. Pasyaw, Der? You know he’s not terrified of your threats of getting him fired.” Geo chuckled.

“Indeed, is that the effect of a hangover? It’s our last class today, and you still manage to make it, huh? Did you come only to attend one class? Why did you even go to campus?” Tori teased him.

He wondered why they were not in a hangover. All of them got wasted last night.

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