Chapter 4. Pregnant

With her eyes opened, Tiana was at the hospital and yes, she was trying to confirm that as everything that was surrounding her was white. Her head was aching so much that she had to use her hands as support to hold it a bit backward as though it would ease the pain of something.

“What happened to me?” She muttered the first words out of her mouth after she had regained consciousness.

“Calm down Ms. Tiana and don’t move so much as it might not be good for your baby.” The nurse standing by her bedside said with a concerned face and tone.

“Baby?” She questioned, looking all confused and shocked.

“Yes, your baby, and your husband are equally here to see you.” The nurse added with a smile. The atmosphere was a confusing one and though Tiana knew that she was awake, she felt like she was in some trance that needed her to be fully awake some more. As she wondered when she got married, talk more about getting pregnant. She was in a serious dilemma but as she was about to ask another question, Lewis and the Dr. walked into her ward.

“Hey you, I am Dr. Bernard, and I am certain you must have already met nurse Pila, not so?” Dr. Bernard inquired and she nodded her head slowly, avoiding eye contact with Lewis.

“How are you feeling now? The doctor says you should have a lot of rest.” He went on.

“Please can I go back now, I need to work doctor.” Tiana told Dr. Bernard and from the look of things, he could tell there was a problem between them both.

“Yes, you may be discharged but you can’t go back to work now as you need a lot of rest and some fruits. Your pregnancy is a complicated one, so you need to be extra careful with the things that you do Ms. Tiana.”

“Okay, I have heard you.” She said, taking the sheet off her and attempting to get out of bed when Lewis stopped her with a concerned look, he told her to listen to the doctor, and not to prove to be a stubborn girl, but Tiana, felt irritated by his presence, She took off his hands, saying,

“You news not sermon me about these things, I can take care of myself.”

Dr. Bernard viewing that the atmosphere was not a pleasing one, told them to excuse him, and to have a serious talk too and when they were done, they could send for him, and he will be right back. Lewis was very okay with the idea, but Tiana, feeling like she was to be violated a second time, called out on the doctor, who acted as though he had not listened to her calling out for him as he went out with the nurse.

When Lewis, confirmed that they were all alone, Lewis, turned around and sitting before her, he looked at her straight in the eyes, and the fear, mixed with the pain that he could see in them, said a lot, and he was willing to know all about that, but first, he needed a straight forward answer from her.

“You are the lady I spent the night with a month ago, right?”

His question had left his lips, and Tiana gave him a sour look. She could not bear to look him in the eyes, and lie and all she was feeling inside of her, that time was resentment and disgust for the opportunistic person that was seating before her. Her whole mind was divided into different parts as questions popped up.

“Don’t tell him the truth, Tiana, he is a playboy and will ask you to abort it.” A part said, and before she could move her brims, another shot at her with a question,

“What if he sacks you from the job that can be your only source of income? He is the boss of the company where you work and now you can see that fate has played a bad game on you, right?”

Her head was going to explode, and her silence was very aching, but Lewis sat there looking at her and waiting for her to answer his question with a yes or no Tiana was so scared of what might happen after she gives her answer.

Going in circles and looking through the corridor to see whether she could catch sight of any staff, that works in Tiana’s department, Elodie was walking all around like some devil who had been free from hell, wondering what could have happened to Tiana to pass out on the day that the President was to come to the office.

“I have always known her to be a two-timing she-devil, but I could never have thought that she would have something like that in her mind,” Elodie spoke out with her fingers inside her mouth. To her, Tiana was not better than her, and for all the times that she acted like she was the naive type, they were all lies and she will never believe it.

It was not yet breaking time, but the willingness to discover everything about Tiana, made her stand there like a spy in action, waiting for vital information.

“Hey, Elodie, what are you peeping at?” Chris spoke out from behind, and how Elodie had tugged, showed that she was hiding something.

“Clark. Are you here? I thought you left with your boss?” Elodie inquired, wiping off the sweat on her forehead.

“I returned earlier than expected because I needed to take some things to Mr. Alvaro back at the hospital.” Craig let out.

Taking a deep gulp hanging in her inlet, she was still in a state of shock, with her mouth opening up with no words coming out of them.

“So the man to whom I sold Tiana that night, is the owner of this company?” Elodie questioned herself, but that was a hard pill to swallow as she could not tell what her, faith is would be.

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