Chapter 5. Ex-Husband's Wedding Invitation

Lily stood beside her bedroom window overlooking the flower garden. Her eyes were bright as she looked around. There were many kinds of flowers that Sandy had planted in the garden. The house she was currently living in was the best house she had ever lived in. The last time she felt at home was when she lived with her mother and father a few years ago.

Lily's right hand trembled. She was holding a necklace given to her by her father that she still kept until now. It was a necklace with blue gems and a beautiful white gold chain, making it look luxurious when worn.

Lily had worn it on her wedding day one year ago.

Not wanting to be sad, Lily wore it again. Let the memories of Ryan and her father be buried deep in her head.

"Lily, let's have breakfast," Sandy called from the direction of the wide open bedroom door. Lily turned her head and nodded slowly. "Haven't gotten over your father yet?" asked Sandy, taking Lily by the hand.

"I have. I've gotten over him. You need to calm down."

The two walked to the dining room. Sandy had prepared a delicious breakfast with a variety of dishes that Lily loved. They ate quietly until Sandy's doorbell rang and soon someone called from outside.

Sandy stood up. She walked to open the front door after taking a quick peek through the small hole.

"Can I help you?" Sandy greeted her first.

"There's a letter from the court. I was told by Mr. Steve to deliver it to this house. I am a special officer." the man introduced himself.

"Well, thank you. I will tell Lily." Sandy received a large envelope from the bailiff. As she leafed through it, she remembered that Lily was waiting for the official divorce papers from the court.

"Who?" asked Lily, who had been curious.

"The court. It's an official letter, I think. Steve told the officer to come here." Sandy handed the brown envelope to Lily. She glimpsed a smile on her lips. "Are you happy?" she asked.

Lily nodded. "Although I'm still sad, but I have to accept it. It doesn't matter that I'm separated as long as I don't cry anymore."

Sandy rested her chin on the table with her right hand. She asked Lily again. "What did he do to you to make you cry? Tell me."

Lily chewed her food while thinking about the things Ryan had done to her. "Every day, he would keep telling me about his girlfriend. He would compare me to her and keep praising her. Once, he even showed off the kiss marks on his neck."

"Your father knew?" Lily shook her head. "Why don't you tell him?"

"I love him."

Sandy tapped her forehead. Her best friend was so naive, she only knew how to love but not how to be loved. "Lily, sometimes love can be devastating."

"I know."

Sandy rubbed Lily's arm, making her comfortable. "Forget about him. There are still many people who love you."

"Including you."

"Will you come with me to the cafe today? I'll make special jumbo pancakes for you," Sandy invited. Lily nodded. She was happiest when she saw the queue of customers at the café. The dizziness in her head instantly disappeared. "How's your boutique?"

"Someone is taking care of it. You can rest easy," Lily replied.

"Don't you have to see a doctor tomorrow to check your pregnancy?" asked Sandy as she cleared the table. Lily nodded. "I don't think Steve can drive you, so I'll do it. How about it?"

"Do you want to drive me?" Sandy nodded. "Okay. We'll go together."


Lily sat down near the counter. She doesn't do much, just clean up the leftover food and throw it to the back. Occasionally she would help the cashier if it was busy and she did it all with a happy face.

"Welcome to-" Lily was surprised to see a tall figure standing in front of her. "You're Scott?" she pointed.

"Yes, you still recognize me?" Lily nodded. "How are you?"

"Me? As you can see. Would you like to get a drink or something to eat?" asked Lily. Scott pointed to one of the menus on the wall. Lily also looked back. "Would you like a vanilla milkshake?"

"Yes, I usually buy that drink here."

Lily noted. "Then, anything else?"

"There is, I want to talk to you." Lily accepted Scott's invitation. They sat together at the end of the cafe where it was a little quiet.

"What do you want to talk about?" asked Lily curiously.

"Ryan is getting married. You know, as soon as he got the divorce papers he booked the wedding hall and the invitations." Scott reached into his pocket. He handed a gold-colored invitation letter to Lily. "This is for you. If you don't want to come, no problem."

"I will try to come. Thank you for the invitation." Lily received the invitation letter with a sad face. Ryan and Sarah's names were written on it.

"Lily, I regret not knowing about this a long time ago. I was too busy with my work to forget about you. Ryan is crazy, he dared to let go of a woman as good as you to get that woman. I can't wrap my head around the way he thinks." Scott cursed Ryan in front of Lily with great emotion. Lily just smiled sadly in response.

"He doesn't love me, Scott. What's the point of keeping it all together?"

"That's right, you're better off with another man who loves you more. Do you have one already?" Scott coaxed. Lily shook her head. "Is there any way we can-"

"Don't you already have a girlfriend?" asked Lily which finally confused Scott.

"I do, but I want to try to get close to you." Scott seduced her again.

Their conversation suddenly stopped. Sandy stood next to Scott and pointed at him. "You're Ryan's brother, right?" Scott turned his head. "What's the need for you to visit Lily?" he asked again.

"I just wanted to hand over Ryan's wedding invitation card. Why?"

Sandy snatched the invitation and read it. "Oh, that jerk is getting married? That's amazing. Lily, you just come with Steve and show off to the guests there."

Lily shook her head and said, "Steve is not a toy. Let it be, I'll come alone if possible."

Scott remembered that the Steve that Lily and her best friend were talking about was Steve, her ex-boyfriend before Lily married Ryan. Reportedly, he was also still waiting for Lily's status, who was still Ryan's wife at the time.

"The Steve who works at the law firm?" Scott asked. The two women in front of him turned their heads and nodded simultaneously.

"Do you know him?"

"Uhmm...I've met him once or twice when I went to his office. When I was taking care of the transfer of heirs." Scott remembered that he talked with Steve at that time. They even had lunch together. It was clear from the look on his face that he still loved Lily.

Scott looked worried. His plan to get close to Lily had to be hindered by other people. Even after officially separating from Ryan, there are still those who are eyeing her.

"Scott, did you think of something?" Lily asked.

"Ah, no. I'm just remembering something," Scott replied.

"What is it?"

"A secret."

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