Book cover of “Trapped with the Alphas“ by Stevanyla

Trapped with the Alphas

  • Genre: Werewolf
  • Age: 18+
  • Status: Completed
  • Language: English
  • Author: Stevanyla
When Elettra Lennox graduates from high school, her life is thrown into turmoil when her aunt and cousin sell her to Alpha Meddox. While attempting to flee, Elettra meets her mate, Alpha Zavier of the River Triangle Pack, and is shocked to discover he is her cousin’s boyfriend. She never expected her cousin would kidnap her and throw her into th... 

Chapter 1

Today was the day I had been waiting for. I graduated high school!

I didn’t expect that I didn’t need to study or attend school anymore.

It was now time for me to work and start earning money. If I had enough savings, I would leave my uncle’s home and live freely in an apartment.

I must get away from my aunt and cousin as soon as possible. I wanted to prove to them that I could survive without them!

“Where are your parents, Elettra?” Amber and her two minions were standing in front of me. “I didn’t see them.”

“Hey, you can’t ask like that. You have to take responsibility if she cries.” Dahlia shook her head with a look fixed on Amber. One second later, she stroked my cheek softly, and her lips smiled crookedly. “She is already gorgeous today. We must appreciate her efforts to dress up.”

Amber’s finger played with my long hair. “You’re right. Elettra is very different.” She examined my whole look from head to toe. “Yeah, she’s pretty today. Even though the clothing she is wearing is really inexpensive.”

Amber, Dahlia, and April burst out laughing. People heading towards the hall gave us indifferent glances; they didn’t want to be the subject of the three women’s mockery.

“Not only did she put on makeup, but she also braided her hair,” said April.

Dahlia was right; my gown was not as expensive as theirs. I am not buy anything and eat the meals supplied in the cafeteria during my last year of school since I must save my spending to acquire cheap apparel and make-up.

If Winona, my cousin, doesn’t ask for my money, I can also buy high heels or wedges. I prostrated myself and begged Winona to lend me her high heels, and I was forced to obey all of her orders for one week.

I chose to stand in the corner of the room and look around the room. They laughed, chatted, and took photos. Everyone enjoyed the graduation party tonight.

Everyone tried their hardest to look their best. Even though numerous pairs of eyes mocked and laughed at me, I was pleased with my look.

I studied make-up for two weeks and experimented with several hairstyles for tonight’s event. I did it all because I didn’t know when I would be wearing dresses and high heels again.

I didn’t have any friend. So I never went to birthday parties. Even when my cousin turned 17, she didn’t invite me to her birthday party.

It was my first time wearing a dress, and I was so nervous to be in a room with thousands of people. I didn’t know what to do, and I had no appetite.

I smiled at my uncle; he sat on the chair in front of me after coming back from the bathroom. I was happy because my uncle, Logan, wants to come to accompany me. He ignored my aunt and cousin, who forbade him to go to this event.

Everyone brought their parents along. We were werewolves destined to live a long life. My parents died of a virus, and I would most certainly die from one as well.

My mother died when I was one month old, and my father died when I was six. Then I lived with my uncle and aunt and their daughter, who was one year older than me.

Even though I had no memories and didn't remember my mother, I could still remember and have many good memories with my father. My father said I should not forget my mother, who loved me so much.

‘Elettra.’ My wolf got sad whenever I remember my parents. ‘You have me.’

I smiled to get rid of the sadness that came.

Amber, Dahlia, and April were with the males, and I knew they were watching me, but they didn’t dare approach me since my uncle was with me.

Uncle Logan, a Gamma, although I didn’t know if he liked me or not, but at least he never yelled at me, gave me a sharp look, or showed an angry expression at me.

“Lots of good food. Why don’t you eat?” Logan ate roast beef and goose meat. I said I had no appetite, and my uncle just glanced at me.

Logan asked what I will do tomorrow. I was surprised that my uncle wanted to know about my life plan.

He informed me that my father had saved money for me and that my uncle had never paid for my school fees, and that the money was still there, so I could go to college if I wanted to.

“I never thought about going to college.” I stared out the car window. We were on our way home. “So I don’t know what major I will choose.”

“It’s okay if you want to work. I will give you the savings because you have graduated from high school. You can already manage your own money,” said Logan. “Maybe one day you’ll change your mind and be interested in going to college.”

“I’ll use the savings to buy clothes. I need a lot of clothes, bags, and shoes for work,” I said.

“Good, you use the money for useful things,” said Logan.

Uncle probably cares about me.

I gasped in surprise when I opened the house door; Aunt Eliana and Winona greeted me with a smile and hugged me tightly. I couldn't believe it; it felt like I was dreaming.

“Congratulations on your graduation,” said Eliana.

“I’m waiting for you at my college. You have to study at my campus.” Winona pulled my hand, and I couldn’t process what was happening. I asked my wolf to tell me if I was dreaming or not.

“We cooked all your favorite food.” Eliana and Winona said happily.

I sat down and stared at all the food on the dining table. I blinked my eyes several times. I didn’t expect them to surprise me.

“Thank you very much.” I wanted to cry. “You’ve troubled yourselves by cooking all this.”

“It’s okay. We love to cook,” said Eliana.

“Come on, eat. I will be sad if you don’t want to eat it.” Winona took a plate, spoon, fork, and knife for me. Then she placed the sweet beef steak onto the plate.

‘They’ve changed, Anna.’ I said to my wolf.

‘I hope they really have changed,’ said my wolf.

I ate with tears running down my cheeks because I was happy. I believe mom and dad were happy up there.

“How was the food? Did you like it?” asked Winona, who sat across from me. Curiosity radiated from her eyes and Aunt Eliana’s.

“Delicious. I like it.” I ate voraciously, maybe because I had no appetite at my graduation party.

I drank red wine. It was my first time drinking alcohol. So far, Winona didn’t want to share wine with me because it was expensive.

I held my spinning head, and my vision blurred. I shook my head to get rid of the dizziness.

I raised my head to look at Winona and aunt Eliana, they were talking to me, but I didn’t hear what they said.

Then gradually, I could only see black.

‘Elettra. Get up!’ My wolf voice echoes in my head. Slowly my eyes opened, and my forehead furrowed to see the white ceiling. If I remember correctly, the ceiling of my room is brown because it’s made of wood.

I sat up, and my eyes scanned this unfamiliar room. “Where am I?”

‘You passed out after drinking the wine,’ said my wolf.

“Ah, right,” I remember everything. I walked towards the window. I stopped pulling on the curtains to look at the door.

“You’re awake, Baby.”

My eyebrows are united. Who’s he? I backed up until my back was against the wall and was terrified because I couldn’t move my legs, which had suddenly become feeble.

My heart stopped beating for two seconds when the stranger hugged me tightly. “You are mine now.”

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