Chapter 123. Home for the Holidays
After my shift, I immediately went home to the condo and packed my things so I could get to Parkertown early tomorrow. I have to pack a lot of clothes since I will be staying there for four days (from Saturday up to Tuesday), since it will be Christmas already by Monday, and on Tuesday, we’ll have no work.
Aside from wanting to get home early to Parkertown, I really wanted to have something to do right away to distract myself from my thoughts. Earlier, when I called Ash and he told me that it seemed like what he had been fearing might indeed happen in this lifetime—that someone might attempt to take Tate’s and my life, so something bad might happen to us—it really stuck in my mind.
I managed to focus on work… on editing with Lana, but every time we weren’t editing, I remembered it again, and I couldn’t help but get paranoid. Earlier, as soon as I left the TVDen office, I really hurried to the bus station and chose to walk on the part of the street with a
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