Chapter 4. Oh Boy...

I woke up the next morning feeling a little bit tired. It's still early so I just call one of my friends, Deniece. I know she'll be awake by now since it is Thursday morning and she always have early classes today. 

"Why aren't you answering any of my phone calls?" she asked in a hysterical voice. 

"I'm sorry, I just don't want to talk about what happened last night," I said while staring at my room's ceiling and remembering the disaster last time. 

"I already know, your mom told me," now she's in a calm mode. 

I just sighed and bit my nails. 

"You better come to school right now, okay?" 

I don't know what to say but I think that's the best for now, at least I won't fail my subjects because that will be another problem for me. I just assured Deniece that I'll go to school today and drop the call after that. The least I can do right now is to study for our final's week. 

After taking a bath, I packed some extra clothes and other stuff. I'll be going to stay in Arielle's old apartment for now. This is the first time that I'm going to be alone in a house and I'm starting to regret my decision. It is still better than to stay in a soulless house, right? 

"Angela?" once I heard our nanny calling me outside, I immediately closed my luggage and put on my white rubber shoes. When I opened the door, I saw her holding a tray of food. 

"You need to eat before you go," my nanny insisted. 

"I really have to go," I said while looking at her as she prepares my table for me to eat. 

"I have to something to tell you," she said that make me stop for a moment. "Will you now please sit down?" 

Well, I guess I have no choice. I just sat down there and eat the toast in front of me. I'm going to miss this!

My nanny hold my a hand as she placed a thick envelope and she signal me to open it. I'm shocked to see loads of money there and I also saw a check written last night with a big amount of money. 

"That check," my nanny pointed at one of the checks. "That will be your allowance for a year like what your mom told me last night."

I just laughed about it. Why not give it to me all by herself? 

"They'll be flying in London by now with your younger sister and she told me that if you change your mind, you are free to find them there," my nanny also give me a piece of paper with a foreign address. "That's the address of the house and she insisted that I should also go there since Arianne will need me."

"You're leaving, nana?" I asked and she just nodded. I hug her tightly and I heard her sobbing a little. I'm going to miss her, too. 

"Take care, okay?" she said while fixing my hair. 

"Call me if you already landed there, okay?" I asked. "I need you to be safe, too."

I just hugged her again and then she escorted me outside. She also helped me from putting my luggage in the compartment of my car. She told me that her flight is scheduled tonight so I guess I have no reasons to go back here at all. 

My dad's not around already when I went downstairs and the maids just told me that he have a business trip outside of the city. Well, that's more convenient for me since I don't want to see him for a while. I took a last look at our house before I drove off to my sister's apartment. 

While driving, I received a call from Kendric.

"Young lady," he greeted. 

"What is it?" I asked. 

"Nothing, bye," he dropped the call just to say young lady? Isn't that weird? 

I just shrugged it off and start to remember what happened last night.


"You're straightforward," I said, trying to ruin the awkward situation. 

"You're too gullible," he said. 

I know I'm like that but no offense? I'm just comfortable talking to people and that's all, duh. 

"Go home, young lady," he told me while cleaning his side of the table. 

"I'm not, okay?" after what happened, I'm not going to sleep there tonight. 

"You better go home," he insisted.

"Look, I ran away," I explained. "There will be no coming back to that house because it's ruined."

He looked confused at first but he just took a sip from his coffee and eat some of the bread that he bought. 

"You're not going to say something?" I asked. 

"What am I going to ask?" he asked back to me. 

Well, I thought he's going to ask why. 

"Look," he moved my chair to face him. "If you're not going home, then where would I drop you off?"

I started to think where I'm going from here. Obviously, not in my boyfriend's house, my dad will be outrageous for that matter. Also not in Haze's house, her mom is one of my mom's business partners. Lastly, Deniece will never tolerate me, that's for sure. 

"I can see you're struggling to think right now," he said while smirking.

I just rolled my eyes and turned my head to look back at the dark road in front of us. So I have no choice but to go back, huh?

"You might regret your actions soon enough but this is the part where you'll have to retreat for now," he has a good point for that. 

I sighed softly as I stood up and walk toward outside of the store. A cool breeze welcomes me as I stood outside, well, I just need to cross the road back to our subdivision. 

"Need a ride?" I noticed that Kendric followed me outside. I supposed that would be better. 

"But if you want to walk then I'll just accompany you," he suggested again. 

"What do you think is much better?" I asked back. 

"I can walk with you tonight but," he said while pointing at the direction across the road. "That is too dark and I don't have any phone with me right now for flashlight."

I looked confused with he just said. 

"It's with my niece," he explained as he noticed the look on my face. 

He walked towards his car and open the door for me. "Shall we?"

I got in his car that smells so good, like a lavender actually. When he get in the car, I also smell his scent, it is too soft for guy but it's pleasing for me. 

It went silent again for a while but I just gave him the direction back to our house. The ride back home was fast and when I saw the lights that are still on, I guess that they've been waiting for me until now. When Kendric parked his car in front of our house, he look so shocked for a moment. 

"What?" I asked. 

"So you're from Guevarra clan, huh," he said while taking off his seatbelt. 

He opened the car door for me and just looked at me with amusement. I raised my brow at him only to see if he'll get intimidated but he just laughed anyway. 

"What's funny?" I asked again. 

"Considering your actions," he's still laughing a bit. "They'll gonna let you off for now."

"What's funny about that?" I'm slightly pissed with what his doing in front of me. Laughing about my current actions, huh?

"It's just funny that you're so rich so I know your parents will just let you off the hook," he explained while trying to keep his lips from smiling. 

"That would be better," I just told him that before I open our gate. 

"So you'll just going to do this all the time?" I stopped for moment when he asked that. 

I thought about that while we're driving back to our house. I thought of running away again but that time will be much longer than what I did today. 

"If you think about it again, call me and I'll give a ride back," after what he said, I heard his car engine started and he already drove off. 

I just go inside our garage when I received a text. 

From: Guy from the bench

but don't think about it too soon : >

End of Flashback...

That's the last thing I remembered vividly from last night. I just recall some of the details that I saw my mom helping Arianne get her luggage from her room. I also heard them calling me but I just slammed the door and locked myself up. Last night, I already texted Arielle that I'm going to need her apartment and she just leave a thumbs up for me. 

I'm a bit startled when my phone rang again, it's Deniece this time. I answered the phone only to hear another voice. 

"You got me so worried and I need you to tell me what happened!" Haze sounded so wounded but I just heard Deniece laughing beside her, I guess. 

"Calm down," I said as I requested for a video call. When I saw the look in her face, I just laughed about it. 

"This is not funny, Angela Natalie," she said while pouting her lips. 

"Stop messing with her, geez," Deniece is probably teasing her right now. "You look disgusting while doing that."

I smiled as I saw them looking not so problematic unlike me. I suddenly realized that I should be honest with them so I just told them to meet me after their class at Arielle's apartment. They end the call afterwards when Deniece told me that she'll be going already for her next class. It is also a good thing I heard from them that my classes for the whole day are cancelled because of a conference in our department. 

While I'm still driving, I received again an another call. It's from my boyfriend! 

I stopped the car on the side of the road for a moment. I took a deep breath and press the green button to answer his call. 

"Hon?" gosh, I missed his voice. Alright, we still have an issue, calm down. 

"Yes?" I asked. 

"I'm worried sick about what happened," he said while requesting for a video call but I immediately cancelled it. He should not see my face right now, I'm totally worn out today because of my situation. 

"I'm driving, can we talk later?" I need to sound cold but my voice is just too soft!

He just agreed with me and I ended the call already. I lean my head on the steering wheel and let out a sigh. I'm sure that he's going to break up with me but not now. I still have lots of stuff in my plate that's already too much for me so no, not today. 

I still managed to drive to Arielle's apartment after a phone call with my boyfriend. This apartment is gift from our uncle back when Arielle announced to the family that she's going to law school after she graduate from college. Brainy, isn't it?

It's past 12 noon when I got to the parking lot and parked my car. I'm hungry so I just order some meal from a fast food restaurant online before I got out of the car. 

I'm already taking out my luggage when suddenly a pair of arms pull it out from the compartment. I turn my look to see his face only to find out that it's Kendric. What is he doing here? 

"I live in the next building," he point to the other building on my left. "8th floor."

What in a world of coincidence.

I guess he already figured it out what I'm up to so he just help me with my other stuff inside the car. When we're done already, I looked at him 

"Thanks," that's a cool way to say thank you, right?

"That's short," he commented. 

I'm about to say something when I noticed someone behind him. I took few steps forward to clearly see a couple walking while holding each other's hands. I gasped when I confirmed who I'm looking at right now. 

It's my boyfriend... with another girl. 

When he looked at my direction, he let go of that girl's hand. Too late. 

I started to walk towards them and I can hear what he just said, "Oh boy."

That's it, I'm done.

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