Chapter 4

Sky's POV

Upon hearing this, my jaw drops to the floor as if I am in complete disbelief. There is no way Greg Potter can be considered for the position of our new Alpha. We need a more qualified candidate. I move forward to protest, but Owen’s small hand pulls me back.

Rising from his seat, Greg Potter makes his way towards Uncle Morison.

“Thank you Morison.”

Uncle Morison retreats to his former position following the disclosure of the terrible news.

Greg Potter indulges in another puff of his cigar before addressing the matter. “I’d like to express my condolences to the children about the loss of their parents. It is extremely difficult to lose one’s family. As your new Alpha, it will be my top priority to ensure that no one else loses their family before it’s too late.”

The pack shows their appreciation with a standing ovation, while others applaud. Did they all forget what the day was supposed to be about? How quickly they forgot about my mother’s incredible generosity to each one of them. My mother was not any less of a person because my father abandoned and betrayed all of us.

“Calm down.” Owen speaks in hushed tones. “You’re growling.”

“I would like for all of us to have a moment of silence for the late Luna Eve.” Greg sighs and slumps his shoulders. The pack follows him.

He snaps his head up and claps his hands, drawing everyone’s attention. “Now, I would love if we could all gather at my house to celebrate my new position as your Alpha.”

Following that, the funeral of my mother was finished.


The sun beat down on the car as we made our way to the Potters' house for a celebratory picnic with Uncle Morison.

“I don’t see why we have to come.” My arms are folded across my chest.

“Because our Alpha invited us Sky, it would have been disrespectful not to come.” Uncle Morison elaborates.

“It’s not like he has shown any signs of respect today.” I murmur.

Owen takes my hand in his and smiles. “Everything’s going to be okay, Sky.”

As we walk through the front door and into the state of chaos that is this party, I nod. As Uncle Morison had some grown-up issues to discuss, he quickly separated himself from us. I lose Owen when he notices the dessert table, and I find myself standing alone against the wall, wishing I could go home. After a few moments had passed, I slowly opened my eyes and was immediately greeted by the sight of a pair of emerald eyes staring back at me.

I take a step back, collapsing against the wall I was already very close to. The boy laughs at me, which irritates me even more.

“Can I help you with something?” As I rub soothing circles on the bump, I ask him.

“Why were you just standing here with your eyes closed?” He puts his back against the wall. I recognize him as the boy who wouldn’t stop staring at me earlier.

He’s taller than me and has his mother’s soft features. His reddish brown hair falls across his brow, just touching his eyelashes enough that he doesn’t notice.

“I don’t want to be here.” I cross my arms across my chest once more, staring at him.

“So, why are you here?” He raises the stakes.

“I didn’t really have much say in the matter.”

“You could always go play with your friends.” He cracks a small smile. “Unless your only friend is your baby brother. And if that’s the case, which I believe it is, I think you should just grab a cupcake and walk home.”

I push off the wall and walk past him, passing my shoulder into him. I don’t, as he suggested, stop at the dessert table.

“See you around, Buttercup,” he shouts as I walk out the front door.

Unfortunately for me, Uncle Morison was outside on the front lawn talking with some of the men when he noticed me leaving the house. He quickly caught up with me and dragged me back inside, wrapping his arm around me so I couldn’t escape again.


I was seated at the table next to Uncle Morison and across from the emerald-eyed jerk after the part had died down a little. He has a smirk that I wish I could just claw off. The table quickly fills up with the rest of Alpha Greg’s family, Owen, and a new man and his wife I’d never seen before. I bring a forkful of macaroni salad from my plate to my nose before putting it in my mouth. It doesn’t smell like mom’s, and how can it be hers if she isn’t here to make it?

As I sniff the next bite, the emerald-eyed jerk looks at me suspiciously. I notice him bringing a forkful of his to his nose. Before eating it, he gives me a strange look.

I hear Owen’s laughter from down the table and crane my neck to see what he finds so amusing. He’s sitting next to one of the Alpha’s sons, and they’re both covered in ketchup and mustard.

I can’t help but laugh as I watch Owen run his burger across his face, properly coating it with ketchup before taking a big bite. The other boy follows suit, and they both laugh, spitting chewed-up meat as they have fun.

“Boys!” Greg, the Alpha, scolds. “Go clean yourselves up immediately.”

I find myself becoming enraged at the Alpha for yelling at Owen. A small growl escapes my chest, and my cheeks darken instantly. I take another bite of my food while covering my face with one of my hands.

The Alpha either doesn’t hear or ignores my growl, but he clears his throat. “Morison, I need to talk to you about the kids. If you could leave the table and finish your meal elsewhere, Sky.”

“No.” Everyone else at the table looks at me in surprise. Everyone except the little jerk appears amused. “If you’re going to be talking about me, I’m going to be here.”

“This is a matter for grownups.” He’s admonishing me. I’ll be in big trouble if I disrespect him again.

“I would really like to stay.” In a calmer tone, I say. “I can handle whatever you’re about to say.”

Uncle Morison’s face is pale as he looks at me. He’s concerned about my defiance. No one, especially a small year old girl, is supposed to challenge the Alpha.

“Fine.” Alpha says. Greg says with a sinister grin. A part of me believes he wanted me to stay, to defy him. He shifts his focus to Uncle Morison.

“Morison. As the previous Alpha’s third, I know it’s your turn to be my Beta.”

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